MINUTES - Council - 19411103(~ ) ~ The SEVENTEENTH meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Evenihg, Noveraber 3rd, 1941, with the l!.lfayor in the Chair, and all Members present except Councillor Linton. M:ALLOY,ROWLAND. That the minutes of the sixteenth meeting be adopted as printed. Thefollowing accounts were passed. SPAHKs,RO\~. That the following accounts be orders on t~e Treasurer for the same, and that be attached th.ereto. paid, that the J\lfayor issue the seal of the Corporation CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. II II II P oM. Thompson II Dr,Devins Aurora Hardware Ough & Son B.F.Davis II M.Ra,rik HoMesley J .E .Buchanan Gibson & Son II R.LaBounta Phone ~65 135 305 #314 7.05 4.33 2o50 2•50 Ambulance 3>00 Funer~,R.Pugh 50.00 Examination(Schneider)3.00 Glass &c. 12.85 Floor Oil &c. 3o20 Coa;l(Town Hall) 29.50 Cement 5 ~50 Medals(Boys Band) 57•42 Glazing &c. 34>80 Sand & Gravel 68.40 Bleuprints Survey Stove(Haight) 5.00 10>00 15.00 Banner Press Envelopes & Printing 33<56 J.Goulding Use of Car 6.oo F.Dunham Outside trips 9.00 Special Co];]stables Halloween 16 .oo Town of Newmarket, Relief,Haigh.t & Patrick 73.27 County of York Hospitalization 3.50 Aurora Building Co. Saw &c. 10.60 Carried. SPARESJ,ROWLAND. That the ac:biob of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confir-med, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Oct.4 L.Hodgins Corp. 15.00 11 18 25 M.Robinson " 13o00 A .Higgins " 15 • 40 W .SUlllmers " 15 .40 J .Peters 11 13.20 Postmaster, Stamps Waterworks l"ii.OO M.Buker 11 10 .oo A.Bunn It L.Hodgins M.Robinson A.HJiggins W oSUl1llllers J.Peters M.Buker A.Bunn L.Hodgins M.Robinson A-Higgins W oSUl1llllers J.Peters Postmaster,Stamps M.Buker A.Burm Hydro Electric M.Buker . ··.·.-·;-·. ·--;·;c;.' ',-,:-.:-;-;-._.;-~; ',:/· .-.:.:-·;- E.L. 28.50 It 22.00 Corp. 15.00 " 13.00 II 15.40 II 15.40 II 13.20 Waterworks 3.50 E.L. 24.00 Corp. 15.00 II 13.00 It 15.40 " 15.40 " 9.60 It 10.00 Waterworks 8.50 E.L. 24.00 Power for Sept. 2951.63 Waterworks 12.75 . '"-•''' ,_, _________ ~_; __ ,/._) ~-~«_,-__ ,;~,:.,~~....:=;rn~;,,;,.,,,.,.:~<x>~.~~~2-~::-';:::::··;~;.«,:; .. ,~~~~-2 ·-,.,~~~""'~;..;...(.;,....,;...,.J~-~ •. ~~:~:.::..:.~,,, __ .c.:.;-~~~;__._·~---•·~·-·_:.__:_.:..__~-··~-:.::;:._.,, L L.Hodgins M.Robinson a Corp. It 15.;00 l3o00 AoHiggins " 15<40 ' w oSUl1llllers .. 15 •40 I J .Peters •• 13.20 Carrie, COOK,RO:m:.AND. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal Q;f the Corporation be j attached thereto. · 1 WATERWORKS. Bell Phone Co. Phone #12 3.80 1. Can.Brass Co.. Couplings 8.50 Banner Press Advertisement 1.50 Aurora Building Co. Coating &c. 4.45 Carried ! . FISHER,GUNTON. That the followili]g accounts be paid, that the. 1\l!.ayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. RELIEF. ]!Iedical Assn. B•F.Davis Mrs .Graham Town of Aurora W~J.Merc:b:a.nt Williamson Bras. Stiver Bros. G.F.Grinyer J .R.Knowl.es Johns Groceteria F.D.Lacey B.F.Davis Dominion Stores General Store F.Morris 4 X o50 ·Rent II E.L. Meat Fuel II Food Meat Food It Fuel. Food It Meat 2.;00 4o00 7>70 .81 .72 4o80 4•80 9.60 .72 6<30 4•65 4.80 4.65 4o65 2o7l F.W .Teasdale Food 4.04 Barried SPARKS,FISHER. That the account for ¢>De Hundred and Thirty-Two Dollars: of the Bell Telephone Co., for the use of the Company's Poles, be paid, that the Mayor issue an order on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Electric Light Department. Carried. Sll?ARKS:,FISHER. That the accounts for One Hundred and Twenty-six 25/.I.OO Dollars and aJLso account for Seventy-Five 50/100 Dollars, of the Hydro Electric Power Commission, for rental of PoJCe Atta.cllments, be paid, that the 1\l!.ayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Coeporation b·e attached heret. Electric Light Department. Carried. Correspondence was read and disposed of as follows;- Letter :fill11m Und.versity of Toronto, Firemen's TBB:ining School,referred to Fire Chief. Letter fran Dept.of Municipa] Affairs, Meeting, ordered filed. FISHER,SPARKS. That the Mayor and Clerk be, and they are hereby authorised to execute on behalf of the· Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora, the certificate attached hereto certifying that the employment of the persons listed thereon is, having regard to the normal practice of the employment, permanent in character. Carried. ROWland,SPARKSo That the old porch on the East side of the Mechanics Hall be taken down. That a door be put in the archway to the Basement. That the drain be repaired to preve!llt rain water running into Hall. Carried. TJ:J,e Waterworks report signed b.y A.A.Cook & F.A.Rowland be adopted. Carried. GUNiTON,COOK. That the By-Law 823 ·and amendments thereto, be amended to conform with the Provincial Statutes, and that the So1icitor prepare an amending By-Law for the next regular meeting. . dash Carried. GUNTON, 1\lfa.llQY• That a battery charger, Battery charger 8liutlll socke-;,~plc-ag~ and hydrometer, be purchased for the Fire Dep;tr:I(I!Lent, at an ex:f;iei:td:i.t~e of not .. , .•. ,. F~ / "' ') 3 more than $lOoOO. That the Fire Engine Battery be repaired by the Exide Co. at a. cost of approxima.tely $4.00, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried. SPARKS• ROWLAND. That the request of Military District #2 re water and Carried. that the Pool Room By/law sewer connection be granted. A notice of motion was presented by Dr.Gunton be atrllended and revised. COOIC.ROVILAND. That the request for the following supplies be authorised, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Orders #2556, 2557,2558,2559. Also the pump at the pump house on the Nisbet property be repa.ired. Carried. l~OY,COOKo That &he Foreman be authorised to purchase 400ft.of snow fem~e, also 40 posts at a cost of $45.80,and that the seal of the Corporation be att~hed hereto. Carried. FISHER,SPARKS. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on. the Treasurer for the same, and tha.t the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT • Ough & Son Moloney Electric II 4.65 29.00 482.00 B.a.nner . Press Meter Box &a. Repair Trans. New Transformer Light bills Four tenders were received for collection·of garbage, were passed on with the following resolution• 13.77 Carried. considered, and SPARKS, COOK. That the tender of J.E.Buchanan as garbage collector for the Town of Aurora be accepted, and the By-Laws Colllllli ttee be instructed tc:i prepare the necessary By-Law making the appointment. Carried. GUNTON,FISHERo Thlat the wages of Higgins & Summers be $20.00 a week ea.ch. djournemnt was made at 12.10 A.M. · ~ . Carried. That the MY. or, Reeve, and De.puty Reeve be appointed a Collllllittee to arrange for presentation of the medals to the Boys Banrl. .,~ .f.. •• J ·~MaYor. Ad' I S�/rfa.c �,� Ila 40 4r 4.f. 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