MINUTES - Council - 19410619;::e-~"-·"-···--~---·~"·-·~'''·:·L~--·-···-·'.c.:~:.:.c.:GL ..•.•• -""""'""'""""'', · · '"""~"<S~· ·'' • :,,·:·~...,.~~· :">Y" .~ :::·:-:·::: _...__,;._~""'-"..., -( '\ . -,"""'i>,-- The ELEVENTH meeting of the Council was held in the Council !Jhambers on J.Ionday Evening, June 19th.,1941, with the Mayor in the Chair and all Members ·present except Councillors Fisher & Rowland. This was a special meeting called far the purpose of making a definite decision in regard to complaints received by the Mayor about the Creek nuisance. The following representatives f111om the Collis Leather Co. were present;-Dr.Beer, L.Owr"!Jn, and W.West. After a lengthy discussion the Collis Leather Co agreed to secure the services of a. competent Engineer to meet the Tovm Engineer, and work out a plan which would prove to be satisfactory. After the Vis:i tors withdrew further business: was carried on as follows;- LINTON,SJI?ARKS. That the Electric Light D13~artment purchase Victory Loan Bonds: to the value of $5:000 .oaf same to be set aside as a. reserve until after the war, at which time this amount may be used for new construction that has been postponed during the War period. Carried. COOK~1~oy. That the ~aterworks Department purchase Victory Bonds to the amount of $2500.00, and be used as a reserve fund. Carried. SFARKS,Lil'J'TON. That this Council engage the services of Engineer Redfern to act in conjuhction with an Engineer elected by the Collis Leather Co. to ascertain ways and means to abate the trouble caused by the odor from the Tannery Creek. Further that the advice of Dr.Berry, Provincial Minister, Ontario Board of Health, be solicited. Carried • A further meeting will be called immediately the Engineers are ready to discuss their findings with the Members of Council. + ... ~.A) ~ Mayor • ..