MINUTES - Council - 19410113r------~----~-~-·-·~·..._..;~-· -· ---·~-.,..~---·--~-..._;.,:.~..,.~~~~~-""""""~ .. ~-""-;.ii '....U...-"" _ .......................... ....._.;~""""~~~·~~--"··,--'"···-:···-"*11 I I r I '"--j' I ,..;--·····-........ ··'-··· ~ The first meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on M0 nday Morning, .January 13th, at 11 o'clock, when the following Members were present and subscribed to the Oath o:f Offliwe. Mayor, F .R.Underhill, Reeve, C .A.]!Ia.lloy, Deputy-Reeve, C .E .Sparks, Councillors, R.Linton, G.A.C.Gunton, A.A.Coo:t;; F.Rowland, A!.N.Fisher. . .. . .. Mo Arf(~( 1HE Jf((RVtJtltTIDFI 1 The Clerk then declared the Council properly constituted;/~ the Mayor called on Dr.E • .J.Thompson to invoke the Divine Blessing. Mayor Underhill outlined the policy for the coming year, after which the following were called upon to speak;-Ex-Mayor .J,M.Walton, Reeve Malloy, Ex-Mayor Dr.:Boulding, Dep-Reeve Sparks,Rev.H.A.Park, Councillor Linton, Chaiman of High School :Board Dr.Williams, Councillor Gunton, Chairman of Public School :Board Dr.Devins,Councillors A.A.Cook, A.N.Fisher, F .Rowland, Hev.H .K.Perdue, Town Soliei tor L .C.Lee, and J'Jr • .John Faris. A letter fom Ex-Mayor P.M.Thompson was read expressing his inability to l:J e pres en:b due to illness~ The following accounts were then passed. GUlfTOlif,IvtA.LLOY· That. the following accounts be paid, that the 11l:ayor issue orders on. the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Helief. Medical Association 16 x 35 Aurora General Store Aug.l to 17 11 Aug.l7 to 28 '' Qct.5 to Dec.l4 Cl!1>Usins Dairy Milk Yf,.J.Merchant Meat Williamson Bros. Ji'uel F~D.Lacey Food Knowles & Son Meat G.F.Grinyer Food Co-Operative u Dom.Stores n Stiver :Bros. G .R .Ardil1 B.F.Davis tt ( l&s .s .E .Graham Town of Aurora Fuel. Clothing JJ'uel Rent II E.L.& Water 5.60 13.3JS 12.425 26.195 4o83S 3 .oos· 4.8os 5 o65S 2.685 4oO<fo 13.63s 8.4os 4o80S 7 .50S 14.40S 4. O<P 7 .70S lo75S Carried Sparlts,ROVILAJID. 1'ha t the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Corporation. lforthern Electric F.W.Caulfield .J.C.Thomson ·-···· ·-.. ··:·>to;--· Ough & Son Attridge & Son .J.Goulding B .G o'll'hi telaw Williamson :Bros. J3.F.Davis Iviunicipal World Cash Dept.of Health ][Ja;gnet Time & Jl![at. Gas &ceo. Cord & Scrapers Lumber Use of Car Office Supplies C. oal( Town Hall) 11 (Mech.Hall) Election papers Election Hen~~ls & Salaries Insulin 20 ,50S 13.555 29 ,35S 13.303 12 .96' 4.oos 1.605 29 .OCP 29 ,0($ 15.2\? 75.oos 3.845 ;-••;:·-- I I I I '\__,,.·· ,a.;~.,........=-~..:'-'"~~~i:.~...._,_~_.:..;....._~--·---•:..:...;_:___:.,_s_,~._:.;~.:..;.·,' ·.,~ .. ~~ .,,,,' ,,,;;:: .. :::.:, ____ . ,_,:·:;;• .. ::_. -·--'---~ ....... ~;1 2 St Josephs Hospital Minister of Hospitals County of York P.M.Thompson F.Dunham P:aeumothorax Thiaintenance Hosnitalization Wreath( Case) Outside trips l6.oos 36.5QSS 14.011> 6 .o<J, 4.0o; Carried. M/l.LLOY,COOK. That the following accounts be :paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Waterworks. Factory Equipment Ough & Son Welding .655 Stop & Waste lo25S Carried. LINTON.GUNTON. That the following accounts be :paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. :E.!EN'£19N,-GYN\!iGN, Electric Light Northern Electric Slater :pins & Cable 11.7~ Can.Gen.Electric Shifter &c. 29.6~ T.K.Five Ji'use .?fY E.C.IIlingay Cartage 1.05s Ough & Son Lock &c. l.85S Su:p~rior Electric Bulbs l4.4ruCarried. SPARKS,ROVIT.J.ND. That the action of the lfl!ayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the :payment of the following sun1s be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the. seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Dec.5 Postmaster, Stamps E.L. 16.005 7 M.Buker,wages Waterworks 6.oos 12 14 21 28 J.Peters » » 6.90S L.Hodgins " Corp. 12.oos A.Higgins 11 " 13.205 Vl.Sununers 11 " 13.26" C .Brown " " 12.905 T.Collett " " 4.805 SoLustic 11 11 4,5QS Postmaster, Stamps " 6.005 L .Hodgins VI ages 11 12 .OOS A-Higgins 11 " 14.103 w oSUllUUers It II 14 ~70S T.Collett '' 11 4.80S J.Peters 11 11 4.sos M.Buker 11 Wa.terworks 4.505 M.Buker 11 " 4.50S A.Bunn 11 E.L. 9.6QS L.Hoggins 11 Corp. 12.00 5 A .Higgins 11 11 15 .oel' W. Summers " 11 15 • 005 J.Peters 11 11 8.70S T.Collett 11 11 6.3os L .Hodgins " 11 7. 00 5 A .Higgins " 11 13, 20s W .summers " 11 13.20 s Carried ROWLAJ!TD,FIIfSHER. That a Committee composed of the Mayor,Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and the semhor Thiember of Council, R.Linton, be and is hereby authorized to select the !ll;tanding Committee for the ensuing year and report at the adjourned meeting of Council. Meeting adjourned until same Evening at 7.30 on motion of Gunton & Linton. As :per motion the adjourned meeting was opened at 7.30 P.M. on January 13th. with the Mayor in the Chair and all Members present. A letter was rea,d from Alderma,n Harman of Oshawa conveying his best wishes for the Council a.nd the whole Town for the coming year. Letters from Ont.Good Roads Associatj_on and the c.n.R. were read and ordered to be brought up at the next meeting. Ml'..LLOY,mrr'TTOU. 1'ha.t the letters dea.lj_ng with Insurance be Finance Committee for their further consideration, and to next meeting of Council, referred to the re:part to the Carried. SPARlffi,IviALLOY. That the renort of the Striking Committee be a,dopted as read. -Carried. I ~~---~-----~----~----~.----~·----~~-~--~~-·---.. ~-----"---~-----------·---·-------··~---------~---·-1 ---- ~-/ ~ ~ ! ,.,---.,, ·- r \ " 3 The Comnittee respectfully submit the following;-'1/illf'l~rrrq The Striking Committee submit the following rerJOrt appointing the Si;p~_ki Ell> Committee. · Finance Streets Electric Light Water Industrial Fire & By-Law. Property Relief Sparks, Malloy, Cook Malloy, Cook. Linton Linton, Fisher, Sparks Coole, Lintm;t,Rowland. Gunton, Sparks, Malloy Rowland,Gunton,Fisher Fisher,Rowland, Gunton. Relief. The Cormni ttee respectfully submit the following, That there are only sixteen persons on relief to-day compared to a to:llal of one hundred and four persons at this time last year. Even after ts.king into consideration several fairly heavy delayed accounts from August and 0tll'tober of last year, the Relief costs this month are /}389.52 less than t:b.at of a year ago. Gunton,Stuart & Wilson. The report was adopted om motion of Sparks and Cook. Letter of resignation from Dr.Gunton was read as follows;- "Following the death of 1!r .li!Ioeley Andrews I we.s appointed by Council as Relief Officer for this Corporation. During the entire period I have had the whole hearted co-&operation of every Member of Council in every detail of the administration, and I assure you I am deeply appreciative of the co-operab.on. The time has now arrived when it is appropriate for me to resggn this office and I hereby do so•• Carried on motion of Linton & Rowland. M:ALLOY,GUl\fTON. That the Council purchase nine copies for the Members of Council and the Clerk's Office at that the usual stationery be supplied the Members of seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. of the Municipal World a cost of $9 .oCP, and Council, and that the Carried. GUl\fTONtFISHER. That lli!r.Large be appointed Relief Officer for the Town of Aurora. · Carried. ROVILAliD,COOIC. That the Borrowing By-Law be laid over to be considered further at a meeting to be called by the Mayor, and t:b.at the Finance Committee be directed to negotiate regarding interest rates and report at such meeting !' results. Carried. At 9.00 P.M. Reeve Malloy asked to be excused. A By-Law was introduced by Dr.Gimton, given it's three readings and passed, appointing P .Iv!.Thompson a Ueniber of the -Board of Health. A By-Law was introduced by Dr.Gunton, given it's tlJree readings and passeo., appointing Dr.Urq_uhart a Trustee of the High School Board. A By-Le:w was introduced by Dr.Gunton, given it's three readings and passed, appointing W .Adams a Member. of the Public Library Board. On motion of Linton & Sparlts, meeting adjourned until Monday Evening, January 2oth. a.t 8 P.M. • .)