MINUTES - Council - 19411208,.
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The NINETEENTH meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers
on Monday Evenihg December 8th., 1941, with the Mayor in the Chair and
the following Me111berspresent;-C.A.Malloy, C.E.S:pa.rka, R.Linton, Dr.Gunton,
and A.A.Cook. ·
By-raws Committee report. As directed by Council, By-laws respecting;-
regulating and distributio!l of water; pool rooms, regulation o~ dogs,
have been considered and dealt with by your CovJJTii ttee. We recommend the
drafts prepared by the Town Solicitor which_ e,re as submitted herewith.
Signed, G .A.C .Gunton, C .A.Ivialloy ,C .E .Sparks,
GilllfTONtLINTON. Beg leave to introduce a by-law to regulate the distribution
and use. cif water, and the rat.es to be charged for water in the Tovm of
Aurora, and that the by-law be read a first time. carried.
SPARKS,LINTON. The by-law now before the Council be now read a second time.
JVIAILOY,COOK. By law be read a third time. carried.
By-law with blanks filled in was signed by the Mayor.
GUNTON,:M:liLLOY. Beg leave to introduce a by-law for licensing, regulating,
and governing persons who for his or her gain keep Billiard, Pool, or
Bagatelle Tables, and that the by-law be now read a first time. carried.
SPARKS,LINTON, That the by-law now before Council be read a second time.
¥illlLOY,COOK. By-law be read a third time. carried.
By,.law with blanks filled in signed by the Mayor.
GUNTON,COOK. Beg leave to introduce a dog by-law, and that the first
reading be now taken. carried.
SPARKS,GUNTON. The by-law now before Council be now read a
COOK,:M:liLLOY. By-law be read a ~~ird time.
By-law with blanks filled in was signed by the Mayor.
second time.
GUUTON,SPARKS· That the Mayor of the Corporation o!i: the Town of Aurora
proclaim Boxing-Day as a public holiday. carried.
Council adjourned Itt 10.40 to meet again on Monday ~he 15th.
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