MINUTES - Council - 19420526r----'"''~~-"~-"'""'·'-""'-"'-""'"'""'.'i··:. · :_:~-· ---~-• -•-~;L..:;;;_, •. ~,......,...,~"""=-~~-'~·'"'''-"'•=<>-""'''~~,o.e~~~•-'·';'-'-""'~"'''~~~c_,..~~-~-•~--•--•·-:O::;i;,_;:~-~---'-'.' ... ~L._,;.'---.--~--~·-•~~-·~~~··,••~:.,;..:;.~~'-r''-"~"''.._'·~~------"---1
The nineth meeting of the Aurora Council was held on Tuesday Evening
May 26-42 at 8,00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. MayorF,R,Underhill
occupied the chair and all members of Council were present.
Correspondence was read from the Townships of Whitchurch and King,
regarding Fire Protection for the above mentioned Townships and also
a letter from the Aurora Fire Departmrnt,requesting that the Mechanic's
Hall be again rented to them next .fall for a further series of dances.
Gunton•Sparks. That the cprrespondence be referred to the proper
Committee's to bring in a report at the next meeting of Council.
Sparks-Rowland, A Committee composed of the Mayor,Reeve,Councillors
Linton and Gunton be designated to locate a suitable acreage,of 15
or more acres for the disposal of the effluent from the Tannery and
report to Council at its next meeting.
Malloy-Gunton. That the truck of J,Bowser be purchased by the Town
for the sum of $400,00 and that the seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto,
Malloy-Cook. That the streets Committee be authorized to purchase
a Flexible Sewer Rod Equipment.Appromimate cost $125,00 and that the
seal of the Corporation be attached hereto,
Councillors Gunton and Cook gave a report to Council on the visit to
Aurora of Prof,MacLean to help the Committee in the search for addit-
ional water. The Committee feel that the suggestions of Prof MacLean
will be very helpful to them in their efforts to secure the much
needed extra supply of water.
Meeting adjourned at 11,15 P.M.on motion of Linton and Fisher,
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