MINUTES - Council - 19410505~-~· .~· _. ··-----~-..:.~_ ..... _......., ___ =·~·_i>:: <·.-:~"·-~-"~"~~-----~~:2~-L~l.~L-~~~~ :/ · ~~~~""-~~---k-~-~~~-: ::: __ -------~~· ___ -:.,.....;_ ___ ..:_~
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The EIGHTH meeting of the Council wa.s held in the Council Chanibers on
Monday Evening, May 5th. f94l, with the l\!iB.yor in the Chair a.nd all
Menibers present.
The Min~tes of the previous meeting were approved as printed.
The report of the Annual Town Inspection, held on ·wedBBaday April 30th. ,
was considered, some of the suggestions acted on, others referred to
the respective Committees. Mr.Goulding was heard in respect to drain
crossing .T .B.odfish property, and was instructed to open up the sewer
to ascertain if the drain could be connected. The St:eeets Committee
were asked to inspect the same ana report.to Council.
The following accounts were passed.
Sl'ARKS~LINTON. 1'hat the following accounts be paid, that the Wlayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same, and thatvthe seal of the
Corporation· be attached thereto.
Freight, and Sundry Itema
Butler Industrii.l Supply Gas Mask &c.
Aurora Building Co. Gravel, Sand &c.
Aurora Hardware Broom &c.
tt Paint
Davia Garage Towing Truck
Frankcom Gar age Gas &c.
Stoutts Garage "
T.&.Y.Roads Commission,Chloride & Salt
F.w.caulfield Labor & 1\!l:aterial
B.G.Whitelaw Ink
8. 7 6"!>
2 .50S
35 .53">
165 .3~
Beare's Limited Cash Book 9 .oos
W • .J.Ga,ge & Co. Binder Sheets &c. 8.06'S
Grand & Toy Binder &c. 5 .11"
Williamson Bros. Fuel 29 .ocf>
.T .Goulding Use of Car 4~00'>
F.Dunham Outside Trips 13.0cP
Dr .Thrcintyre Pne=othorax 20 .oos
County of York Hospitalization 54~125
B.F.Davis CoaJ. l4.50s Carried.
SPARKS~ROVUAND. That the action of the ][~yor in issuing orders on the
Trea.surer for the p~:rmt of the following sums be, and the same is
hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
April 5 A.Higgins Corp. 15.4<P
w.summers " 15.40'2>
.T .Peters " 9 .6os
L.Hodgins " 12.06>
A.Bunn E.L. 17 .6os
M.Buker Waterworks 8. 75s
12 It " 7 .oo 5
L .Gil pip 11 2 o40S
A.Bunn E.L. 18.00S
lli.. Hodgins Corp. 15.oo"'
M.Robins on 11 13 .oo"
W. Summers " 12. 60S
A.Higgins " 12.605
.T .Peters 11 9. 60s
T.Collett " 9.60S
17 Postmaster, stamps " 6 .o<fo
19 A.Bunn E.L. 22.00 s
M.Buker Waterworks 7 .25s ·
L.Hodgins Corp. 15 .oos
li!I.Robinson 11 l3 .oo s
w.summers " 16.10s
L_ (/-
. ~-~~;U~:-:;;.;_~,.~~>. . ·\. ·--:..~,iS_._._·_:-:..:~-..:.:.:.. _ _,._;_..__.:.:,.,. __ . -.----:··: .. ;_·._.---·'---'-'.,c.-'-~· ·--l
A.IIiggina Corp. 16 •lO"'
J .Petcers 11 13. 20'=-
T~Collett " 9.6<P
22 Thomas & Corning, Office Typewriter 45.00~
Hydro Electric, Power for March 2392e75 '
26 A.Eunn · E.L. 22<00'0
M.Buker Waterworks 6.25$
Hy.Eveleigh . n 4o80!
R.Foote 11 4.20
L.Rodgins Corp. 15.00s
M.Robinson ° l3o00s
W.Summers II l6ol0S
A·Riggins " l6.10s
· J~Peters " 13.80;; Carried.
COOK,ROWL.AND. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same, and,that t~e seal of the
Corporation be attached thereto.
ViATERWORKS. Bell Phone Co. Phone #12 3 .8os
Freight & Express items 3 ~34S
W .R.Spragg Repair 1 .oo$
Aurora Hardware Look &c. 1.65S
Can.Brass Co. Apl.8 Bushings &c, 28.22?
" Apl.lO Sleeves &a. 10.05S
11 Apl.22 Vise &c. 49.28~
B.F.Davis Wood 6.5o~carried.
FISHER,GUNTON. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the
Corporation be attached thereto.
RELIEF. Medical Assn. 11 x 50 5.50
Mrs.Graham Rent for March 7~70S
B .F .Da.vis 11 " 4 .oo;,
Mrs .Graham " for April 7. 7cP
B .F .Da.vis " " 4 .oos
Q,ueens Rotal 11 3~50S
Town of Aurora E.L.& Water 1.75S
J.R.Knowles Meat 1.84S
F.W.Teasdale Food 12.9~
Cousins Dairy Milk 4.59S
F.D.La.cey Food 12.12?
Williamson Bros. Fuel 4.8os
G.F.Grinyer Food 10.05s
W .J .Merchant Meat 2. 77"'
Aurora Dairy Milk 3.28s Carried.
LINTON,FISHER. That the following accounts be paid, that the Myor issue orders
on the Treasurer for the same, and j;hat the seal of the Corporatcion be
attached thereto.
ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co, Phone #240 2.50S
Freight & Express items 1.65$
Supreme Power Supplies Conneatnrs 47.41S
Can.Line l~terials Racks &c. 223.03S
Cano.General Electric Tape &c. 62.005
•t Grips 38. 26!'>
Line & Cable Accessories Clamps &c. 131.26s
M.Buker Bag for Gloves • 85'>
B.F.Davis Roofing Paint ,g(j'>
O.Brett Filing Saws l.lcP Carried
.GUNTON,li!IALLOY. ±hat .the question raised by Mr.J!I"rodie be referred to the
l!'inanae Committee, and that the Comm.ittee be authorizeEt to make adjustments
to whatever extent the Council has the a.uthori ty to make in such a case.
· Carried.
SPARKS,LINTON. That the deposit paid by Vi.m.Foster on a lot situated on
Tyler Street, be refunded. · Carried.
SPARKS,.LINTON. That the letter read from Mrs .Crysdale in conneati on with
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the \Qhite E~ephant Shop to be opened up by the Red Cross(Aurora Branch)
asking certain pri viliges, receive._ unanimous support of the Council. . CAteNII!A
MALLOY,GOOK. That the Clerk instrucll ]Jfr.L.J .Heagarty that this Council
cannot permit the building of a fence on Town property. Carried.
The Relief Co=i ttee were requested to look into the q_uestion of supply
of garden seeds for vacant land cultivation, and to see that all Town lots
are available for those who can use them.
A letter from the Dominion War Loan Association was read, and the Property
Committee was asked to work along with other local Committee.
Report of the Ji'inance Conuni ttee in connection with change in Assessment of
Mr.A.Brodie. In compliance with Sec.74 of the Assessment Act,R.s.O.l937,
this Council has no jurisdiction in the granting of any changes in any
Assessment after the Assessor's Roll has been passed by the Coui:t of
Revision, and certified by the Clerk as passed. Signed, Sparks,Malloy, Cook.
SPARKS,ROWLANJh That the Finance Corinnittee's report on Mr.A.Brodie's request
for change in Assessm;ent be adopted. Carried.
GUNTON,:MALLOY. That the Fire Conuni ttee be authorized to dispose of the old
hand lalider truck at present in storage at the rear of the power house.
Jlf:e •. Elton Armstrong was heard in o.onnection w.i th advertising the Town through
co-operation with the Aurora. Horse Show to be held on June 14th. It was
decided we would be pleased to do all we could in this connection.
ROWLAND,FISHER. That the request of the Property Committee for more lights
to be aeea installed in the Cou!l]cil Chamber as needed. And that a light be
put on the overhead corner of Yonge & Mosle'f. Streets for the direction
of Traffic. Carried.
COOK,ROwland. That the request of the Watenrorks Department for a 2 11 Leeds
Helix Water Meter with threaded connections be authorizee(, and that the
seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried.
SPARKS,ROWLA.ND. That the report of Streets Committee be adopted with
ex:ception of clauses pertaining to Calcium Chloride and the purchase of
materials bj" the Municipality by tender.
GUNTON,GOOK. That an amendment be made to the motion "and the purchases by
the Municipality by tender" be struck out of the motion, and that the report
of the Streets Committee be adopted with the exception of the clause dealing
with Centre Street. Carried.
Report of the Streets Goii'IDli ttee. 1. The annual inspection has been made,
your Committee recommends many repairs and improvements together with some
nevr sidewalks •. Ex:penditui:e not to exceed the budget allowance. 2. Your
Committee has purchased 240 yards of gravel at a cost of $312.00 which is
quite necessary tp put the streets in a proper condition before oiling.
3. We received three tenders for the supply of asphalt dust layers, namely
Ji!Iunic:ipal Spraying Co., Bituminous Spraying Go.,and Jupp Construction Go.
We reco=end that the tender of The J'upp Construction Co. be accepted for
a numimum tank to be delivered when notified by the Clerk. 4. That the oiling
be i=ediately followed with a light covering of sand, also that 150 feet on
Centre Street running Easterly from Yong:e Street, be treated when necessary
with Calcium Chloride. Coat of oiling be charged as usual, that is two~thirds
of cost to the property Owners and one-thii:d paid by the Town. 4. We recommend
further that tenders be called for the necessary supply of all types of tile,
sand, gravel, end cement, and fuel, to be delivered as and when required,
Tenders to be closed Mey 22nda 5.The Committee respectfully submit the following
report concerning: renovation at the Disposal Plant, which includes the following
work;-The two clarifiers anf airation chambers have been emptied and thorou-
ghly washed, abd both sides of the cement walla have been lime washed. The
Pump House has been renovated, also Pump, Air Compressor. The Drying Beds have
been taken up, cleaned and covered with sand.
Gu:ttTON,MAlloy. That the Industrial Committee meet the Board of Trade Ex:ecuti ve
Committee and discuss an advertiaing campaign for the Town of Aurora, and
report back to Council the result of their findings. Carried.
ROWLA.ND,@UNTON. That the Property Committee be, and they are hereby inatructed
to study the question of making sui table repairs to the outbuilding adjacent
to the Power House, and to report back to Council th · . .
Council: a.djourned atl.2 •10 A.M. e~r reconnneJ:J;dat~ons.
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