MINUTES - Council - 19411215. I"'·. '~ \ _i .,; 1941. The TWENTIETH(Final) meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday December 15th.,l94l, with the Mayor lim the Chair and all Members presen.t except Councillor Rowland. The minutes of the eighteenth arid nineteenth meetings were adopted on motion of C.E.Sparks & A.A.Cook. SFABKS,LilifTON. Tha.t the following accounts be paid, that the Iii;3.yor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Cmrporation be attached hereto. CORPORATION. Bell'Phone Co. Phone #65 II 1#135 II //305 " #314 T .& .Y.Roads lll:Oilll1lo Salt j .Morning & Son Gas &c.(l940) II II (1941) E.Glass Snow femce Aurora Building Co. ·Pipe &c. Stiver Bros. · Coal (T.Hall) Williamson Bros. 11 (lvi.He.ll) Banner Freas Printing &c •. F.Dunham Outside trips W .A.Galbra:Lth Repairs 7.35 3.59 2.50 2.50 48.00 16.93 11.88 8.00 25.18 29.30 29.50 285~69 1o;oo 5.50 Carried. COOK,]/J:ALLOY. That the following orders on the Treasurer for the ancounts be paid, that the ]!JB.yor issue same, and that ·ifue seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATERVfORKS • Bell Phone Co. Phone #12 Aurora Building Co. Drills $c. j .Iviorning & Son Gas( 1940) E .a ?Mingay, Car te;g:e 3.80 2.08 9.63 ,go carried. LDITON,FISHER. 1'he.t the following accounts be paid, tha.t the Mayor issue orders on the Treashrer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be atte;ched hereto. ELECTF(IC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co. T.K.Fice Banner Press Phone //240 Fittings &c. Power bill.s 2.50 8.17 8.37 Carried. l!!r.F.M.Thompson, llfunager of the Aurora Boys Band, attended Council to express his apprecia.tmon on behalf of the Band, for the co-operation of the Council during the year, and to present a photo of the Boys Band to be hung: in the Council Chamber. GUl\fTON ,FISHER. That we, as a Council, appreciate very deeply the thought of the Boys Band in presenting a picture of their organization to the Corp- oration of thEl Town of Aurora. ·Carried. Reeve lVJalloy then presented a photo of the Aurora Fire Brig~;>,de, taken in the year 1938, ti be hung in the Council Chambers • GUNTON,FISHER· That the presentation of a picture of the Firemen by Reeve Iil:alloy to. the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, is hereby acknowledged a.nd deeply appreciated by the Council. Carried. ·-"" ,__,=-......,.,_-~_,.=..,.~-------- Fire Chief j 0 nes presented his report for the year 1941. This was read.in -----., detail by Dr .Gunton, Chairman of the Fire Committee. '· Moved by Dr .Gun:ton, seconded by R.Linton that the report be adopted, and the l\fayor complement the Chief and the Brige"de for the year's repo:t:t. . Col"responden_c.:::ce-::f~r-o-m--:t-:h-e-:F=-ry-d-r-o-:""'",""1-e-c_,t-r-:i-c-C-:-o.-n.::w:...-,-a-n-d~~t'""h=e-:T~oro~ ReadS·-....... , .. ~-j Co!lll11J. was read and ordered filed .• Ca.ptain Dr.Boulding, MO.H.fcr Aurora, attended the meeting to ask leave of absence during his term of Active Service in the Canadian Forces. He also complimented the Council for the good work accomplished during the yea.r, and wished for them an e.cclamation at the coming election& GUnNTOlif ,FISHER. That leave of absence be granted to Dr.Xoulding as M.O.H. for the Town of Aurora on the understanding that he will continue to act as M.O.H.until an acting M.O.H.is appointed as suggested in his letter of Dec.l2th., emllr that such leave of absence continue until he returns from 'c_-,-. ---;---.---;-;:--;-· -~:--;.:-;--~-:-;~;';~;_-,. ··-'·'··· -_-:-:;-:.~~--:--:--:----:-;~---~~ :":~·,.,--c·-·----~-··"\""'------,-~ .... -.--.-. +;~,.,....---·--•-..,----··~-----· ' j "" ./ I i ~ i \ r -~ L. ., F .... ( I / I I ' 'l __ _ 2 active service and he resumes private practice in the Town of Aurora. Carried. MALLOY,GUNTON. That the Clerk be authorized to of Ca.l.cium Chlori<le for the Corporation of the sea~ of the ~orporation be attached hereto. purchase the necessary supply Tllrvm of Aurora, That the -Carried. SP.ARiiS,LINT01T. That J.Gouldling be granted an additional am1ount of $3.00 per week duringbthe Winter Season,Deo.l5th.l94l to March 3lst.1942,for services at the Rink.· Cal'ried. ];tALLOY,COOK. That Andrew Closs be appointed to sell tickets at the Arena for the skating season and that he be paid the sum of $1.00 per nigl1_t.Carried. GUlifT01T,JiiCALLOY. Tha.t this Council express to the Aurora Fire Brigade their whole hearted appreciatliton of the Firemen's unselfish loyalty to their duty to the Town, and also their magnificent contributions th the Brittsh Fire .Fighters Relief Fund on several occasions during the past year. Carried. GUJITTOl'f,FISEER. That. the Clerk be authorized to call for tenders for the Booth at the Arena. Carried. LDTTOJ\T,SPARKS. T.hat the Clerk be authorized to collect the Pool Room License fee at the rate of $45.00 for the year 1941, and that this Council recommends that the incoming Council amend the By-law #872 to cover same. Carried. The Trea.surers FinanciiU Statement was presented by the Tree.surer ,ll<!r. Willis, and discussedat length. JilALLOY,COOK. Tha,t the Treasurer's report be adopted as read, that the sta.tutor:>r numbei;i of copies of the Annual Statement be printed for distrib- J!:tion among the Ratepayers, and that th.e seal of the Corporation be a.ttached hereto. . Carried. The I\[a;yor then expressed his thanks for the co-operation of all :h:[embers of the Council, and wished tham all good wishes for the Christmas Season. The other Members were called upon far a wo!dd or two, and all responded wlil th the same note of appreciation. The minutes of this meeting were read and approved. Council then adjourned at 11.15 P.M., to remain innoffice until the new Council is elected. -~-~~:-.1 1\i!ayor.