MINUTES - Council - 19410407~-- j ...--···. f . ' - The SIX!H. meeting of the Council was held in the Council ClJa.llib era an Manda.Y Evening, April 7th• 1941, with the Meyar in the chair and all Members present.·Meetirng sta:Cted at 8ol5. LINTON,COOK· 1'hat the minutes be approved as read• The Auditor's report was then presented by llila'.Hilborn, discussed clause b.y clause, and it was suggested tha.t the Banding Co.be written in regard to the shortage last year. Th.e following a.ccounts were then passed;- SPARKS,LINTONo That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby clbnfirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Mara~ 1 L.Hodgins Corp. 12•oos '"' -·.c·:";'<T·" 8 15 17 15 22 27 29 31 .,_., W oSUlll!l!ers " 16 ;.80S AoHiggins J.Pet.ers T.Collett Postmaster, stamps A.BU!nnt C;.Brown I! ;.Buker It C.Brown A.Bunn L.Hodgins W .sumraers A.Higgins J.Peters T.Collett c.wood M.B.rown C.Brown A.Bunn Hydro Eleatric l!J[.BUker L.Hodgins WoSUlll!l!ers A.Higgins J.Peters T.Collett S.Lustic A-Mitchell L.Hodgins W.SUlll!l!ers A .Higgins J.Pet:ers T.Collett M.Buker A.Bunn C.Brown Meter Inspector A.Bunn M;.B'uker A .Mitchell LoHodgina A<.Higgins w.summera Postmaster,stamps tt " It " ·-~ EoLo It·' II llaterworks If E.L. II Corp. II II " tl II II E.L. 11. Power for Feb • Watel"Warks Gorp. II ~·­ '! II .. " " " " .. " Waterworks EoL. " tt: II Waterworks . tt· . Corp. " " E.L. Waterwo:eks ·,c;-;; , :•;o:-:,-,>; .•.•:·.;,;;;-.;;. -.-·.;;, ~;;;··.-;:·:.-, l5>40s 7;.20S 7.;20S l7oOOS 17 ;.60S 13~205 5 ~755 4o25S 13~205 ll•20s 12 •cio.s · · l6>Sos l6aos 7 ~205 7 ~20S 5~85S 8~4QS 13;.205 l7.60S 2490<935 6.215 s l2~00S 16 ~sos 15040° 7 ~20"" 5 .o<P 7 ;2et, 7.;20S 12;.00$ 16;.80s 15 .;4ili 7.;20S 6>00~ 5.;255 17o60S 16 .aos 6.oos 17.60$ 7>005 2.40 5 l2o00S s 15.40 15 o4cP 20.00s 17 .oo~ Oa.J;>ried. l I i 1 I l r ! "--"~-~·. ''·'';;/ '·'-'--' -... ::-:_:::. .· .. .w-· --s~-:_-_::_·-~---., I L_ ; r \_J I -f ·~.-· a. IS~A.REBtROWLAND· That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the·+'reasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. COHPORATIOl~. Bell Phone Co. II u II " II Phone Ji'inal #65 #135 #314 #305 #326 1/326 Pyrena Mfg.co. La. France Foamite Waite's Extinguisher Assembly H.Squibbs M.Graham Ough & Son II W .H .MoQ.uade Aurora Hardware Attridge & Son A.Closs Frankcom Garage McColl Frontenac Aurora Building Co. Davis Gargge Stoutts Garage It S tillrer Bros • B.G!.l/hitelaw E.C.Mingay P.M~Thompson Will.aimson Bros. Hemingto n Rand Globe & Mail Toronto Star Telegram O.D.Hess J".Goulding F.Dunham Town of Newmarket lit County of York Gas & Oil Tiille Cloak Scraping sbow Stove pipes Repair &a. Uniform & O'Coat Broom &a. Lumber Selling Tickets He pair Gas & Oil(Feb) Tile Towing & Hepair Gas & Oil (Feb) . " (Mar) Coa1(2mo~r) Office Supplies Cartage li'uneral (West) Coal Ribbon Adv. If " Towels &a. Use of car Outside t.rip~:r Rel:tef(Haight) " (Patrick) Hospitaliza.Dion 7.685 3.8'f.' 2 .5oc· las a@' 2o50c 3.50f 65.69 5 1.505 15.235 6>005 21.;255 .65S .71% 90.505 1.4JS 6>355 2'lo00 5 .505 20.325 1.505 1.75"> 4.065 3.145 61.;605 2.1~ .• 3~ 5o.oo$ 29.oo5 1.0cfo 8.2~ 9.695 9.455 2•055 4.oas 3.oo5 22.315 5 .l!f> 6 .5os Carried. COOK,MALLOY. That the following accounts be pa:iid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. ~ WA~WORES• Bell Phone Co. Coville Transport 1? .A .How land Ough & Son. Phone #12 Freight Hubber boots Enamel &c. 3.so5 •7if' 4 .5()'> 2.lss Carried FISHEH,GUlJTON. J:hat the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. ~IEF. Aurora Building Co. B.F.Davis Stiver Bros, Willaimson F.W.Tea~rdale Fuel(Feb) II " (2 mos) " Ji'ood 1(: Meait 4.8cP 19.205 33.6.05 Uo4rfo 10.0~ ,.: I I' l /--" r :. ) 3. J!'.D.Laoey J!'ood ll.o49> AurOra Building Co. li'uel. 1.9 .2cP Dominion Stores Ji'ood 1.2 .off> W.J.Merohant Meat 3.8~ General. S~ore Food 1.8.49~ F~MOrris-Meat 7 •5~ G~F.Grinyer Food 9.52~ Cousins Dairies Milk 3.94" Knowles & Son Meat 4•36S J .A~ tchell Clothing 4.5cf.> Aurora Dairy Milk 7.43sca.rried. LINTON,SPARKS • That· the. following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders onthe Treasueer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be a.ttaohed thereto. EI.EOTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co. Phone f/240 Can.Telephones & Supplies Wire Aurora Building Co. Torah 2.50$ :342.49$ 5.oo<t; 34.65S 3.84'"' 1.0 .so"" Northern Electric Switches •• Solder &c • Oan.Gen.El.ectric Grips &a. " Swi toh &co 2.9T' " Cable 1.76.58~ T.K.Fioe Cable &a. 1•06.; Aurora Hardware Look &c. 2•80S, J .A.Mitohell. Bolts 1.10 Sanga.mo Co. Transformers 49.36-;, Coville Transport Freight 5.85S Carried GUNTOM,FISHER. That the questi®n of Nesbitt rent be referred to Relief Committee for consideration. · Carried. GUNTON,FISHER. That the Women•s Institute be granted the privilege of ,,, \ holding a tag day for the Institute for the Blind on May 3rd.(Saturday) Carried, GUNTO.!N,MALLOY. That the rental of the Mechanics Hall. for ne:x:t Thursda¥& Evening, .be donated to the B·ri tish Fire Fighters Fund. Oarried. Report of Electric Light Committee •. That the attached list of materials be purchased in order to complete transfer of Town Lines to Bell Lines on Connaught, and new work on Temperance Street. Signed, Linton,Fisher, Sparks. · acj.opted. SPARKS,.R6WLAND. 1'hat the claim of the Department of Public Welfare, City of Toronto, for after-care treatment of Edythe MoEown, of $230.87, be paid but that the payment be witheld until the County of York has been communicated· with and the County of York be requested. to pay its proper propoetion of such amount, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. ROWLAND, GUNTON. That Mr.L.Hodgins be paid the sllin of $15.00 per week. Mr.Hodgins to. be under the. supervision of the Mayor, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried. GUNTON,FISHER. That the procedure By-law (NoolO) for the Town of Aurora be amedded so as to bring it up to da.te and in conformity with the Procedure By-law draft as suggested by the Dept.of Municipal Affairs of the J?rmvincial Goverilllllent, and that the By•l.aws Committee is hereby instructed and author- ized to prepare an amendlltel!tl;ed by-law for presentation at the ne:x:t meeting of Council Oarried. _GUlfTON,MALLOY. That the following goods be purchased;-One #5 Aame Gas Mask, One spare Smoke Cannister, One spare Ammonia Cannister for same, One spare Ammonia Cannister for other type mask, 6prs. Rubberized Gloves @ .40;t, at a total cost of $36.25, and j;ha t the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. GUUTON,FISHER. That the Fire Department purchase one 50 foot, 3 a~ctio:n, ~---· --·-... ,..~-~~,;.~,_,;.,__,~--··-·-'~· ~-~~.:~..:..~~~~~~:ih:.::_· _ .. _.:.:::.-:::..:;.. .. :..:_. __ · .. ~-~~-~~-~~·,: ... :b,_~:-:.~··,.,:;,;~.,..~.'"'"~,;,~-·_:;;.._,..;. ___ ._~---·-..:.,_·~~":1 ""·~-~ /.,.----, .. \. 4. DuralUJ:lliin Fire Dept.extension ladder at a q_uoted price of $370.00,.and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. A recorded vote was demanded, resulting in being carried unanimously with eight votes for the Yeas. Carried. LINTON,FISHER. That Lot #23 on the north side of Tyler be sold to wm.Foster for the sum of $50 .oo prob'iding he builds a home on same for not less than $2000 .oo to be completed within 2 years. Plans to be submitted for approval to the Council. Carried. SPARKS,ROWI.AJID. Leave be given to introduce a By-law th strike the rates in_the Tovvn.of Aurora for the year 1941. Carried. The By-law was then given its three readings and passed. LINTON,SPARKS. That Council adjourn until Monday Evening, April 21st. at 8 o'clock. Council then adjourned at 12.45 A.l.C • ..:.a(fi . .~. :t. Ji. . . Mayor.