MINUTES - Council - 19420317( / -\ .· ........__"_/ f -, '-------- l()/1') ----·....:.~" '.rr~e l?IFTH meeti.ne of the Council for -the yeal' 19Li2, was held in the Council .Oha:abers on Tv.esc].ay EYeni:oc, J'la:cch J~?tha VI1 th tl'J_e ~..,··c2.yor o ccupyinc; ihe Chair;~ Reeve }:~alloy, Councillors Hollin ton~ G ~.A ~CaGun ton;; a,nd .. \ .• JJ .}?isher presente LIJ:TTOH, JfiSliEB.~~~ J~hat leave be cran ted to :Ln trocluce a B:,r-le,v.r fOl'' 1ic ens ins and govern ins: all owners and opera. tors of te..xi ce,bs. ~ehe By-lavr 'Has then giv-en it's three readj_n(::s gncl :ra.ssedE' J:.. .. Li_-. e \I ...B, __ :Redfern the 'Jlo\711 'f,ingiheer, 1-..-Tr" .Job...11 Bows_er o.f t.he Aurora Builcl.ing Coo!) e.nd }ii~~:> ~VTes t of tb.e CID11is I)ee.tl1.e:r. Co~ vrere :Ln 2-:ttenCtance e,t the meeting to ,,.,SOl'~~ tlJe ''ro"J "'"" O"~ l·"o<rinrr th" <-ror~i on o~ '-h, 'i'O"'n "'e•·•l"'r r'1n11inrr t"'rou"'h '-"'-.1. .t.;:l.•-~ .• . ..:-' i,J ~'"'-u. -~.. •t. _ u ---'-'" u ..:..J t...... .L '-'---·"" _, ''·. v ., "" '-'· . -._u .t~. -o~ the Collis pro}Jerty, o.nd whi.ch is sitllated directJ_y under the proposed new builcline; v.rhich is being erected by the Collis J~eather Co~ I_.IJ:1 ~rOH::-GlJ}TTON ~ 1~he,t the rJ'O\Yll of ./iurora, in conjunction ~.T~-th the CoJ.liz I·eather Co~~ cont:~·a.ct tvj_th a competent Contractor to move the present sewer crossing the ColJ_is pro:r>ert~y, from JTorth to South, :further to the 1cio.st so that it would_ not interfere ;;rit~~ the new acldition to be bv.i.lt by Colliro, 'L'ha t the 'rown Yrill pay 505'; of the oost. providing a contro.ct can be arranged for 0650.00 or less. Carried. 1\I!l..LLOY,I~IHT01Tf) ~rhat the ..-\.urora Builclinz CoQ be paid three clolla.rs pey lo~-\d. for reraovi.nz the y,rc.ste of the Dlspose.,l Plant to r.rhat the seal of the Cor1101:ation be attached hereto. Carried'~ 1-.ieeting o.djourned at 10.50 on !!lotion of I,inton o.nd :t'isher. }Tayor" ··•