MINUTES - Council - 19411006' -r·-l)..· ··<; "''·~-~----~-,----. ::·;:.:·: -""""""""""" .... ""''"'"'~;. "--' :_:.:· ·;;: ':: "\-'; ;: ""'"""·'->•i. ,~jff:;.,._ -~, The SIXTEENTH meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on M.gnd,a;y Evening, October 6th.,l941, with the Mayor in the C~_ir, and all. _Member~ present_except Councillor Fisher. The minutes of the fifteenth meeting were adopted as printed on motion of Mesars.Spa.rks & Rowland. The--Assessor Mr.W.R~Ta;ylor presented his report, which was considered in d~tail and ___ the following reaolution passed;- MALLOY,GUNTON. That· the Asseaameiit Rall presented to Council by the .1\.~ae~ao)Z W ~:[{.Taylor, be received. -T4at the Court of Reviaion to consider IJ!iJ?J?eals b_e held Novemher 5th. at a.oo P.M., __ and aomp()sed of-the following, lllray-or, Reeve; Deputy Reeve, _and Counoi;l,l_()r~ Linton and Cook. Carried. SPARKS,ROWLAl'ID: That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the_ Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the_ Corporation be attached thereto. CORPORATION. · ' Bell Phone Co. II II It Mrs. T .Rob ins on Local Selectors of Aurora_Hardwa.re .1\.urora..Buil.ding Co. Vj.H.Spr.agg J .E .Buchanan Attridge & Son . n Davis Garage E .C .Mingay Ough & Son II Phone Stove Jurors #65 #135 #305 #314 Batteries &c. Cement &c •.. (!rinding Valves Gravel Lumlrer -II Gas. II Nails &c. stove Pipes Towels_-&c. Tannic Acid Ribbon Gas. Qffice Supp. Use of.c;:a.r O.D.H:ess J.F.Willis REllllington Rand Stoutts Garage B.G.Whitela.w J.Goulding F~DUnham Provincial B.F.Davis Outs.ide trips Treasurer Insulin Wood- 9.56 4o08 2.50 2~50 1o.oo 15.00 1.85 59;90 21;40 98.90 2.51 10.73 1;84 21.34 1.10 1.75 1;55 r.oo r.oo 1.28 ' II Cement &c. ;so 4~00 17.00 ,.2~57 7.00 129.60 Carried. SPARKS,ROWLAND. That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby con~immed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Sepo6 L.H:odgins • Corp. 15 ~00 M.Robinson n 13~00 A.Higgina n 16 ;ao WoSummers II 12;50 J' .Peters 11 10 ~80 M..Buker Waterworks 5 ;oo A.Bunri E~. 22.00 Pos-tmaster Stamps n 17.00 13 L.Hodgins Corp. 15~00 M.Robinaon 11 13;oo A.H:iggins 11 15 ~40 WoSummera II 16~10 J.Peters n 13~20 M.Buker Waterworks 4;50 A.Bunn E.L. 22.00 20 HYdro Electric: Power for Aug. 2660~50 A.Bunn E.L. 22~00 MoBUker Waterworks 4.00 L.H:odgins Corp. 15.00 MoRobinson 11 13;.00 A~Higg:ins " 15 o40 -... ,_<"'-" ···-·.·:· .-·,--:---.---.. :-~; ·:·.;;;.:<~<·' . ··,;-;·: 0,-;.~-: ... _,.·:·:--<,--. _,,_·~·Ci'•':'.'>·· ~ . ·.1··-··_·.;·._· '{ •. -~ :-~ i ;J l Ji ',, __ ,' I -" r······\._~· 2 27 Corp. II I~ II II II II Waterworks l.5o40 J.3.20 J.5 .oo 13.00 16~80 16;80. J.4~40 n~5o W .S.UJ:Illllera J.~etera L~E.od.gina M~Robinaon A.~I):iggins w;SUJ:Illllera .J: ~~e ters. M~uker A.;.Bunn ~.L. 26.00 l!rarried; COOK.ROWLANDo That the following accounts 'be paid, that the Mayor issue orders g~_.th~-~!'l~urer .for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto• · · w'Aii.'ER.vto'Rks. Bell Phone Co. Phone #12 3.80 .• , , ,_., ,. .. Ough ~ son . :floJ..ts &0 • • 65 Can.Bra.;rs l!ro. Plugs &c. 7.97 _ " ... §tpps: &c. 71~98 E.C.M.ingay Qartage 3~15 B.F.Pavis Goal 2.20 Carried ROWLAND.SP.ARKS. That the following accounts be paid, tha.t the Mayor issue orders.on th.e Treasurer for the aame, and that the seal ollr the Corpora.tian be ·attached tlierto. · · RELIEF. Medical Assn. B.F~Davis Mrs.Gra.ham Town_of Aurora Johns Grgceteria Dom..St()res W ,;J o¥:erchan t Q.F.Grinyer F~D~racey F~W~Teasdale General Store (louSins DairJ J.R.Knowles 4 :X: .50 Rent n· E .L .& Wa.ter Food II Meat Jj'ood " " It Milk Meat 2;oo 4o00 7;7o 2.62 3.00 4;65 ;72 9;5o 6~30 7~02 7o03 ;99 .72 Carried LiiNTON,SP.AEKS • That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue o·rders on the Trea.sllller for the same, and that the seal of the Corporati.on be_ at_tac:iied. thereto. · · · . · ELECTRIC LIGHT. Factory Equipment Bracketa; &c. Can.Laco Lamps Bulbs T .K.Fice Conriecti on Toronto Star Adv. Correspondence from Mrs.s.E.Graha.m resewer connection was read to the Solicitor for reply. .81 18;09 1.00 5.11 Carried and handed Mr.H.J'ones for the Fire Department asked for use of Mechanics Hall at special rates for War programmes and dances. This was referred to the Property Committee. Mr.S.Patrick'appeared to complain of refuse in the Creek to the East of his property. Council a.g;t"eed to look into this and to get results. Dr.Gunton applied for Apple Day, for the Boy Scouts, October 11th., permission was g;t"anted on motion Qf Linton & Cook. Dr.Gunton also applied for Poppy Fund Day, Veterans, for November 8th. This was agreed to and will be granted .. thrcil~ the Ma;y-or. From the report of Waterworks Committee read by Councillor Cook, applications for new water services were presented from K.Ol,son and G.Wood. It was agreed that the Water Committee would ~eet and decide on these applications. A complaint on poor water service from. :rry •. Holder was discussed and will also be investigated by the Water Committee. By-Laws Committee was instructed to secure the Solicitor's opinion on renewals af services. The Mayor presented a request from Chief Dunham for e:x:tra car allowance. He will in,terview the Chief and bring up again at ne:x:t meeting. -__ J-,-...•... ,-,--_,.~,--~•;''"""' '""'C'';·-;c·. ·,-.·~·;_-;-_ ;;,:;.-:::Oc;-:;>.~-::c;-o:•: ;·::·:::::':';·~ •;~'.' ·;;/:{i-0 ,,_-.• ''·"·"·'•"'' J ----~ j \ ./ ' 3. E~ectria Ligb..t Committee report~a. ~. That the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ask permission +'rom the B~l Phone co. to use l.-7 po~ea on Wellington Street on the South Side of the. road .. from ])ffachell Ave. to Trent's. Farm. _ 2· Thai; the t,'ollowing accounts be ~ritten gff for the following reasons;- Ha.rvey Lloyd fOld: age Pensioner) 23.93c 1\rrs.F_ oW~;Jat ._ MJ:.'.Weat-!leceased) . 4.86C . ~s.Ha.~t :La.a.t bill after mouing) ~83G )14:rs.F~E.Killingaworth(made assignment) . 2~6.l4G 3. That tho:~ following accounts 'Pe transferred to the Suspense Aacount;- Bruce Browning 24.060 Rev.Lightbourne 149.530 V{m.Brown l0o350 Cecil Brown 9.60:5 We recommend the.transfer of these accounts dtie.to the fact that the above have joined theArmy. Signed R.Linton, C.E.Sparks,. (L,(J1J.1 1(f'~E 4. A.Runn asking ror an increas~in wag~f!? this was left with Ele'IZftoi~ - Liaj;® te de the "Seat. poesi'lll:e. 10 lc~L )VII 11. _ Report or Streets Committee. Sidewalks. The total number of square feet of sidewalk laid this_year amounts to 5232 feet, partly new and partly relaid sidewalks. The Streets of the Town on which sidewalks were laid and the reasons therefo;r are as :follows;- 1. 1775 feet on the West side of Yonge Street South from Tyler Street a distance of 355 feet with a width of 5 feet wa.s laid by the Aurora Building Company. This project has been on the agenda of the Committee. as needing repairs for the past five years. A shortage of Town labor at the time the work was needed necessitated obtai:r:J.ing a contract which was favorable to the Town, and this was approved unanimously in Council. 2 •. ~6~2 sq.feet waa laid on Wellington Street on the North side East from Yonge Street, b.y the Town Employees. Th!l last sidewall!: on this bus'9 Street was laid in 1903, and the dangerous condition or the sidewalk necessitated this work being done to protect our public liabiluty rating. 3. 417 sy.feet of sidewalk was laid atvthe Bank of Montreal Corner,which had been heaved up by the weather and was in a dangerous condition. Of this amount 125 sy.feet was paid for by the Bank of Montre~ for work done on , their property. I 4. 228 soc feet was laid at the Corner of Mosley and Yonge adjacent to the j' Town Ha,ll. . · · 5. 507 sy.feet was laid at the South-East corner of Yonge & Mosley c_n Yonge St:Pe Street. Of this amount 147 sy.feet was paid for by Cousins Dairy for work done on their property. There had been s_everal falls sustained by .Ci11izens there in · recent years owing to the condition of the sidewalk. 6. 142 Sll[ofeet was laid on the East side of Yonge above Church St~reet. This strip of walk was in a particularly dangerous condition. 7. 118 sq.feet was laid at the United Church Corner. s. 518 sq.feet of new walk was 1~1d on Connaught Avenue. This was approved by Council before the work was done. _ 9 • This work was all considered by Council at the time of the inspection of the Twwn along with several other portions in Town. There is considerable sidewalk to be repaired in Town yet which has be€m considered¥mbut owing to the :t:6li fact the Department's Budget lfOUld not warrant. further expen tures this year along with the lateness of the year, no further work is contmplated.It has been founf necessary to make many smaller repairs which-are 'included in the general total of 5232 .feet. Signed C.A.Ma11oy, R.Linton. c,ounailJLor Linton read letter from the Hydro Co:mmissipn in regar.·d to Power Cont1•act • The Clerk was instructed to get in touch with 1\rr .jeffery to arrange a meeting to have full discussion of this matter. The Clerk was instructed to ifri te to W .s .Gibson in connection with survey of Temperance Street. Council adjourned at 12.00 P.M. ~ ·~·J./1 Ma;vor ·"-·-----,., .. ,.,-.~· >·.--:-:r·~--c~·-·-o-:~)'>''0''1'';'"'''' _"_,-._. ····-···r--·-· -·-·' ,.,., ... ,..., .. \',-~;;_;.;. ~':o:-:·.-.·;:·~;i.:.:_,_ ;~;::".,::;,_',::''" -~>:-:-:--.-:-~~-. ..,.-;->'"'<"" .. ,,.. ~--. -~--.,--.,-·---·---.---=-~----.,. _____ . .,..,. ----~--