MINUTES - Council - 19420211'" . .. ~~="'"""'~-'*-'"·-~~.:. .. ~ . ..: •. ..:~~-·~--··-.....:...-·..:..-·--·~·.:.:::....i~£:::.:.~.~~-"""""'";,.w;~~n....._ ... ~""'"~ .. ..:""""""~"'"""'·"'"""'~"~-~·:~::.:,:i._ __ .• _·_·._.·_·. -·---'-~-------,;,...~i;~;L; ... -. ... -~ ...... ¥o..-.. .... ~,.,.._:,....:...-______ ~--~
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The THIHD meeting of the Councj_l was held i.n the Council Ch2.mbers on
\iectnesciay :evening, J:!'ebruary 11th. at 8,30, 'l'he j:Je,yor presided with
·Deputy Reeve Sparks 7 and Councillors HvLinton:t Geli.."C~Gunton!l I11 .Rowland,
AGUeJ?isher, and AeAo0ook 1 in atte.nde.:ace.o Also present were DreG&\IG
Williams Jvi.O.H., 2nd :c,Jtr,P.M.Thom:>;Json, liiembers of the Board of Health.
Dr ,1.\'illi8Jl1S outlined the views of the Boecrd of Health recarding the
toxoid)_ng of the school chi.ldren.
SPAHKS,LIHTOlf, That this Council alJprolJe of and accept the terms of
Agreement 8.s set forth by the Doctors of the Town through the U.O.H.
re the toxoidj_nz of pupils ar patients for scarlet fever, making
applica.ti.on therefor. Carried.
l'TOTIIlT.E OF ]JIOTIQlf, Hoti.ce is herelJy zi ven of intention to bring in a
motion t..ha t this. Council fulfills its obligations 8.S set :feP<fifi out
in C!.la.}Jter 300, R~S .. Ool937" Sj_gned G~A<lC"GUH~CON~
lieetinz adjourned on motion of H.J.,inton and :&'.Rowland e,t 10 P.J\1,
,_,., ..