MINUTES - Council - 19410120. __ --·
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The second meeting olE the Council was held in the Council Chambers on M0 nday
Evening, January 20th., at s. o'clock, with the Mayor in the Cfllair, and all
Members present.
The minutes of the first meeting were read and adopted on motion of Councillors
Linton & ]l[alloy.
A deputation headed by Captain Wilson of the Irish Regiment asked permission
for the use of the Mechanics Hall one night ~er week, preferably Monday, or if
that night not convenient another night would do, for the purpose of holding
lectures and i!ilstructions on the use of small arms. The JIIegiment would guarantee
that the floors and the building in g·eneral be left in good conditiilon, and if
floors neaded to be scraped they would attend to it. Couhcil agreed th discuss
the matter thoroughly and report to Co;pporal-Dawson.
The Surety Bonds, as required by Section 257 of the Municipal Act, were ·
presented to Council for examination, and were approved.
The report of the Property Colllll1ittee was presented and a:f!ter discussion the
following resolution was passed;-
ROWLll.ND,FISHER. That the report of the Property Colll!lli ttee be adopted; Carried •
The JProperty Collllllit·~ee respectfully submit the following;-That W.SUllllllers and
A.Higgins ~ paid a rate of .35,<t per hour. Signed,F.A.Rowland,A.N.Fisher
· s G .A .c .Gunton.
ROVILAND,FISHER. That Mr.Jas.Gpulding be paid the sura of $50.00 .over and ·I
above his regular salary, for extra services rendered at the Rink during
the season of 1940 ,.1941-i-Carried.
Report of the Industrial CollllUittee. The Committee respectfully submit the
following;-On Saturday January 18 1 1941, a collllllittee meeting was held with
all menibers present, includi.ng the Mayor. A nwnber of suggested activities for
the committee to undertake during the ens}.li'ng year we:l!t discussed.
As an .. active cormni ttee requires funds for expenses, your comrni ttee recollllllends
that. Council support the cor.:uni ttee in srnall expenditures in their work.
Your cor.:uni ttee would welcome suggestions from other members of Council and
general publico 1
Any suggested undertaking, enterprise or activity wD.ich wpuld benefit the
Coilporation of the Town of Aurora will receive serious consideration of
· your colllll1i ttee. Signed G.A.C.Gunton, C.A.Malloy,C.E.Sparks •
LINTOU,.ROWLAND. That;!; ihhe report oi the Industrial Committee be adopted.Carried.
SPARKS,Fism;m. That this Colllllli ttee ask the Industrial Committee of the Aurora
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Board of Trade to appoint three of its Members to act in conjunction vri th
the Industrial Collllllittee of the Tovrn in seeking nevr enterprises for our
Tovr:a. De:rea.ted.
The Bomrowing B>y-Le.vr was talcen up, a.tvthe point from which it had been left.
over at the previous meeting. The Fimance Committee reported progress, changing
the interest rate from 4! to ~ per cent per annum. The reading vras then
completed and By-Lavr passed.
A B,y-Law was introduced by Dr.Gun:ton,-given it's several readings and passed,
appointing D.Babcock a Member of the Public Library Board for 1941.
!viALLOY,ROWLAN.D. That the Toronto Irish Regiment be granted the use of the
Mechanics Hall for Lectures one tJtight a vreek, until such time that ithe
other suitable quarters be obtained. That this arrangement may be terminated
at any time at the discretion of Council.
Council adjourned at 12.00 o'clock to meet on February 3rd.
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