MINUTES - Council - 19410303I ( \ T.ne FOURTameeting of the Council was'held in the Council Chambers on Moruiay·Evening, March 3rd., 1941, at a.oo o'clock,with the· Ma.Yor in the Chair a.nd all Members present. T.ne minutes of the third meeting were adopted as read. A. letter was r.ead, from Wright & McMillan, in conneation with the. division of taxes on property sold by Fleury~Biasell. This was referred to the ]'illlaJloe Committee for a rep.ort at the next meeting. A. deputatio-n, headed by J.B.Walker, from the Hockey Club, asked for a grant. After considerati<m· it was decided to give thia matter further conaideratiori later on in the meeting. T!J:e representative from k France Fire Eng:i:ne Co. ,was heard in connection with extra fire f'ighti:ag· equipment; and will be dealt with later• Letters were rea.d from FoA.Boynton and F .. Chapman in regard to taxes, and the letters were ordered to be fyl.ed. T!J:e letter in connection with the County Levy was received and ordered to be fyled as is customary. The following accounts were passed;- LINTON,SPARKS. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the s:eal of' the Corporation be ·attached thereto. Electric Light. Bell Phone Co. ToK.Five Aurora Hardware Moloney Electric Ferranti Electric .. Can.Gen•Electric Can~Wire ll: Cable ... Can .Laco Lamps Phone #240 Rapairs Flashlight Transforsp.er Switch &a. Transformer Wire It It Lamps 2o50S 3>05S l.;5QS 351.50 5 52~QQS 65.bos l78.22s 43.845 285.05.S 48o23' FoSmith. , repairs 4.l5s Carried. 1 FISHER;GUNTON. That the following acaounts be paid, that the Mayor isaue orders I on the Treaaurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Rel.ief. Medical Assoeiation 15 x o35 Town of Aurora E •. L .& Water FoR. Underhill in trust for Mrs.Graham Rent B.F.Davis " It Dominion Stores G.F.Grinyer Co•opera.tive(J.Walker) Cpua:ins Dairy F.W.Teaadale Fuel Food It It Milk Food It F.D.Lae:ey F.Rewland General Store Williamson Bros. W .J .Merahant December,Clothing Food Fuel Meat J .R.oKnowles .. . 5,;50 1.71>' 7o7r?JS 4.;00': l.3o35S Bo2a5 llo50E\ 9o40S 4•'lls l2<02S 10.o$ l•50s 43.93$ 9o5QS 3•435 3.4~ Carried aOOK,ROWLAND. That the following aeoounts be paid, that the ~r issue orders.on the Treasurer £or the same, ~"'"""",..,..__~~--.-.. -. -.. -.-,..,. .. ,., ------.. -----;-----.:;_-·;';'? ;·,;;;.::;:; _:;-:-;·,.:; --:--:;;-;• ..... ; ;·:~--~---.. -.,-,-, • .-~--'"' ~--~-----··-·-·--~-~---~--~·------···~ " "·"" --~--:-'"·~~~ .. ~ ... ~~··-·"~"----·-· ·""·~····--···---· ... -·· ~ I 2 I I . L_( -~ i \ / \ i ' I ' 0 and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Wa.terl'torks Bell Phone Co. Phone 1/12 F•Smith re~s a.aos 20.805 Carried. sPARKS.ROWLAND· That the ·following accounts be paid, that the Mayor isaue .. orders or:t the Trea.s~mer for the same, and that the sea& of the Oarporation -be atta.ch.ed thereto. Gorpora.tion. Bell Phone Co. ,. n .. .. La. France Foamite II Northern Electric Aurora Hardware It Tayl.or & Son II Ough & Son II O..D.Hess B.G.Whitelaw Vance & Co. Evening Telegram Davis Ga.rag:e Beare's Ltd. M.Graham· C.Lipsky Waite's Service F.CaUlfield ;r .M:i tehell AuroraBuil.ding Co. Davis & Son J.Goulding F.Dunham Hil.born, Wil.liams County of Yorlt Dept.of Heal.th Prov.Trea.surer Phone #65 5.57 s #135 5.4ls #305 2.50 8 {#314 2.50 8 #326 6.75~- Refills · .. 4.oos Gas Mask 24.205 Wire &c.· 33.495 Twine &c. 4o67 5 M:i.tts 5.105 Batteries .455 II le05S Repaii-a(Arena) 6.3:@5 Handle &c. l.2& Sulphuric &c • 13.555 Office-Supp. 1.7\P Dojf Taga a.o98 Adv.· 9.695 Gas. (Fire Dept) 1.ss5 Office Supp. 2•005 Scraping 30•45S Stove 3•505 Grease 4o50S Labor & Mat. 5o75S ShoveJ.s &c. 5o7cP Pipe &c. 10.555 Fliel 5a;.oo5 Use of car 4o005 Outside trips 8o00 5 Audi t(Bal.ance) J.Oo.oos Hospital.ization ss.12s InsUlin . 3.97s Oarried. SPARKS.:ROWLANlh That the actiom;of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the pa.y.ment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby corr.firmed, and that the seal of the Carporation be attached hereto. February l Postage -L.Hodgins AeHiggins w.summers ;;.Peters r~couett :f.Buker LoGil.pin NoFoerter ·--·-·=--:------··" ~·==--.-:-='.-.-,-~~-:.-- Corp. II ~ .. " It II It " 12.005 l.5.40S l6o80s 7o20S 7.205 6o00S 1•955 g 2e40' f;.'~----~·~.;., ..... ~~~~..;_;_..,;___:.;.....:~~~~·~.:.;;.,-. ~~,~~~-~~~~-··_·_. __ ;_;_.·-~._:___: ..... :-.:~::~_:·::·.:·:~,..,..--.-.. ----·-·-·-""'~- L_f l~j l • ( 8 10 15 22 M.Buker A.Bwm C..:Brown 1t A.:Btmn 3 M.Buker L.Hodgil:ls Aolliggins WoSUllllll.ers N.Foerter J.Bu:lcer T.Collett J.Peters · Hydro Electric C.BrOWl'l A.Bunn M.Buker L.Hodgins A.Higgins w.swmmers J.Peters r:con.ett N .Ji'oerter :r.Buker Postmaster L.Hodgins W oSUllll!lers A.Higgins N.Foerter :r.Peters T.Col1ett J.Buker M.Brown M.Bu:ker A.Bunn · C.Brown Waterworks E.L. .... II .. Waterworks Corp. .. .. It .. .. It .. Power for January E.L. ... Waterworks Corp. .. It .. It .. .. It It It It .. II .. .. It Waterworks E.L. II 't o25S l2.;8QS 12.00S 13 .. sos u .. oas ·4·505 12•0<f> l5ol0S l5.oaos 4.aos 3.;605 7.;zos 7o20S 2640.535 l2.;00S llo20S 6.oos l2;.QQS 15.;75S 16.;8()5 "Ze5os 7.o20s 7•20S 7.205 ei.;QQS 12.00 5 l5;sos 15•805 leaos 8e40S 7•20S 6.o75s 6e30S 5o00 5 l.7•60S l3.2Qs Carried. SPARKfhROWLAND. That the Hookey Club be granted the SUllli of One-Hundreds Dollars, for the season of 1940•194l, and the seal of the Corporation be attached. Carried lll£ALOOY~COOK. Tbat the Clerk be authorized to purchase :rifty-two(52) Diffuser Plates for· sewage Disposal Plant, that the seal of the Corporation be attached he:rteto. Carried. MALI.OY,GUNTON. That M.Robinson be1and he is hereby engaged by the Town of Aurora at a weekly wage of $13.00 1 dnties to begin when notified by the Streets Collllllittee. That the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. A notice of motion was presented by Dr.Gu:nton as follows;- That the :p~eeaue proeeedure By-law No .10 of the Town of Aurora be revised so as to co:ngorm to the proceednre By-law as suggested by the Department of MUnicipal .Affairs. · ROWLAND,GUNTON. That the doors and windows of the stock Room,used for the storage of Electric Equipment, be properly fitted, locks attached eta., to prevent theft of same, at a eost of $lo.oo, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached. Carried • . _, ·~··r~''f •" "•;,-;·o;-':<;·~;-:• C"i\~•:i :o;-;c;_.~~·~;!L:.:;~~<.:i:_•C.·:·;·~·.;-~.:·;•;;-;.;-;· •.•;''-'; ! I t / .·. r \___/ I I! I ! I \_ '' -_'... :: .. :: . ... ~"""""'~ ~=·b.' -H ,. 4 GUNTON,MALLOY. That the O~erk be authorized to write the E.L.Ruddy Oo. advising-them. that this Oounei~ is not ill favor of the erection of a sign on the Ou:i:ta Prope~ty. Carried. SPARKS,ROWLAND. That ~eave be given to introduce a By~~aw appointing ~.Au<Utor-for. the Municipality. The-By-~aw was then given it's three readings and · Carried. MALLOY,GUNTON. That the salary of William Large be inereased FivesDollars per-week as of February lsto That the By-law by which he was engaged be amended aecordingl.y. T.fu:at the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. GUNTON.FISHER. That the Industrial Oonm:littee be authorized to ·pcirahase 500 Bookl.ets describing the Town, at a cost not exceeding $80.00, after proof has been approved by Oouneil, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.. Carried• LINTON,MALLOY. That Council adjourn until Tuesday Evening, March llth. Council adjo~rned at l.l..50 ··~r~· I Mayor. '1 i