MINUTES - Council - 19410707. _(' (~,,\ The TWELVTH meeting of the Council. was held in the Council Chambers, wi.th The 1\layor in the Chair and all Members present , on Monday Evenfung, July 7th. 1941. The minutes of the tenth and eleventh meetings were approved as read on motion of Councillors Linton & Rowland. The following accounts were passed. SPARKS .LilifTCnr. That the following accounts be paid, that the I'Llayor issue orders on the Treasurer far the same, e.nd that the deal of the Co:tl.pora tion be attached thereto. CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Phone #65 ~~ 8 .05S II #135 3.58S " #305 2 .5os " . #314 2 .50(> Ough & Son Lavm ]iiower &c. 12.25~ u Cord &c. 1.5~ Carborund1;un Co. Diffuser PJ..ates 159.84"' Can.Gen.JTIJ..ectric Switch 1.73s " Conduit &c. 16. 56> s.R.Hart & Co. Binder 1.26"' Jupp Construction Co. Street Oiling 615.63$ W.F.Evans Stop \latch Hep. 2.5cP La France Fomni te Ladder 370 .O!P Remington Rand Hibben 1.25~'> " Service (1 yeo.r) 7 .20"' Collis Leather Co. Cinders 2 .OcP O.D.Hoss Toilet J?aper Waite's Service Grease Banner Press Booklets, Printing &c. Attridge & Son Lmnber Davis Garage Heps.Oil &c. Dr,Devins R.Farley Aurora Hardware J?eJ.nt &c. Aurora Building Co. Sidewalk &c. Taylor Service J?olish :rcrunicipal World Register J .:M.Walton Bond(A.C .A.Vlillis) D.J,K.GoXbrai th 11 (W.Large) J.Goulding Use of Car F.Dunha:m Outside trips Sundry Express & Freight St Josephs Hospital Pneumothorax Cotmty of York Has pi talization li.GrahaJn Cu·~ting grass & weeds F.hoto Engravers Halftones &c. .5cP 4.7$ 189 .11"' 10 .88'> 28.2$ 38.0~ 8.40 367 .35s .75"' 4.5:1? 20 .001 20.0cP . 4 .OcP 18 .ooo 4o06S 22.50'5 7,75S 11.20S 108. 38S..Carri ed. SP.t\.Riillll~ROVlid\.lifD· That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same is 1 hereby confirm~ed, a.nd that the seal of the Corpora,tion be attachedJ hereto. June 4 Postmaster Stamps E.L. 20.00.; 7 A.Bunn E.L. 22.0cfo :fui.Buker · " 8 .12"' H.Foote Vlaterworks 5 .10:. rr R 1 . II • n •• ,ve e~gh 5.10"' L.Hodgins Corp. 15.00s Ivi.Robi11son '' 13 .oc:P w.sumrners II 16 .lOS AQHiggins II 15.403 J.J?eters " 15.305 G.Philli:ps II 14.004 S .};.Xtwarcl.s " 14.00 14 L.Hodgi.ns II 1.5 .o<fo 1:1oHobinson II 13 .oo.; ''.-'. -~-----~, .. -, .. ~d~'-·"""''''''' :,:·,_ ... ~:..:~.,---.. -'~,2~2oi..:-____ .. ~ ........ ~.::;,;:.:;,;:. -~--""''·:::;:;;: ::::.:_;· _,..._.c...-..,..~="'~="'""'1 ( -~~- . June 14 21 23 28 W .summ.ers A.Higgins J.Peters. H.:Suker H.Eveleigh A~~~Bunn " lLBuker H.Eveleigh R.Foote L.Hodgins lVLeHobinson 2 W .srumners A.Higgins J.Peters Postmaster Hydro JUectric Postmaster l!JI.Buker A.Bunn L.Hodgins Ji'f,Robinson VJ .Summers AoHiggins J.:Peters 1f'o s tnm s t e r Corp. II It Waterworks II ]] .QJ..,!. " " Waterworks II Corp. " It " II S te;n:ps J!j .L • Power for 1:Iay Ste.L'l})S Waterworks Waterworks· EtaL4 Cor:o. " " It " Stamps, Industrial •; ~P 15 .40s 15 ·40s 13. 20~ 1o.oo" 3. 602> s 22.00 22.50S 1o.oos 2.4<? 3.603 15 .oos 13.0();, 15.4~ 15 .40'<> l.o .eos 10 .oo;, 2697. 48'i> 9 ~OCP 11.37;; 22 .50-; 15 .oos 13.oos 15 .40° l5 .4Q, 13 o20:c 5 • OO:c, Carried. COOK,ROWJ,.Alm. That the following accounts be paid, that the IKayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. WATERWOR.Ti:S, Bell Phone Co. Flour & Feed Can.Brass Co. T.K.Fice w.H.S:pra.gg Banner Press Sundry Freight & Davis Garage Attrid.ge & Son Davis & Son Phone //12 Seed & Fert. ~l'ube El em en t &c. Labor Forms &c. Express Gas &c. Cedar Coke ~~ 3.80'> 2.5f9 122 .52S 5. 30S 1. 25'" 33.79? 3.84" 8.6os 2olfP 81.06~ Carried FISHER,ROWL/\.lffi, That the following accounts be paid, that the liiayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the sa:me, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. IL~IEF. J'ohn •s Groceteria F~:tlLorris J.R.Knowles Cousins Dairy General Store F.vr.Teasda,le G.F.Grinyer II W.J.Merchant F.D.Lacey Iviedical Assn. B.F.Davis Mrs .Graham J!0 ood l\!eat II Milk Food II II II Meat Food 8@ Rent tt JVIay June .50 ·'!· 2 oos <J!) ..... 1.645 1.965 3.19''> 6 .03> 4.67 7. 43"> 14.2CP 1.21' '7. 4<t 4.oo"'·· 4ood' 7 .70'' Tovm of Aurora E.L.& Water(2) 3.50; Dominion Stores ]'ood 11.01? Aurora Dairy li1ilk.(2 mas) 7.69sCarried. LDTTOlT ,fJlll'.II.RKS. Tha.t the following accounts be paid,, that the Hay or i.s sue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the s ea1 of the Cor·oorati.on ])e attached thereto. -. u;rcx:,•,,•,, r~ ~---···-~--~--~-...:_,<>.,_.,..c,,-<.'"-.'r"~-·-:.-.~~~~·-'-'---~~~ • .::..:..:.,..::.:~·~-......_.~,;.M~ob.Y.~:.-~>i.li~,_,;,.,;.,_.,..;,..:;.+~'o<o.._~n~~.~~~'~..:.:.,_J.:.::..c: •• ..:.;.:.:_·..;_;, __ :_:_;~;-----~-·-······~,--~··:: ::;, ::·:,_;__ ____ ·~------..:...-·-· ---·--· _. _._.1 r· ' " _ _, ~--"'-, \ . ELECTIUC LIGHT. 3 Bell 1110ne Co. J <>R .. Kearney Cor11~ Line & Cable Aces • Co}>ela.nd l1Killing Co. Moloney Electric Cs.n .Line 1\Ia terials Aurora Ha .. :cdvrare Bal1ner Press H.J .HilJ.s Bee.re's Ltd. 1Ph"ne 'L'"~O ·-'-~~ TT,__, -'= Cutouts &c. II :Poles Trans.Oil Hacks :Blades he~ Envelopes Hangers &c. Cash Book sheets J .llc.Ghee appeared before Council in connection with a garage on the Post Office property. After discussion the matter '<'las until later in the meeting. ~~ 2.50 119.60 18.36 162.00 66.00 14.00 1.10 30.16 14.20 12.28 Carried. being built held over Corres})Onclence was read from County of York re Levy, and moved ·by C.E.r;parks, seconcled lJy H.Linton, tho,t pay:IJlent be a,uthorized for the asroessment. Carried. International Water SurJply in connection v1i th GJ,nother well, ordered filecl .• LnrTOlJ ,GUHTOlT. 'L'ha.t the petition from the Hardv1are Merchants be received and the By-law prepared. Carried .• GU1IT.Ol\f,HOVILAJ:m. That the request of the 7th.Toronto Re~iment for the use of the 18 pdr.gun which vas presentecl_ to the !ll:s,yor of Aurors, in 1926 lJe granted. We would req_uest that the :presentation lettering vrhich is now on the gun shield ancl which refers to the gun l)einc:; the pro11erty of the Town, remain thereon. Carried. Ths,t the complaint of overcharge on taxes from A.Brodie be referred to the Finance Conunittee. A letter from the Attorney Gene:~.·al in connection with the Civil Guard lJe handed to the ll!layor to be answered. l\L/li,LOY:fGUl'f1'01'1. That the peti·tion of the Eerchants on Yonge Street concernihg a parking B1,-lavcr be referred back to the such Mercha,nts for a. more clefini te peti:bion. Cs,rried. GUJJTOl•T,RQii,:LAJIID.That the two toilets in the Town l'ark be painted inside and outside. That the roof of each be repaired. That hinged covers be made for .each toilet. 'l'hat a, cloor and inside lock l1e pl.o,ceCI. on the Ladies toi.let. 'rhs,t s, pail containing chemicals oe pls,ced under each of the eight toilet ses,ts. That the outside toilet at the Ws,terworks r>rolJerty be removed immediately. That prd!vision be made for either a water-flush toilet or a c..'J.emical toilejl; for the use of the Town Employees in one of the Municipal Buildings a,t the Waterworks ]Jroperty. · Carried. A By-law wa,s introduced, given its tl1ree l.'Emding ano_ passed, for the early clo:;:ing of Rardvrare Stores. A By-J.aYI was int!Uorluced, given its three readings and pass eel, a:0;oointing W ... H.Te.ylo.tt as Assessor. A By-law was introduced, given its three readings a11d passed, for the sale of rarts of Lots 18 and 19 on Plan 120, to Jolm W .J.lorton. A Tiy-l.~w was introduced., given its three ree,dj_r:g c;,ncl lJa.ssecl, for the sale of parts of Lots 18 ancl. 19 on Plan 120, to William E.Griffith. S1f1~"11J.:t ,LI:t~TOli. ~J:ha t in vievr of J "'McGhee having started to build a garage on Govern1nent Property })revj_ous to J3y-la\~.r 363 being ~Qassed!l he be al1o;,-,red to finish the garage ::rith a fire-proof roof. Carriede Sl-:P .. PJ~::f)_.,l)IlT~_rou, That the ~oext regular m.eeting be held the second l-.IondtlY in August on account of holiday. Carried. Council then adjourned at 12"30 A.Ji_.!,q J:Jiayoj:-~ .--~~..,-,--~-~---·· .,..<,."-'~..,.r-""--c-00:._,.,-: ;o~:-=-.=·;-; c .,,,.,-.•.•. ,.-c;·:l;,-;-,c,.,-,-.cc:.--o·,-:-'.?.'; ·.7-:.:;;-;-... r::-·:,----;o·;---