MINUTES - Council - 19410519/
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The NINTH meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on
Mondey Evening, NJay 19th. 1941, with The Mayor in the Chair and all
IiiLembers present except Councillor :B'isher.
Committee reports.
GUNTON,LINTON. That the Industrial Committee be authorized to advertise
the available Tovm Lots, which number approximately 20, to the :public for
sale as suitable building lots~ ~arr~ed.
Rousing. The Industrial Committee reports that there is a shortage of
homes w~iah is hindering the employing of married men for industrial work.
Therefore your Committee recommend that this Council th:i:ough its Committee
investigate the :possibilities of creating restricted subdivision and
interestingcontractors in the erection of suitable homes, and report back
to Council at its earliest convenience.
Your Committee,in conjuntion with the Board of Trade, recollll!lend that
sui te.ble signs be erected at the .North and South entrance of -the Town on
Yonge St:reet setting forth ~ attractions and adllantages of the Town
of Aurora; that your Collllllittee obtain suggested :plans for such signs with
coats for srone, and report back to Council at its earliest convenience.
Signed, G.A.C.Gunton, C.E.S:pa.rks, C.A.Ma.lloy.
GUNTON? J)[J.ALJLOY. That the Industrial Commit.tee report be adopted as read.
GUNTON,MALLOY. That 500 Booklets describing the Town of Aurora be
ordered from the Banner Press at a cost of $95.75, plus tax. Carried.
Waj;erworks, Purchase of Materials. Ta.ht we, the Waterworks .Committee be
authorized to purchase the following materials; 5 No.5 Se~ice Boxes,
10 -66' coils of l-3/4 11 Copper Service Pipe, 10 -l-l/2 11 t&t 1 11 Bushings,
4 -1-l/2" to 1-3/4" Bushings, 2 Cast Irin Reducing Blanges 3 x 3-l/2 11
or 3" x 9 tapped for 3" pipe. Signed A.A.Cook, R.Linton.
GUN1'0Nf' MALLOY. That the Waterworks Collll!li ttee report be adopted as read,
and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. · Carried.
GUNTON,MALLOY. That leave we grahted to introdmce a Bumlding By-law.
The Building By-law was t...llen given its three readings and passed. This
By-law provides that no new buildings, eilllargement of buildings, alteration
or repairs, removal of buildings, advertising device, or gasoline pump,
may be erected or carried on without first securing a permit.
The agreement by L .J .Reagarty to pro teet the Town from any dronage in
connection with fence erected by him, was read over, and given to the
Clerk to have signature attached ••
GUIDON, LINTOn. That the Mayor be authorized to make the necessary
proclamation respecting the Victory Loan Drive, and that the appropriate
decorations be arranged for, and that the general :public be requested to
decorate their buildings and co-operate in the Dri~e. Carried.
MALLOY, GUl\fTOn. That the Ontario Bee Keepers Association be permitted to
use the Tovm Park for their annual Field Day on J!l!':i:-et June 6th. Ca.rried.
A request was read from Councillor Rowland that he be permitted to
Eeplace a Silwer Nirch Tree on Catherine Avenue. He~~es~-wa~-~!'a~~et!t.
GUl'J"TON ,COOK. That the request of M:r .Rowland to replace a Birch Tree
be granted. Carried.
Complaints were received of firecrackers being used on the Main Street,
also of parking too close to corners. The Mayor agreed to take up both
matters, and was given full support by all Members of Councril.
Council then adjourned at 11.40, t.o meet agaliln on June 2nd.
• •, Mayor.