MINUTES - Council - 19410311r~-"~·"··-"'""'"'-"'l.~.~-~--;~.~"""~~"'"''''''""-..""'·"''·'""~•"'_·•·•··~~-i ... ,~ .. -·--··"'''""'ii.L ...... ~--·~----------· -----·-~~.:.,,
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~e FIFTH., an adjourned meeting, of the Counail was held in the
Council.'Cha.mbera, on Tuesday Evening, Ma.rah llth.,l94J., at 8.15
with the·Ma.yor in the-Chair Md all Members present.
Reports of Connnittees were presented as follows;-
El.eetric: Light, Joint use of Poles. ~t the Town of Aurora pay to
the Bell Ye1ephone Co. the sum of $123~94 for-joint use of 60 poles.
~t-the Bell Telephone co.pay to the Town of Aurora the sum of
$166;27 for joint use of-81 poles. Signed, R.Linton,c.E.Sparks,A.N.Fisher.
Electric Light, 1941 work.~t the following work be-taken in hand this
1. New high tension line from Sub-station to Metcalf & Mosley to Wells.
New 25 K.V.A. transformer a.t Wells & Mosley.
2. New secondaries and primaries -from Sub-station to Reuben, to Temperance,
to Ma.chell, up Irw;in to Y0 nge st. Bring high tension from Irwin, to
Catherine, to Spruce, t,rimga~ in Spruce & Fleury aection.-
3. Re•wire Connaught and transfer to Bell poles.
4. Re-llire Wellington West and transfer to Bell poles,
Electric Lignt. That the Electric Co~ttee be allowed to advertise for
an Assista.n·t to eur Lineman for the coming season. Signed, R.Linton --
· . · · · --C .E .sparks_, A .lilf.Fisher.
M"ALi.oY,LINTON. That the report of the Electric Light Committee be
received and adopted. That the seal of the Corporation be attached
hereto. Carried.
A resolution was tendered a.nd riot passed in regard to work and wages to
be paid L.Hodgins, further discussion will be given at next meeting.
Lil-r.rDN,GUNTON. That the Fire Department be authorized to purchase
One Foamite Fire Extinguisher;2-} gallons, at $20.00; 200ft.oof 2-}lt
Fire Hose,$230.00; One Flexible l?ipe & Nozzle at $22.00; One Arnv Type
Gas Mask at $35.00; and that the seal of the Corporation be attached
hereto. Carried.
Sl?ARKS,ROWLAND. That the Clerk obtain a signed agreement(:ee Mrs.J'oe Smith's
applicat.ion for hospitalization) from Mrs Smith th re-imburse the
Municipality $ 5 ¢Y' per month, and that the authority for treatment
at the Hospital for Mrs.Smithts child be signed by the Clerk. Carried.
Finance Committee Report, Budget for 1941. The Committee respectfully
submit the following observations in respect to the revenues allocated to
the various departments in 1940, and expenditures relating thereto, with
reaOilDllenda.tions :for the Budget of 1941, in order to maintain a. rate of
40 mills. While our Auditor's statement shows a deficit of $1530.47 in
general account, we· must bear in mind we started the year facing a deficit
:from 1939 of $4395 •87, which shows a curtailment of expenditures of
$2865.40 over 1939. Our Bank Loan as of December 31, 1940, was $19000.00
a.s compared with $24000.00 of the previous year, which shows a. decrease
in Bank borrowings of $5000 .oo.f in 1940.
We have obtained a decrease in interest rate on our Bank borrowings of
Sne quarter of one per cent.
Our Assessment of .tl54055l.OO on property, and $71696.00 on business is
$5380.00 and $986.00 respectively more than that of 1940.
Our total Tax Roll of $161224fle00 shows an increase of $6366,00 over 1940,
whillh at a :!'ea'i rate of 40 mills wonld provide $254.60 more taxes.
~e Yonge St,Javing Debenture expires this year, therefor th e · e annual
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amount of $2264.36 will not need to be provided for in future.
The amounts, as allocated to the various Departments is suggested as follows;-
Polioe $2000.00; Fire $11!75.00; Industrial $600.00; Rel.ief $500.00; Indigent
Care $600.00; Streets $3000.00; Materials $1000.00; Insurance $1.365.00;
Garbage $1.225 oOO; Grants, Library $1050 .oo; Horse Show tl.OO .oo,; Horticultu~al
Society $25.00; Hockey C1ub $loo.oo; Boys Bem'J $Joo.o~; Street Lighting
$3SQO.oO.Vle reco:mmend that provision be made in the 1941 Budget for the
afoeenentioned grants.
That the B:y.;.l.a.ws. Co:mniittee be instrualked to bring iiJI as soon as possible the
necessary By-laws. with respect to authorizing payments of such recomm.endations
as are approved by Council in the Finance Collllllittee report.
That the Gen:eraJ. Rate of 40 mills be set, and.. as a. war-time budget, we strongly
sugg.es.t that the recomm.endations as set forth be approveli and strietl.y
adhered to.
That the Provineial Subsidy-of one mill to Municipalities be appropriated
as formerly.
We woJt).d furth.er recommend tha.t a. Collector of Taxes be appo~nted and invested
with full authori tr to collect.
We recollllllend that the following rates of diseount applyto our tax bills of 1941.
On payments made on or before May l5th.a discount of Z% b'e al:l:owed, on payments
made after May 15th. and on or before Aug.l5tho a. discount of l$ .be allowed,
that arrears of taxes carryin@ the statuary penalty of 4% after Dec.l4th., and
interest a.t the rate of one-half of one per cent per month on portion thereof
be in~osed after ~an.lst.in the next year, as provided by Provincial Statutes.
Signed, c.E.Sparks,C ·A•Malloy, Rai:iatan o
SJ?AI!KSpROWIJ\J:ID. That the Finance Committee's Report be adopted as amended •
. carried.
SPARKS,ROWLAIID. That, on the application of Fleury•Bissell Limited. for
apportionm.ent ·Of it's Mimufa.ctu:L'ing Plant Property, this Council direct the
apportionment of the 1941 taxes or ra.tea upon the parcels referred to in the
sa:id application, in the following propcil~tions.t
Those parts of Lots 17, 18, 19, Plan 9, as per descriptions attached;
Land $699.20, Buildings $9'776.55, Business $4748.89
. 11 500.80 ·· · ·· · •• · · · · · ·· ·4223--.45 ·· · · · ·,. · · · · 2o5i.ll 1Balance of )
u 12ou·.oo .. · · 140oo.oo · ·· · · w · oso·o·.oo • :f,!eury-Bissell Plant )
· b&~eP'Sy;-eH-~li~-SWe-eo;g-welJ.~W.Ji-litbee~. 'lfe~~iE~oi?tns~~~. Side 0 1
That the Town be directed to issue separate tax bills in accordance with the
above apportionments, and that on p~mrmt of the taxes or ra.i>es against either
of the separate parcels, the same shall be a satisfaction of the taxes or
rates thereon. . carried.
SPARKl'hROWLAND. That leave be granted to introduce a. By-law to alJP:Oint a
Deputy Clerk an.d Deputy Treasurer :for the Municipality, and that the By-law
be read a first time.
The By-law was then given its three reading and passed appointing William
Large as Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer at a. salary of $20.00 per week.
LINTON ,FISHER. The above beg leave to introduce a By-law to appoint a. Tax
Oollector for the Mi.micipali ty of the Town o:f Aurora, and that the By-law be
read a. first time.
The By-law was then given its three reading and passed, appointing William
Large as Tax Collector a.t a salary of $5.00 per week.
The Auditor's Report was given some consideration, then held over until next
meeting to enable the Auditor to be present for full explanation. ·
The Clerk was instructed to notify Bonding co.of th . .
e changes ~n connection
. .. . ·-.,
with the duties to be performed by William Large.
The Water Committee made smne suggestions in regard to new. wells, storage,
a.nd fl:l.rther equipment. This was referred back to the Collllllittee for
fUrther consideration and report.
On motion of MroLinton and Mr.Rowland, Council adjourned at 12.15
4·rA 1 :~·····
Mayor •