MINUTES - Council - 19420202p-·-·· ___ ,;,__._~ .. ~M,;,.;..;.:.;,..,.__~~""":;;.idb_ ... ~"'".,.,; ........... ,...~ ..... .: __ ·1~~i:_~'"J:ii~~~~~ · · ~-· _ .. _·:_·]~~-' · :::::\~ ___ :..:_ ___ ·---·~-;LLL.~.-~--.. ;.. __ ,,.~---·· -~-----~"~j ~-, i" \ (\ 1942 The SECOJi[D meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on lil 0 nclay Evening, JJ"ebruary 2ncl, 1942, with the Mayor lhn the Chair and all l\£emb ers present, except Reeve },[alloy vrho we.s s.bs en t t'nrough illness. The minutes of the :preceeding meeting were read and a~>l>roved on motion of R.Li.nton, seconded by C.E.S:parks. LHTTOU,SPAP.KS. That an interim grant of ~)200.00 be made to t."fle Library :Board, anq_ the seal of the Corporation be attacheo. hereto. Carried. GUNTOlT,:B'ISIIER. That t."fle lifavy League b~ granted August l5th.as e. tEJ.g de.y. GUl,TTOlif,LilifTQH, Tlwt t."fle letter to the J!'immce Committee, with it is in order. C8 ,rried. respecting the late Chas.Lipsky, be referred power to pay the account if in their Ol>inion Carried. Corres1'ondence re making t.he Assessor a Jifer:1ber of the Assessors Association we<.s ree<.d and filed, same to be re-consi<lered when Assessor appointed. Ca,rriecJ .• A Committee was formed comprised of C .E"Sparks, A .lif .]'isher, snd :B' .Rovrlano., to act with the General Chairma.n of Ceremonials to be held in Aurora in connection with the se.cond Victory Loan. · The follovring accountr3 were passed. 1'hat the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orcJ.ers on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corroration be attached thereto. CORPORATIOJIT. Bell Phone Co. " II " II Trelco Limited 1!' .D .Lacey -,,v·.:;Jats.on Gray's Service B.F.:Oe.vis Y/il1ia.11lson 13ros. Vance & Co. J' .F.Willis B ljG .VJhi te1.aw :r .Goulo.ing Phone #65 ~135 ,~305 i¥,314 i'f326 Red Paint Sani·-Flush &c. Savrs shar;::..:ened Gas.&o. Coal (T.Hall) II II Dog ~Cags I-nk &c. Tickets &c. 8.73 4,63 2.50 2.50 4.00 3.83 1.33 1.75 20.53 29.50 29.50 8.66 1.63 4.82 5.00 I Jviunicipal World Ltd. Use of Car Copies of World 9.00 Carried SPARYS,FISHER. That the action of the Meyor in issuing orders on the Treasult!er for the payment of the follovring sums be, and t.he same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Js.n.3 6 10 17 13 22 24 L.Hodgins A.Higgins W .summers :r.Peters T.Collett w.:srome l\..:Bunn Postmaster L.Hodgins A.Higgins W .Stm11.11ers .J.Peters T .Collett AoeBunn " L.Hodgins .AGHiggins W .aStu.mners .J.Peters T .Collett Po s tx11a.s t er Hydro Electric A.:Bunn L.Hodgins .f\. ~Higgins Corp. 15.00 II 20.00 " 20.00 II 9.60 " 3.60 II 3.00 EcLo 24.00 Vifater\Yorks, Stamps 16.00 Corp. 15.00 II 20.00 " 20.00 II 10.80 " 2.40 E.L. 24.00 II 24.00 Corp. 15.00 " 20.00 " 20 .oo " 9.60 II . 4.80 II St2.mps 12.00 Power for Dec. 2680.48 1~ .L. 24.00 Corp. 15.00 " 20.00 -..... ~"--:·";;;':-.-:;:~ ,_ ~ . ! • 31 W .Smmers J.Peters ;n;.Hadgins A.Higgins W .Surm:ners . 2. Corp. II II II II I! II 20.00 6.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 6.00 4.80 J,J?eters •r .Collett A .:Bunn E~L" 24.00 Carried. COOK,GUNTOU, 'l'l:le.t the f ollowine; orclers on the Tres.surer for the be attached thereto. accounts be paid, that the ]i(EJ.yor issue sCJ.me, ancl that the ses,l of the Corporation WATERWOHKS. Bell Phone Co. Phone //12 Sunclo '1!ipers Dept. of Mines !.laps 3.80 18.00 2.00 Carried. FISI-IER,HOWLAND. That the followj_ng accounts be orders on the Treasurer for the sCJ.:me, and that J?,§!!id, ths.t the 1'Layor is;oue the seal of t-he Corporation be attached thereto. HELIEF. iviedical Assn, Town of Aurora }:irs.Grah?;m 4 X ,50 ]]].L G Rent 2.00 .81 7.70 4.00 4.80 9.60 ' B.F.Davis II Stiver Bros. GoF.Grinyer General Store F oV-l. Teasdale F.D.Ls.cey Johns Groceteria Dominion Stores Vf •• J ,]!:iercho,nt 11 J?uel II Ji'oo d II II II II II !Vieat 12.00 8~95 3.72 4.65 3.65 2.65 .72 F.I,Iorris 11 1.76 Carrie9 .• EltNTOH,:B'ISIJ:ER. Ths.t the following accounts be paid, that the 1\\ayor issue orders on the 'J"rea.surer for the sB.me, and tha.t the seal of the Ctplrporation be attached thereto. ELECTIUC L IGHT. Bell Phone Co. H·10ne i/240 2.50 Ferranti Electric Ste.ndard 1.60 Line & Cable Wire &c. 371.5 3 Carried. Hovecl by Dr.Gunton, seconded ·by A.l\r.Fisher, that the account of the Aurora General Store, re Atkinson l!"amily, be refer:o:-ed to the Relief InSIJector. Carried. The Treasurers compari ti ve statement ems discussed a.nd accepted by motion of C~E.Spa,rks and Dr.Gunton. Uovecl by H.Linton, seconded by l!".Hovrla.ml., that the Clerk insert a notice in the Local Paper, requesting all persons wishing trees trimmed or cut, to make application a.t once to the Clerk's Office in Viri ti.ng • .HO\YLAlifD,F:LSIJ:EB:._ Tl1at a :Local .Civil.ian ])efence Cormnittee be organized to be known as "The Aurora Civilian Defence Gormni ttee". 'l'hat the Ofgicers shall be as follows;-Chairman -Dr.G.A.C.Gunton Vice-Chairman -A.A.Cook _ Secretary -Eev .B. .K.Perdue Controller of Police Services -Chief Dunham n II Fire Services -Chief H.Jones 11 11 ]!Iedical Services -Dr.Williams (M.O.H.) 11 11 Publi.c Utili. ty Services -Hoss :Linton 11 11 TramJportation Services -Geo .Duffield. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Secretary of the Civilain Defence Connni ttee, Parliament :Buildings, Toronto, in conformity with l'a.rt j,l2, Section 3, _of the Ontario Provincial Organization ·a.ncl-Instruotion Ha.nual.-- SPJ' •. cl.KS,ROV!Lli.HD. That oJ.l requests for grants or lJefore the 25th.day of Februa.l'Y JJ'lext, and request be entertained. . Caqied. ·be placed with the Clerk on that after vrhich date no such Co,rried,; SPARKS, :E'ISHEH. ·,·;herea.s complaints re the large sa.lvae;e box being on from several Ta.::qJa.yers have been re.ceived t-he street in front of the Past Office·· " .-u,-, ''"''. . -.• , .·.:.:,;: •:•;· ;::::~-;:-: -• --------.: :.;,.-· > -, . r---~--.~~""'"'"'"""~ilJiii~~~~;~~;jlL~L-~"::~::-'-'-~'-'~ :::_-."-.._/ . I L-·-···- 3. be it resolved "That -l'le Streets. Committee be 8 .. sked to report EJ.t the next r11e~ meeting of thlils Council as to s .. more suitable place for the disposition of ! " c . d salvage. arr~e • ·sPA:R.KS,RG'ilLAl'TD. That a Committee composed of t11o T'La.yQJr 2.nc'L the Reeve l)e empoYrered. to purchase a new uniform for the Assistemt I'olice, and two pairs of trov;sers for the Chief of Police, sDd the seal of the Corporation be attached t.o this resolution. Carried. Sl'ARKS,LIJTTOlT. That this [Jouncil expresr3 it 1 s regrets at the inability of J.i.eeve Hal loy to be :Dresen t at to-night 1 s meeting of Council, as he is confined_ to his bed with "Flu", EJ.ncJ. vrish him a speedy recovery, and that a copy of this resolution ·be forHarcled to lir.IXoJ.lo:r by the Clerk. Carried. GTJWI'Ol'f,LIJ5!'TON. That this Counoi.l a;n>rove of' the recommendation of the Board of lietdth to hold a series of -l'lree Clini.cs for toxoiding for Scarlet Fevel'• That the fee be. paid by the parents or J.XJ.tients of these toxoids. ~Ch.at the Clinics be voluntary on the part of the patients. ~Chat all the Thysicians take part in the Clintcs under the directton of the ll,L,Oo'Ho ··ca:cried. FISHER,GUl;rTOlTOJ That we ])ay lifr.Goulding ~ii28.00 per v1eek as a regular salary, this to include Poli.ce Dut,ies 1 . duties e.t rink ancl all other I'l:'unici1Jal duties. :::.ndt the seal of 't..l-J.e Corpo:cs:cion be attached thereto. ElE>rl:' Car:·ied. GUJ:TTOJ:T,RO'."tLAHDo That the sale..ry of the Clerk, .}\.ir~J.tQC • .:-.(11\;Iillis, be ~;i25t~OO, that the seal of the CorlJOration lJe attachecl hereto"' Ca:criecL. LI2:TTOE,FISI-IERG Tr .. at I_~eo HoBgins. salo.ry "be incroas0cl to e.17 Ql50 per week~ and ths.t the seal of the Corporc.t.ion l:Jo attached hereto. Carriec:l. }'.'Leeting adjourned on motion of H"'Linto:n f!. .. ~ F~;R0'.7land~ at 12.15 A~:\1£.. ~ L:LJ!_ ·~··---- -~r·<"")·-.:.ror .L~h.) OJ '