MINUTES - Council - 19411201.,·;.,.;.;,' --'-M"'-·~_;~~~__._.~--.• ~J;::~;:·L.;:,;.._,...""~-.:.:_. ~~~LLL.;.;i ;· ·-:::::lLl;_~~-~ .. ~~,;.m~,~y.. ;:: :: ::::: "~-~::~-~:~·u.--~~-'~·'-'-"-Jl2~~~'"~~-"<~~~-~-....... -- "' [7 UG I . L..~ r·\-j ! ! I J I I. The EIGH.TEE:LITTH meeting of the Ccwunc:il was held in the Council Chambers on Mqnde.y Evening, December lst.,l941, with the Mayor in the Chair, and all Member1:1 present. The minutes of the seventeenth meeting were a.ccepted as printed. The following a.ccoun'Gs were paid;- SPARKS,ROWLAlm• Tha.t the following accounts b·e paid, that the Mayor issue g;J;"(I.E!r~ qn ,tl),e.Treaahrer far the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be a. ttached. hereto • CQRPORA.TlOlil.. Bell P.h.one Co • II " II ]' .R.Delahaye Vi .A..Galbra.i th G ~9aborne ':):'aylar & Son E;D.Glass .r.c.Thomson .T .~.Buchanan Ough.& Son Q.Brett . .,!\.urora Hardware ~ .D .Lac.ey Veterans sundry Express,Freight :[.Goulding FoDunham Beare's Ltd. Dept.of Health County of York Phone #65 #135 . #305 #314 Repairs G:a.s &c • Battery charger Battery Snow fence Gas. Gravel & Sand RepairS. Saws sharpened Broom &l!re Brooms &c.(Arena) Wreath &q. Use of car Outside trips ~al.on ledger sheets Insulin Hospitalizarion 6~89~ 3e62S 2.50<: 2:5os l0e85S 18.20" 5 .oo,; 16.00S 50 .4os 24e35S 66.15~ 3 ~25~ 1.10" 1.55; 2.23, lo.oos 2;70S 4.oo5 6. 00" 9 .OOi 4.16,; 8.49SCarried. SPARKS,RO\~D. That the action of the Mayor in Treasurer for.the payment of the following sums confirmed, ancl ·that the seal of the Corporation issuing orders on the Nov.l L.Hodgins Corp. M.Robinson " A.Higgins ~ WoSummerS II J.Peters n M.Buker Waterworks A .Bunn E .L. be, and the same is ·hereby be attached thereto. 15~00, 13 ;oo,. 16 ~so., 16~80s 13~2QS 8~50" 4 8 Postmaster Stamps, E.L. 24;oo'· 17;oo" 24.00" A~uM E~. M.Buker Waterworlj:s A.Higgins Corp. W .Stunmers u L.Hodgins 11 M.Robinson 11 .T.Peters 11 15 A.Higgins " W .summers " L .Hodgins •t M.Robinson 11 .T~Peters 11 A-.sunn E.L. 22 A.Buiin •t Hydro Electric Power ll?ower for A.Higgins· Corp. W .S\.Ulllners II L.Hodgins II M.Robinson " .T.Peters It 29 A.Higgins 11 W .summers · " .L.Hodgins II M.Robinson II -;--:';•,;""''f(\Y.'''· ""';'CO-.,-'_.,-•~---•~.,~,~-~·-o•,.,-; ---o.-,c~;-~·t.-:. -,~~-~-;~~.-_-----.'-c;---,.,,,, Oct • 6. OO:i 20 ;oo·; 20 ~00'· 15 .oos· 13.QOS 13~20~ 20. 00-; 20~00Si 15.00" 13.00'· 13.20" 24.00"i 24.00" 2706.19':1 20 .oo; 20 ~00' 15 .oo>- 13.oos 13.20'£ 20~00S 20 .oo, 15 .o<f' 13.oo"' ·.··~ ~--'-----'-·~~~*-~"--'"~'""'~_,;,.,._.;... ::·:;:.:;~--~~-"-~-'-~y~~~; . .:.:.:_..:~;,;;..;.,....,~--···f , ire·~· ", ,; ~;., :.·::·:·:,~·:;·. =·- "•)'?-)l ' t & -t~ '- 2. J.l'eters A.Bunn County Treasurer Corp. E.L. Hospital A/C recovered l3.20> 24.00; 20ol3 Carried. COOK, LIDWLAND. That the following accounts be :paid, :!lhat the Mayor·issue ol!l'd.era on_ i:;he Trea.surer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporatj.on b.e attached hereto. WAnJRWORKS.. Bell Phone Co. F.R.Del.ahaye J.C.Thomson(Shell) Factory Equipment· Ough & Son Can.Brass Nat.Iron Corporation Hankin & Co. Sundry Freight & Truck Phone /rl2 Repairs Gas & Oil Screws & Nuts Shellac &c. Packing &c. Pipe Repair meter charges 3.85" 4.50~ 12 .45'0 2 .59'' 1.00'; 46.31Jc 24.00' 39 .50'' 8.55 Carried. FISHER,GUNTON. 'l'hat the following accounts be :paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. B.F.Davis Mrs.Graham Town of Aurora. G.F.Grinyer Johns Groceteria Cousins Dairy " Stiver Bros. B.F.Davis F .w. T.eas dale F.D.Lacey W.J.Merchant Dominion Stores J .R .Knowles 4 :X: .50 Rent II Electric Light Food II Milk " Fuel II Food II Meat Food Meat (Oct.) (Nov.) 2~00 4.00'=' 7 .70"> .81'§ 12 .cos 3. 65'5 o66j .66~ 4~80$ 4~80" 5~295 2~65S .805 3~ oo~> • 7 2" CarriecJ .• LINT<Illi,FISHERo That the following accounts be :paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. -ELEC'!RIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co • F.R.Delahaye Line & Cable II Sundry Express & Phone #240(2 months) Repairs Cable Wire &c. Truck cfl.arges 7 ~42 9 1.50' 202.00 5 . l04.75.' 3.30 Carried. LINTIDN,SPARKS. Tha.t :policy #7085, Anglo Scottish, Public Liability and Property damage, be increased to read $lo,ooo.oo and $2o,ooo.oo, and #2000.00 instead of the present $5,000.00 and $lo,ooo.oo and ~~1,000.00. Carried. SPARKS,Lil'iTOH. '.l!hat the Insurance Policies be renewed as :per revised, and the Tree.surer be authorize<i to :pay the :premiums as they become due, and the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried. GUNTON,~LOY. That the Fire __ Brigade request be granted, namely;- $300 .CO"' annJ.tal grant, $25 .co'-> Fire Truck Ivie~hani~, and one half of the out of ~ fee~, and tha_t the seal of the Cor:porahon be attached thereto. · -Carried. The letter received for R.Armitage in connection vrith :previous· ta:x:es,was read and ordered filed._ -- LINTON,SPAEKs. As far as it may be within its :powers to do so, this Council approves of the termination of the present power agreement between the Town of Aurora and the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, on April 1st, 1943, and that it also agrees in so far as it may be within its powers to do 1!1 so, to submit to the Ratepayers of Aurora a standard Hy<iro By-law to take power from the Commission on a "cost" basis on and after the termination of the present agreement at April ls:t, 1943. This action is :prompted , due to the fact that th~ Hydro Co · . mra~ss~on ''1 r~.c..-. ._ .. -·--...,.~,.~_... .. --·--....-.. ...... ~~~··---'-""'--·-·-· ~'--'-'----""'-'""-"-=--~· ~-<<"'"-'-"~~-~·-· ~· ---··~~.....:...~ •. --..... ... ;.;~w.;..u..;..._.:...,...~ ... .._~""''"""''' __ . -·---· -· --~..::.:... .• ~·-n \_/ \ ! 3 feel that they cannot continue to supply power to the Town of Aurora at less than cosr af'ter the expiration of the preaent contract. Copy of ab-ove to be sent to :tryJ!ro Commission. Carried. SPARKS,LUfTON. That the Treasurers lVIonthly Statement be received_ and adopted. . .. . .. . -. .. Carried. Report of the Property Comi ttee. _!J.rrangements have been made with Taylor Gare,ge permitt:Lng the Tqvm to erect a Christmas Tree on their property for the duaation of the holiday season. This should be decorated with suitable lighta. To obta.in the tree we would have to send a truck for same. LINTON,SPARKS· Town Employees will get the tree and set up. Carried. Repairs: to.Rink. We find the floors in two of the Dressing Rooms in very bad condition. These s.hould be covered with 3rd.grade Maple as soon a.s possible ·so as floor can be oiled before the season opens. Ivir.Goulding and his men will :proceed with the work as soon as the lumber is obtained. SPl\itKS,FISHER. In view of the representations presented by the Property Committee re the.floors in the Ladies Dressing Rooms in the Arena, the report be adopted and the Tovm Employees be instructed to lay the floolll' as soon as possible. Carried. Repairs to Mechanics Hall. We find that the roof over small shed protecting door on East Side needs to be re-covered. Also a storm door made for same door to :protect To:i,lets from freezing. The old :panel door is split and in very bad condition. Very little ma ter.ial needed. Mr .Gouldililg and his men will do this work. . Signed F.A.Rowland, A.N.Fisher. LINTON.FISHER. ~at the report be e.dopted and .w()rk started. at once. Carried. MAL:LoY,COOK. That the Police Chief's Report be adopted, and that he be c()mplimented on aame. Carried. Dr.Gunton presented the report of Scoutmaster Committee. Sale of tickets for entertainment by Aurora Boys Band and other talent in aid of the Aurora Red Cross. The ]'irst 1\.urora. Boy S.couts beg to report the sale of 114 tickets and tender to Coupcil the purchase price of $28.50 i/> MALLOY,COOK. That this Council acknowledge receipt of l~28.50 for. sale olfl: tickets by Aurora Boy Scout Troop for entaJe:l:aunment by Aurora Boys Band. That per agreement $5.70 be paid to the Aurora Boy Scout .. Troop for sale of tickets. _ Carried. 1\l:ALLOY,GUlifTON. That the Aurora Ladies Badminton Blub be gran ted the use of the M13chanics Hall each Monday afternoon, $1.00 when used. That the Aurora Mens Badminton Club be .granted the use of the Mechanics Hall l!lach Wedneaday night. $1.25 whep used. Carried. Report of Fire Committee. Agreement with King and Whitchurch Townships. 'Whereas the Muni~ipality of the Tovm of Aurora is supplying l!,ire S:ervice to certain areas within the Iviunicipalities of King and Whirchurch at a call rate below coat. And whereas; the Representatives of the Tovmships of Whitchurch and King were invited to attend a joint meeting with the Fire Committee of the Town of Aurora. on Wednesday November l9th.l941, to discuss ways and means of arriving at an amicabJLe settlement of the question. And whereas no Repres- entatives from either l\/Iunicipal;ity attended as promised, after a lapse of two hours. Be it therefore resolved that this Committee recommend to the Council of the Town of Aurora that the Fire Equipment be not allowed to attend any :fires outside the Municipality until such time as equitable arrangements can be made with any Municipality wishing fire protection. And we further recommend that one month notice be given each :M:tmicipality of Ol:tr intentions. We further recommend that if the aforesaid Municipalities are vrilling to discuss the qwestion at a joint meeting in Aurora to be called in the near :future, that the Provincial Fire Marshall be invited to speak to such a meeting and advise us a.s to the most suitable solution to the problem. Signed, Dr.Guntori,C.E.S:parks, c.Malloy. SPARKS.COOKo That the Fire Committee report be placed on file for the incoming Council. GUNTON,!UALLOY • .1\.mendment tpat the report be adopted as read. The amendment wa.s voted on and did not carry. The original motion was put to a recorded vote by request of Dr.Gunton with the following resU:l t, Nays: ,Underhill, Linton Hun1ton, l\/Ialloy. Yea.s, Fisher., Cook, ~,- -·.-... .. ( __ ,J ' . '1 /r-_'"'-..., ' \ \ ; '...__.,__./ .. ( --:;:.'·:;:, ·· ··.· ... ;·. · : .. :::•.,. · -~~~""-~~~~~j~~:-;.·_:;..~-~-.......:....:.. .. _,.:..........:~;,:;E~ ..... """..._"""_.,~-·~~--2~ 4 Rowland, 3parks. Not carried. Councillor Cook presented report of Waterworks Committee. LINTON,SPARKs:o 12.00 P.M. That this Council continue the busineas. of moment. . Carried. SPARKS,Lil'fTONo 1. That, on the apPlication of William E.Griffith for an aPPOrtionment of the arrears of taxes and current 1941 taxes and rates against against Lots 16 and 17 according to Plan 120, for the Town of Aurora, the said a.rrears of taxes and rates against, tp.e aaid lands be and they are hereby apportioned as follows: fii_t_ears of taxes 1941 Taxes Total West 12' of Lots 16 & 17, Plan 120 -::-$.[9.32 $ 1.36 ~?20.68 East 55' of West 67' of Lots 16 & 17 82.11 5.78 87.89 Balance of Lots 16 & 17 Plan 120 194.06 13.66 207.72 2. That the .. Clerk and Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized and directed to make such.recora in. the proper books of the Corporation as shall effect the apportionment afores&ad. 3. Tb:at, upon payment of the taxes and rates or of any part of same, as apportioned on the said respective parcels of lands, such payment, if in full, shall be a full and complete satisfaction of the arrears and current year's taxes and rates against the respective parcel or parcels on which such payment is made, and such payment, if in part, shall be a payment on account of the arrears or current year's taxes against the respective parcel or parcels on which such payment ill made. Carried. SP.ARKS,ROWLAND. That leave be granted to introduce B-law for nominatlilon amd election. Carried. The By-law was then given its three readings and passed. Adj,ournment was made at 12.20 A.M. and a further meeting arranged for on Monday December 8th. at 8 O'clock. -, -~ , . I . :cJ 1\fayor. .. ·-:··i··'·:-"•'•' '·'''.''··;' , .. _,. 1