MINUTES - Council - 19410421I ,. L r'~-r-----' The SEVENTH meeting of the Council was held in the Council Cha.nibers on Monda.Y" Evening, April 2J.st., 1941, wi.th the Mayor in the C!lliir and all Members present. The minutes of the previous meeting weee approved as read on motion of Reeve Malloy and Councillor Cook. LINTON,SPARKS· That Lloyd's Pool Room License be collected as followa;- Balance oydng on 1940 tax of fp40 .oo be. paid immediately. 1941: Li.cense of $80.00 be paid in four equal monthly payments of $20.00, firs.t.payment due one month from April 22, 1941. The above payments must be paid when due or the Pool Roomwill be closed forth?rith. Carried. The Clerk presented a list of certain tax arrears, at the request of the Auditor. These were considered and instructions given to the Clerk as to their disposal. (See separate page) A letter was read from the Aurora Red Cross in connection with a Superfluity ShOP which is proposed to be_opened up. by them. This was referred to the Mayor and the Finance Committee for investigation. Mr.11f.D.Berg:ey of the London Financial News, ·was present· in connection with a letter received from them regarding advertising space. Many questionc: were asked and aas.wered, and <l;eft· wit1La.t the Industrial Colll!lli ttee 'W"<11eet with the 'lifillllllbers of Council next Monday night to decide on what should be done. The Mayor with Councillor Rowland were giveNleave to ptitrc:hase a typewriter for use in the Office, aj; a price which they considered the best value. Mr.Rowling appeared before Council to inform them that on account of the bad condition of the roads he was unable to dispose of the garbage, and asked what had better be done. It was decided that the only thing to do would be to dispense with the collection for this week, and Councillor Rowland was instructed to get out a printed circular and deliver to all householders promptly, so that there would be .no need for garbage on the streets this week. GUNTON ,MIU.J:.OY. That leave be granted to introduce a proceedure By-law. The By-law was then introduced, given it's three readings and passed. MALLOY,COOK. That the Streets Committee be authonized to purchase sixty(60) yards of gravel at a cost of Sixty-nine dollars($69.00), that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. 1\LU.LOY,GUNTON. That all Members of Council, Deputy Clerk, and Town Foreman, meet at the Town Hall, Wednesd~ April 30th. at 2 P.M. to make the annual review of the Town. !!Tarried. GUNTON,MALLOY. That the By-laws Committee prepare a Building By-law and report to Council at the next regular meeting. Carried. Councillor li'isher presented complaints received from several parties in connection wijh bicycles being ridden: an the sidewalks. The Mayor agreed to take up this matter with the Constable and insist that the regulations governing aa.me, be strictly enforced. Council adjourned at 12.00 P.M. 4--.J..J:d • • Mayor. j/• ''\.__ .. . j Tax Arrears written off. ~ef•1'1dft o,:: A pL. t 1 /nt) T .Q;[q/ild;.l:mrn , Miss B6Hil tz .r.T.Bond C.B.Kirk assessed in l938,but did not operate n 11 1940, un-aolleotable tt 11 1939, but di.d nor operate 11 " JL939, moved away I .L:i,.ndenb aum, over-a.ssess:ed ll/liss Lemon, e=or D .. :n.r.R.iohardson, Dog tag 1938 (Dog died) Robt Farley 11 tt " un-aollec:table T.K.Fiae, over-assessed Mrs • .r.R.Young, moved away J!Jfrs .E.C .Fielding, assessed but cl!hd not operate. H.s.warren, error Sundry small oredi ts ~i 4o40 4ol6 11,;00 '4•40 22•63 1•16 2~53 2.00 5.20 .79 6•96 .43 3.02 I I J j l I ! 'l I I I ' I