MINUTES - Council - 19410811r'-"--~----------~-·---~-~.c2:2.,_.~ .. ---···~·-----'-~-__;_;,"_j::::;::;,~.-~~-~~-"'~-~~---~--·-----L:;~-~.c:.:C .. :..:.~ ... : ........... , ______ ,;;;.;""··:···--·---7 /<""•: 'rhe FOUHTEJiJNTH meeting of the Counci.l was held in the Council Chmnbers on li[0 nday Evening, August 11, 1941, ·with the Iviayor in the Chair, and& all Members present •. Tb.e minutes of the two previous meetings were confirmed s.s rea.d on motion of Councillors Gunton & Sparks. The following accounts were passecl,- SPARKS,HOVILAlm. 'That the follovring accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the ssn1e, and t}l..a.t the seal of the Corporation be· attached thereto. COHPORI\.TION. Bell Phone Co. JP..hone ;'/65 10.73 II //135 4.76 H //--305 2 a 50 " #314 2.50 Attridge&Son Lumber 17.59 United Steel Corporation Bel ta 14.64 Aurora Building Co. Cement &c. 36.10 J .]:.Buchanan Gravel 17.25 Ough & Son Oil &c. .99 11 Paint &c. 2.38 Stoutts Garage Gas &c. 9;17 B.G.Whitelaw Office Supplies .90 O.D.Hess • 1.10 Municipal World 11 30.02 Hilborn,Willimns &6<o. " 12.25 H.L.Boa.g Register of S;c1.les 6.80 " Bal.for a·ostract 150 .oo County of York Hos:pitalization 19;72 J .Goulding Use of car 4.00 l!'.Dunhcun Outside trips 10 .oo Carried. SPArum,I.IHTON. T:hat the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the· sam.e is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thel'eto. July 5 L .Hodgins Corp. 15 .00 ' ' '·:~"': M.Hobinson " 13 .oo A.Higgins " 14.00 W .Su.llll1lers 11 15 .40 J,Peters " 13.20 A.Bunn E.L. 18.00 lil.::Suker 11 6.00 12 A.Bu.nn " 22.00 Ivi.::Suker Waterworks 8.75 H .]:vel ei gh 11 . 2. 40 Postmaster Corp •. (St.8l1rps) 12.00 Iileter Inspection E.L. 8.85 L .Hodgins Corp. 15 .oo M.Robinson • 13.00 A.Higgins 11 16.80 W .summers 11 15. 40 .T .Pet.ers 11 13.20 19 L.Hodgins 11 15.00 26 M.Robinson " 13.00 A~Higgins n 15575 \V .;)SunnneJ.'.'s 11 15,75 J.Peters " 13.50 A.Bunn· E.L. 18.00 };IeJ3uker Hydro Electric H.Eveleigh ·vi .Foster J.Egan W .Trent H$:BJveleigh r~~r.Buker W .]'aster W .Trent J ·p .. ..~!~ge.n " Power for June ".te, terworks II •II II 11 " II II " 10.25 2730.84 2o70 3.90 3.90 2.40 7.45 10 .oo ll.85 e.oo ll.85 ?-'"/ ----~"'·~-~-~~·-·""~""""'"""'~~....,., • .;...,.-..,_,__,~ • ..:..........:_~_: .. ~::.:,:;2~ ..... ~· ---~--"="-~..,;.,~;~~~,.;._~~~-""~~-'-"~~:.:j~ •.. _..::~:c:~~~-----'--·--: _,..c.,.~~--~--··"--7. / \ ( Sa.Edwards AoHiggins W~Summers .J .l'et. ers 2 Waterv10rks It " II A.Bunn E.L •. :Postmaster Corp.(Stamps) L.Hodgi.ns u ],!,Robinson " 1.40 15.40 15.40 13.20 22.50 10.00 15.00 ', COOK,ROWLAli!D. That the following ace aunts be paid., that on the Treasurer for the same, ant that the s es~ of the 13.00 Carried. the Ms 0ror issue orders Cor1)0ration be attached thereto. WATERWOPJ\:S Bell l'hone Co. Can .Bra.s:s Co. II Phone ;¥12 Casings &c. Valve Boxes 3.80 135.23 21.81 Jifat.Iron Cor:>oration Pi]Je &c. 310.96 W .H. Spragg J3 raz 5 ng 2. 00 IC.H8nkin & Co. Meter 267.00 Ough &: Son Shovels 3.75 E .c .I\iingay Cartage 1. 00 Vl • .J.Horning Dynamiting \'iell 15.00 Carri.ed. FISHER,GUlTTON. That the following accounts be paid, that the l:!syor issue orders on the Treasurer for the sa;ue, aml that the seal of the Corgoration be attched thereto. RELDJF. Ii!fedical Assn. 8 x .50 4.00 B.F.Davi.s Rent 4.00 lvirs. Graham " 7. 70 General Store Food 6.03 .Johns: Groceteria 11 6.65 Dominion Stores " 3.38 'ii • .J .].[erchant I\Ieat 2.01 Cousins Dairy IJ:ilk 2.53 G.F.Grinyer Food 9.85 .J .R ~Knowles: Ivrea t 1 • 27 J!".D.Ls,cey Food 6.03 F. W. Teasdale 11 & Meat 9 • 32 JJ'.Uorris lifeat 1.64 Ca~rried. LINTOl'f,SPARKS. That the following accounts be paid, that the Uayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the CorrJoration be attached thereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co. Can .Laco Lamps " Line & Cable Aces. Can .Line 1\IJ:a;terials l'forthern Inectric Supreme Power Supp. Csn .Gen.Eleotric .J .C.Bodfish Ferranti Electric II " Phone Lamps " //240 Bolts Plates Sleeves Connectors Pls,tes &c. l\fs, t .& Labar Cabl.e Repairing l{eters &c" 2.50 24.14 51.00 2.77 5 .40 13.35 36.50 10.98 42.78 4.50 10.00 136.48 Globe & lif[ail Adv. 5 .• 27 Correspondence was read from the following;-A.Langman in regard.to extra work ~:wd reSlJOnsibility, was referred to the Electric Light s~nd Vlater Cmmni ttees. M.Buker asking for an incvea.se imvages vras also referred to the seme Committees. Greek War. Helief Fund asking for Ta.g Day on August 16th. was gran ted. Navy League of Canade. asking for Tag Day on Sept.2oth. was granted. ]'ire lria.rshal asking to have our Fire Chief attend the Convention at Peterboro on Aug.26th. On motion of Councillors Sparks & Rowland an allovmmne o:f -~)10.00 for expenses woulct be granted if the Fire Chief or Captain could attend. SPARKJ3,S.Lil~·Tol'f. That the By-le.ws Comnrittee bring in a new By-Law, or an · amendra.ent to the existing By-law, to regulate the operation of Pool Tables and licenses thereof, in the Tovm oilr Aurora. Carried. Arrangements were made to allow M.r.Goulding the balance of his holidays, the last week in August at his suggestion. The Treasurers statement to .July 31 was discussed and accepted. The Fidelity Bonds covering A.C .A .Willis and W .Ls~rge were presented to Council and ordered to be placed in safe keeping 'in the Hank of Commerce. ;Vc-----· --•--··~-... -· •••·•~~-~--~-·· .. -· c-· •· ~~ ..... ~--~~~~-~,-~--'·"''·'"''·h••~·-· ·"'·~•-.--~·-· ·-· -~~·~~~-< f \ ·-~- '., -· . ~~ ., .. .! -\._ 3 'The cuts which were used in the Town Booklet, and which are now in the Banner Office, Jl!Ust be brought oYer ancl. placed in the 'l'own vault. It was decided to hold a special meeting on Wednesday, August 13th. at 8.30 P.M. to read oYer the applications, of which therea.re 82, for the position of Electrician or Ma.nager. On motion of Councillors Linton & Spa.rks the meeting adjourned at 10.40. Ma;jror. .. ''"~, .... ~~