MINUTES - Council - 19420112~ •A ~-. 0 .,, \ . --~'"' (''·"· 1942 The inaugural meeting of the Aurora. Town Council was held in the Council Chambers an Monday IVIarning,January 12th.,l942, at 11 o'clock. The following ]![embers were present and subscribed to the Oa.th of' Office -lviayor F.R.Unr1erhill, Reeve C.A.Malloy, Del'uty-Reeve C.E.Sl'arks, Councilltilrs H.Lintan,G.A.C.Guntan, A.JIT.Fisher, A.A.Coak,& F.Rawlancl. The Clerk declared the Council :pro:perly constituted and the Mayor ca.1J.ed upon Rev.R.A.Park to invoke the Divine Blessing. I'layar Underhill then a.ddressed the meeting, after which the following were ca.lled upon to speak;-Reeve C .Ua.lloy, Depu ty-Heeve C .E .sparks, .and Councillors R.Lintan, Dr.Gunton,A.N.Fisher,A.A.Cook, & J!,red.Howland. Other Speakers called upon were Ex/l'!Iayor Vial tan, Ex-lilcwor Captain C .H. .:Bauli:ling, ,Dr. Thlliams as · Chairman of the High School Boe.rd, Rev.:R.K.Perdue, M,Hillbol!)n the Municipa.l Auditor, and Tov>rn Solicitor :L.C.Lee. '!.'he following accounts were then. passed. CTha.t the fallowing accounts be paid, that the lvit;yor issue orders on the Treasurer for the se.me, and that the seal of the Corporation be a.ttached hereto. CORPOllii.TION. Ough & Son Cord &a. 2•40 SPARKS LINTON. " Bo~ts &:• 2.08 ' Tollet .l:'a.per .55 C"anadian Indus tries CJ:lorid~J .o 20.81 Jvt.Graham . '!luw.•·•e;g-Srlov1 !LOV/ir/q 13.30 VJ .,J" .Cosgrchve Cjanding Streets 5.00 Aurora Building Co. Nails &c. 5.40 Waite's Service Grease 4.75 Dorr Co. Pump Re11c1.irs 20 .14 J .L .Gedo.es Gas &c. 21.30 Attridge & Son ·Lumber 89.61 J .Black Ha.uling snow 6. 00 Sundry Pas tage &c. 5 .19 B.J!,,Davis Coal ((T.Ha11) 29.50 Stiver Bros. " lv!.Rall) 28;45 J .GoulcUng Use of Car 4. 00 V/.:H.Taylor JJ.C.Clerk 20.00 H.:E:.Teasdale Bailiff 20.00 County of York Hospitalization 1.75 F.Dunham [)utside tripe!. 8.00 ~ SPARY.StROW:LAlifD. Filing of Vital Statistics 21.25 Carried. \.._,;;> That the a.ction of the Iviayor i.n issuing orders on the Treasurer for the pa.yment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Cc·rporati.on be attached thereto. Dec.2 Postmaster Postage, Corp. 6 L.Hodgins Corp. 13 20 27 M.Robinson 11 A.Higgins " \V eSununers. " .T .Peters 11 A.Bunn Postmaster A .Bunn L.Hodgins A.Higgins w.summers J.Peters L.Hodgins A.Higgins w.suramers J.Peters T.Collett Hydro Electric A .Bunn II L.Hodgins A.Higgins w.summers I1i &L • II II Corp. II II II II II " II It (Postage) Power for Hov. J.n .r..~. " Corp. Waterworks II 17.oo" 15.00 13.00 20.00 20.00 13.20 24.00'' 17 .oo> 24.00' 15.00 20.00 20.00 13.20 15.00 20.00 20 .oo 13.20 4.80 2724.04" 24.00 24.00' 15.00 20 .oo; 20.00~'Carried ll'OOK,RO'NLAND. That the following orders on the Tres.surer for the accounts be paid, tha.t the Mayor issue same, and that the seal of the Corporation (' \ ___ ~. /' \ he e,ttached hereto. WATE.I:\Ii[ORKS • 24B Ough & Son Fact~ny Eq~ipment Grease 1.00 Boring .76 tl Machining 1.08 ¢ .• Cartage 2.50 Carried. i E • C ,JJ!iingay :B'lSHER ,GUN"TON. ~.'hat the following accounts he orcLers on the Treasurer for the same, ancl that pa,id, that the Mayor issue the seal of the Corporation be atts.ched hereto. REl.IE]'. Medical Assn. 4 X o50 2.00 -----B.F.Davis Rent 4.00 lvTrs. Graham 11 7. 7 0 Tov<m of Aurora ID.L.& Wa.ter 1.81 Cousi.ns Dairies IviUk. ,99 Aurora Dairy 11 ( 2 mos.) 3. 30 G.R.Ardill ~othing 1.50 Johns Groceteria ]'ood 4.00 Dominion Stores " 4,65 General Store " 7 .6!i lll'.F.Gt-inyer 11 9.60 F.Vi.Teasdale " 4.29 ]' .D .Lac;ey " 5 ~ 65 W .J .Merchs.nt Meat .so R.Knowl.es " 1.12 Stiver Bros. J?uel 4;so B;F.Davis " 4.80 • Williamfion Bros. " (2 mos.) 9.60 Carried. LINTON,ROWLAND. That the following accounts he paid, that the lvie.yor issue !l)'rders on .the. Treasurer for the same, and tlc?.t the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Elll'CTRIC LIGHT. T.K.Fioe Wire &c. 5.30 . ---Hydro Electric Bulbs 25.90 Carried. LDTTON.SI'AHKS. That the e.ccounti'! of the Bell Telephone Clo.of Dec.7/41, for cost of transferring attachments to establish joi.nt use of 17 Bell ~relephone Poles running West on 7i'ellington St. from Hachell Ave. ,be paid, that the Mayor issue eh oro.er on the Treasurer for the sa;ne, and that the seal of the Cor:por:;dion be :;dtached hereto. Elll'CERIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co. Transferring attacr.ments 64.10 Carried. ]t\LLOY,GLJliJTON • 'Ihat the Striking Committee be composed of the Mayor, Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and R.Linton, wd tba t this Connni ttee re11ort later in the meeting. Carried. SFARKS,HOWLAl'ill. That the present meeting a.CI.journto 8.30 this evening. Carried. At 8.45 P .lVI., according to adjournemnt, the Council re-assembled with all Members present. SPARKS,GUlfTON. That the aeveral reg_uests for the removal of trees be referred to the Streets Conunittee, to report at next meeting of Council. Carried. 11AL!LOY,GUHTON • That James Goulding ·ne appointed Weed Inspector for the Corpore~tion of the Town of Aurora for 1942. 'Ihat the seal of the Corporation be a.ttached. to this resolution. Carried. Reeve Me~loy read t.he report of the Striking Committee which was as follows;- TJ:;:at the Cpl11lni ttee Members for the ensuing year be e.s follows;- Fine.nce -C.E.Sparks, C.Ue,lloy,A.A.Cook. Roads & Bridges-C .MS.lloy, A.A .cook,R.Linton. Relief -A.N.Fisher,F.Rowland,Dr.Gunton. Electric Light-R.Linton, A.N.Fisher,C.E.Spe,rks. V!atenwrks & Fire-A.A.Cook, Dr.Gunton, F.Rowlando · Industrial,By-Laws .-Dr .Gun ton ,C .E .Sparks ,C .1ralloy. Property. -F.Rowland,R.Linton,A.l\f.Fisher. MALLOY,COOK. That the report ~f the Stri.king Committee as presented to Council be adopted. Carried. GUNTON ,Fisher. That t:o.is Council appoint an A.R.:P.Commi. ttee of three M("mbers of Council. 'l'hat the Col11lni ttee have :power to add to their numbers. Tne, t t:his Cormnittee act for Council in first e,id or an:v other War Auxiliary V!ork.Carried. EALLOY,FISHER. That the follo>Ning lda'11&ers of Council be appointed as l\Iembers A.R .P.Comui ttee;-G .A .c .Gunton, A.A.Cook,R.Linton. Carried. SPARKS.' .LINTON. Leave be given to introduce a By-law ap1)0inting a ]£edical Officer of Health during the e,bsence on Active Service of Dr.C~R.Boulcling. Carried .• T1,e ByG-lv,w was then given it's several readings and passed, with the name -.~ . ..,..,-•''."'~"::'''·'""' ,-""' "'-' -·-, ' (' \ r -\._ /"" "-·-·- -· 3. of Dr.G.W.Williama inserted. SPe,RK:S>,LlliT01T, T:hat leave be given to introduce e. By-law to authorize the l?.orrov;ing of $4o,ooo.oo to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expendj:turea of the Corpors,t-ion for the yea.r. Ce,rriedo The By-law was then given it's several readings and passed. LDJ'IlOl'f,FIS:f;!ER. That leave be granted to introduce a. By-law to appoint a ll!Iember of .the Public Library Board. , Carried. The By-law was. then given it's seiere,l readings and passed with the name of D.Babcock inserted. LllifTOlT,FISEER· That leave be granted to introduce a. By-le}N High School Trustee. The By-law we.B then given it's sereral readings and passed Mrs. Vivian Wilcox inserted. to a:flPO in t a, Carried. with the name of Lil'fTON,JHSlil!ffi. That leave bt. granted to introduce a By-law amending By-law l'To .872, providing for the licensing and regulating of Billi<lrd, Pool, or Bage.tell Te.bles: • The By-la·w was then given it's: three ree.dings anct pas:sed. SJ!?.AilliBtROWLAIID. That leave be granted to intre<luce a By-l:;nv to if.P:Point a Member of the Local Bos,rd of Health. Carried. The By-lavJ111IaS: then given it's several readings and ps.ssed with the name of Jl?.JVC.Thompson inserted. COOK.GUNTOH • That a notice regarding Committee, and placed in the hands of mea.ns i;:hey conside:~t best. the use of water be prepared by the the Consumers of \later by whatever Ca.rriec1. Report of Property Committee, Booth at the Rink. ~!1le.t the Booth IOJ,t the Rink be rented for the balance Llir.E<:rxl Heise, for the sum of {~10.00, said amouilt to I,I~jPI:Olo!,SJ!?ARKS:. That the Property Committee report be of the season to be paid in full at once. a,dopted. Carried. Eeeting then adjouned at 11.10 P.iVC.on motion of Linton & Rowland. -/~ ... ..t.114:tl Hey or.