MINUTES - Council - 19410602- .. \__,· !( \_ The TENTH meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Evening, Ju;ne 2, 1941, with the l'Jiayor !hn the Chair and all Members present except Councillor Fisher(away from home). The minutes of the two previous meetings were adopted as read on motion of Deputy-Reeve Sparks and Councillor Rowland. Correspondence was read, discussed, and handed to the Clerk for detailed attention •. GUNTOlift:M:ALLOY. That the Surety Bomd on the Clerk, Mr.WilliLs, be reduced to $5000.00 and that the discovery period be for three years period, and that the Finance Committee be instructed to place such insurance. Carried. The Treasurers Statement was read? as was also the Summary of Allocations, and on motion of Deputy-Reeve Sparks and Councillor Linton, was passed. The following accounts were passed for payment. SPARKa~ROVffiAND. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor orders on the Treasurer for the aame, and that the seal of the issue Corporat.ion be attached hereto. CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Phone #65 #135 #305 #314 19.26"' 6 .18<; 3 .30<; -----·--II It II Aurora Building Co. Gravel &c. W .R.McQ.uade Police Cap W.H.Spragge Mixer Engine Repairs F.Rowland Rmbber boots Aurora He;rdware Paint &c. u Scr.ew Drivers Ough & Son Jl?tint &c. (April) " ~onls " " Paint &c. Office J .]'.Willis .l!'irst Aid Supplies Newmarket Era Adv. B .G .Vfui telaw Office Supplies Gutta Percha Co. Fire Hose Dr.Gunton, Industr:i.ml Publicity a/c. J.Goulding Use of car F.Dunham Outside trips ]fund:lt-ppal World Tax due book Hilborn, Williams & Co. on a/c audit Prlirv:i.ncial Treasurer Insulin 2o50S 175 ~21<; 4 .oo"' 63.75"' 9.50~ 28.20~ .451> 15.45& 2.50& 2.93& 2o25S 1 oos 2:55"' 225 .4os 11.68;:, 5. 00"- 12.000 3. 33"l> 75 .oos 3.873 County of York Hospitalization J .c .Bodfish Lights, Council 23 .2tP Chamber24.8ls Yaylor & Son Gas. Ough & Son ' Jl?adlocks (1\lfay) " / Paint &c. " 11 Rake 20 .82> .80S 5.98& 1.35SCarried SPARKS,LINTOlif. That the action of the 1VJayor in issuimg orders on the Treasurer for the paymen~ of the following sur~ be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached b,.ereto. May 3 Posimaster, Stamps E.L. 17 .00' M.Buker ·waterworks 8 .oos R.Foote 11 4.5cP H.Eveleigh 11 6.0~ A.Bunn E.L. 22.00 L.Hodgins Corp. 15.00S I~'Robinson 11 13.00& vr .summers 11 15 .4os A.Higgins 11 15 .4os J .Peters 11 13.20S 10 L .Hodgins 11 15 .oos M.Robinson 11 13.00"- W .sunumers " 16 .103 l ; ( j-·-="; j I "-----· ' ( \ l\Iay 10 17 2.3 31 A.Higgins ;r .Pet.ers A.Bunn M.J3uker 2.. Town of Aurora Township of King H.Eve1eigh R.Foote M.J3uker H.Eve1eigh R.l!"oo te A.J3unn Postmaster, Stamps L.Hodgins M.Robinson A.Higgins w.summers ;r.:Peters L.Hodgins M.Robinson W .Summers A.Higgins ;r.Peters Hydro Electric A.Bunn M.J3uker H.Eveleigh R.Foote M.J3uker A.J3unn L.Hodgins M.Robinson w.summers ;r .Peters R.Foote G.Phillips S.Edwards Dr.Boulding, Corp. " E.L. " Taxes, Waterworlcs u tt E.L. Corp.· II " II II II " II II " " II " II II " Power for April E.L. II Waterworks " II E.L. Corp.· II " II II II II Medical Con•vention 16 .10'~• 13.89.0 22.00'i> 10.25"' 20.61$. 10 ~05$ 5 .40; 5 .70; 10~25; 4.80" 2 ~401, 22.00<:, 9 ~oo" 15 .cos 13~oos 15 o40S 15 o40S l3o20S 15 .ocfo 13.oos 15 o4cP 4.20$ l3o20s '2499.6~ 22~oos 10 .oos 4.8(); 4.8& 10 .ocf 22 .oo" 15 .oo-; 13. oQ'!' 16.10$ 15 .4cP 5 ~5()!, 11.20S 9 .so" 30.ooscarried. GUlifTON~ROifiLANIJ. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. ·---·-F.Morris Dam. stores II General Store C(i)Jusins Dairy J".R.Knowles F.D.Lacey W.J".Merchant J"ohn,ts Groceteria F.W.Teasdale B.F.Davis Mra.Graham lVIediaal Assn. lVIeat :B'ood~May) 11 April) " 2 Months) lVI.ilk Meat Food Meat Food Food & l\Iea t Rent II 11 X o50jt 5 .ass 6.405 13.3~ 22 .sa; 3.44? 3.32;, 10.1.55 1.645 13.875 13 o37S 4.00S 7 .705 5.50 Carried. COOK,ROWLAND. 'l'hat the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasur.er for the same, and the.t the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATEfrWORICS. :Sell Phone Co. Ough & Son II Canadian Brass Co. II Hankin & Co. Sundry J".Mitchell Phone ~~12 Valve &c. Bolts Pipe Boxes &c. Meter Freight & Shovel Express 3.805 2.625 o85S 36.9~ 18 .65'> 104.35~ 3.84> l.OO"Carried• LINTON~SPARICS. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue , .. · ( ----·-"-·•-~---~--""'"··'-·c·;;··;<·,;~,-~.~--~-'-'22-• .. ;':.:::~~~~~"·· • .O:..i~ .•. :_;~,;~-'---'·---''·-~--'--·'.:;,L; ___ ,.:._ __ , ____ ; _______ ~.1 I 1: I I .... ___ ./ \ I -··-,,~- ~- 3 orders on the Treasurer for the same, an~ that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone T.H.Oliver Sundry E.C.J:fingay II Co. Sangroruo C a • liTorthern Electric Can.Gen.Electric II Can.Line J:Ta.terials ·Phone #240 Fittings &c. Jl'reigh t &a. Cartage II Seals Gloves Switches Brackets Brackets &c. &c. 2.50'!> 8.05<;, 8 .16.; .35;, 2.2(h 20 .oo$ 4.30$ 13.96$ 16.64\'. 3 .5~Carried. Report of Electric Light; Committee. 1'hat the Waterworks PaY off the debentures in the <\)llount of ;?3078 .07 that is now held by the Electric Light DePartment. In considera.tion of the above the Electric Light Department will refund the $1500 .oo"'paid to date for Street Lighting, and fu:tther will forgo the $2100 .oo due on Street Lighting for the balance of the year 1941. Signed, R.Linton, A.A.Cook,C.E.Sparks. LIIrTOliij.SPJI.EKS. T.he.t the report of the Electric Light Collll11i ttee be adopted. Carried. Report of' the Street!'[ Collll11ittee. As per Feport adopted at last meeting of Council, your Collll11ittee has called for tenders for the necessary supplies of fuel, all types of tile, cement, sand and gravel. The tenders received have been carefully considered by your Collll11ittee and they recollll11end as follow·s;-(A) Hard Coal, three tenders all of which were the sam.e price, be equally divided among the three Town Merchants who tendered. (B) One tender for Coke that of B.F.Da.vis & Son, be accepted. (C) All types of tile be divided 50% to B.F.Davis & ,Soh, and 50% to the Aurora Building Co., tenders 'being the same price. (D) Recei veo. three tenders for cement, all the same prj.oe, be equally distributed. (]]) The tender of .J .E.Buchanan for sand and gravel be accepted. Your Corilllli ttee has received and accepted two petitions signed by 75% of the 1'ax-payers on Conne.ught and !•!ark Street, rec1uesting the s:aid streets be not oiler.(. In view of the petitions the streets were not oiled. We reaormnend that the Clerk be instructed to refund the Oil Tax to those who have already paid, and write off f'rom the tax roll those who have not paid. The Town Foreman and his Ivfen are cleaning the Creek; ~'fJ.is will take several more days, and when the work is completed the Clerk forward statement of the full cost to Collis Leather Co.as they have arranged to pay 50% of cost. LDTTON,SPARKS. That the report of the Streets Comrni ttee be adopted, and the seal of the Cprporation be attached theE~~o. Carried. . MALLOy ,COOK. That the quotation of the Aurora Building Ca. regarding the laying of sidewii!:lk on the West Side of Yonge Street, running South from Tyler Street, 355 feet, at a cost of 20;i per square foot be accepted, and that the se~d-of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried. IVIALLOY,COOK. That the request of Mr.Irwin for a crossing on Mark St. !)pposite his honte, be granted. That the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. Council then adjourned at. 11.40 · -+--<· .LJ I ...... Ma;yor.