MINUTES - Council - 19410203.,.; 1941 l'he 'r:FIIRD meeting of the Council vvas held in the Council Chambers on IIIonday Evening, J;'ebrua.ry 3rd, 1941, at 8 o'clock, with the ]Jla.yor in the Chair and all Hembers :present. The minutes of the second meeting were adopted on motion of Mr.Malloy and lvir. Sparks. The Fire Depa.rtment in tnli!duced Mr .H0 rlick of the La France Co. who brought samples of and explained the :particular uses of a new style fire extinguisher and an aluminum ladder. 'I'he g_uots.tion of J .c .._13odfish,on installing and supplying traffic lights was read ancl given ·to the Reeve and Deputy Reeve for further a tte.nti on, and to re:port at next meeting. s LHTTOl'f,FISHER. That an interbn grant of $200,00 be made to the Library BoB.rd a.nd the seal of the Corporation be atta.ched. Carried. On motion of Mr.Malloy a.nd Mr.Linton, the letter from the Horticultural ' Society was referred to the Finance Coll1lnittee. SH.PKS,ROVILAIID. 'lhat the following accounts be orders on t.l-J.e Tre8.surer for the same, 8.nd that paid, th8.t the Mayor issue the seal of the CorrJora tion be atts.ohed thereto. Corporation. Bell I'hone Co. " " II Ough & Son II Phone //65 7¥135 #305 #314 Broom &c. Paint & Brushes Aurore. Greenhouses JP.I.ahts &c(2 yrs) T .Kol!,ice M.Grahara La.li'ratlce Ltd. Davis Garage J .Bla.ck J.L.Geddes Can.Gen.Electric Willaams on Bros • Banner Press F.Dunham J.Goulding Stiver Bros. Bank of Commerce Registrar, County of York Petty Cash H .F.. Teasdale W.I-I.Taylor Heater repairs Scraping &c. Canisters Battery Rental&c. Drawing snow Gas & Oil Refi.J.ls Jiuel ( T .Hall ) Printing & Supplies Outside trips Use of car J!U.el Safety Deposit Vital Sta.tistics Hospi ta.liza.tion Ji'reigh t & Express Bailiff salary Div.Court Clerlt 7.405 3.40S 2,505 2.51); 1.355 4.7cP 35 .3cP 8.9Js 25.905 7.705 2.50S 3 .5os 1s.oos 2.42S 29 .oos 132.14? 4.5cP 5 .oo5 30.1os 6 .29S 17 .2!'? 22 .3"fS 5.445 20 .oos 2o.oos carried. SPARKS,RmVLl\.1fD. J.'ha t the action 'of the Hay or in issuii1g orders on the Treasurer for thG po.yment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confirmed, a.nd that the seal of the Cor])oration be attached hereto. January 4 lVI.Buker Waterworks 3 .50~ L.Hodgins Corp. 7.oos A.Higgins 11 14.405 W. Sumners 11 14. 40s F.Bone " 2.25s J.JPeters 11 2.25s l'ostma.ster,Stampel. Waterworks 17 .ocfo . '--~-/ / \ / "-----'-' , __ ,.· . --\ . "---' January 11 18 22 21 25 2 M.B.uker L.Hodgins A~Higgins W .summers J.:Peters C.Brown T.Co11ett l'JI.Buk:er L.Hodgins A,ct.Higgins V{ .Summers C .Brown J.Jl?eters T.Collett J .Buker Hydro Electric A.Bunn l!l.Buker L.Hodgins A.o-'Higgins w.summers Jl?os tmas ter C .:Brown J.:Peters T.Collett Waterworks 4.505 Corp. 12 .oos It 1'1.40S II 14.405 II 5.405 II 7.208 If 3.oos Waterworks 6.505 Corp. l2.00S II 14.408 " 14.405 " 7.205 " 7.205 II 7.205 II 3 .5os :Power for Dec. 2499.648 E.L. 2.80S Waterworks 5 .005 Corp. 12.005 It 17.15$ II 16.805 Stamps,Cor:p. 12.00S It 13.508 II 7 .2os II 7. 20S Carried. SPAJlKS ,R01illJI.liD· 1'hat the :following e.ccounts be orders on tje Treasurer for the same, and that be e.ttached thereto. :paid, that the Ma))rOr issue the see.l of the Corporation CorllOl'e.tion, Board of Health. F.W.Tee>.sdale, It Davis & Son Groceries W.J.Atkinson G.Atk:inson Fuel for above 14.755 31.395 14.25 s Ca.rried. COOK,l'IJl~J,OY. The. t the following accounts be :paid, tll.a. t the ]ile,yor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, e.nd tha.t the see.l of the Cor:por;orfiion be attached thereto. We.tervrorll:s. Bell Phone Co. Can.Brass Co. II The Levis Ough & Son Petty Cash :Phone //12 Unions &c. Service Boxes 'Wipers Screws &c. :b,reight &c. 3.8os 5.975 6.885 24.0~ lolOS 2 .89s Carried. LHTTON,SPARKS. That the following accounts be :paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, ancl that the seeJ. of the Corporation be a tte.ched thereto • Ji1lectric Light Bell Phone Co. Ough & .son Ferranti Electric Ce.n.Line Materials :Petty Cash Banner Press Thone #240 Bushings Meters :Pole :Plates &c. Freight & Exp. E.L.Bills 2.508 .9os 125.688 65 .2lf' 3 o54S 74.84SCarried. FISI-IER,GUNTON. That the following accounts be :paid, that the 1!Ie.yor issue orders on the Treasurer for the saJlle, and that the seal of the Cor:por2,tion be attached thereto. Relief. ····.--,,-.. Medical Assn. Tovm of Aurora Mrs.S.Graham B.F.Davis J.R.Knowles Aurora Dairy W .J .Mer chant Dom.Stores :b,. W. Teasde.l e " Stiver Bros. Co-operative 5;2 to ~~1.00 Store 24 X e35 E.L.& Water Rent It Meat Ivfilk: ( 3 mos) ]feat Groceries It It :b,uel Groceries Snp:plies Dec. Jan. 8.40 1.755 7 .?OS 4.oos 4.465 14.075 3.4~ 8.o5s 10 .7:? 16 .40'> 7 .20S. 12 .6:z$ 1.625 ,~L~· ~• -~~·---·c.,~~~··ii ii;L;..c~.c~"'~-;·:;-•:L_~;J.CL.~,~~'~"'~·-'"-·~L.':.:_L;:c.·::.' .. 'c ......... ~ .. ~.2""i.L._~ .. ~,:.~.;, .. ~~----' .l (' ..... r) F.D.Lacey G.F.Grinyer lr ~1JI6rris 3 Davis & Son Williams on Bras. Cousins Dairy Groceries l\iea t Fuel II li'LiU: It 10.97$ 12 .. 125 4 .64" 14e40S 9 .60S 5 .4ss Carried A request for new equipment for the Waterworks was referred to the Water Committee. Enquiry from E.L.Ruddy Co. was referred to Property Committee. Dr .Gunton asked that By-law for use of firearms in Aurora be looked up and di.scussed at another meeting. . GUNTOU,NiU..LOY. That the following goods be purchased and pe.id, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the CorlJOration be attached thereto. --1 Gas Mask. 23 .oo 6pr. Leather Mitts Carried. Sl'AR.KS,LDfl"'lif. Tl:mt all requests for grants be presented to thi.s Council on or before March 1, 1941, after which date no request will be entertained. Carried. H.eport of Electric Light Committee. The Committee respectfully submit the ·following. That the committee be authorised to purchase 1 -25 KVA transformer in order' to complete the new installation on Spruce Gtreet. The Committee fu:bther recommends that a stock of copper wire be purchasecl immediately, ':lizes etc. to be cleterm.ined by the Comm.i ttee & Lineman, to the value of $1000.00 Signed, R.Linton,C.E.Sparks,A.JIT.Fisher. That the Bell Telephone Co. letters of Jan.2 and Jan.?, 1941, re bringine; joint use poles ~~.,.;::~stand~.rd, be adopted and th~_l\fayor sign the temporary work sheets. SJ.'f':"""""' R.LJ.nton, C .E.Sparks ,A.l'T .]uJher. The.t the following accounts be written off H.Jvi.].'fagee .?<;J', Discount, cheque mailed in. A.Preston 37 .oss Deceased J .Mosley .oss Discount 8 .H.Hotchen l.22;c Overpaid water when moving 1\IIrs. Hart 23 .3l:oUna.ble to support self now M:rs.D.Rogers .83"Billed for month after moving Gen .Ems ley • 97;s u u 11 u 11 Edwi3.rds 5 • 26s u " 11 11 11 F.Cook .838 " " " t1 11 w.vratson Est. .838 II 11 II (House closed) Kay 3 .8&> M0 ved. l'lALLOY,COOK. That the report of the Electric Light Cornmi ttee be accepted and adopted. Carried. MALLOY,GUJJTOH. That the Iiifa.yor and CJ::erk be authorised_ to purchase a new uniform, to be purchased locally, for the Chief Constable Fisher Dunham. That the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. srABEB,.LilfTOI'J • That the usual l'ower of Attorney to receive cheques &c. from the Bank of :llilontreal, and the Imperial Bank, be signed by the pror1er persons, and handed to each of the Banks named, authorising A.C.A.Willis & /or Wm.Large, to receive pa.ss books, statements of accounts, cheg_ues and vouchers, from time to time. Carried. Dr.Gunton comn1ented on Fire and Water Department reg_uirements, and the Fire lVfarshal 's report, also that the Industrial Cornmi ttee have contacted several prospects, tomd will report results from time to time. Council a.djournecl. at ll.P.l\II. on motion olfl: Mr.:llifalloy and Mr.Cook, to meet at the call of the Chair. ~yr'J I I I