MINUTES - Council - 19401017j L !' \__/ ,-···-..,., [ - ) __ ,: ______________ __:;2':.___________ -·--1 I The twentieth meeting of. the Council was helti in the Counai:!. Che.mbers on Thursday,Oatober 17th.,with the Mayor in the Chair and all Members present.The Meeting Q)pened at 8.30. The minute:a of the nineteenth meeting were read and adopted. A delegation from the IjJish Regiment was present and their case was presented by :Major Thompson. Th.ey asked far the use of the Arena for drilling and other purposes, as there are now 125 men to drill, many of them from Aurora, and by using the Arena_ these men would not need to go to Toronto two or three nights per week. After discussion the following resolution was presemted. WILSON.GUNTON. That the Toronto Iri~h Regiment be given the use of the Arena. for di-illing purposes, jointly with the Q.ueens York Rangers, and that the Chairman of the Property Committee be. authDrizell) to supply a key to the proper:ty authorize~ Officers of the Regiment. Carried. A letter from the Aurora Veterans was read, asking for the usual wreath for the Armistice Celebrations. This was approved and a letter ordered to be written them auiho;:izing the purchase at the same price as formerly. E.L.Ruddy Co.asked for permission to erect a pair of signs on the Curts property, this was laid over until further information could be secured. (r>"-.:1. <]../··.:. -~, A letter of complaint from J.G.Collinson in regard to smell from the Tannery Creek was referred to the :Mayor for an answer. Certain water rates were discussed, the Clerk was instructed to write the parties in connection with the same. The Electric Light and Water Deposit accounts were ordered to be deposited along with the re~lar accounts, and that the Auditor be instructed to arrange for proper handling of same. A Building By-law was introd!l'ced by Mr.Sparks,and was given it's first and /A~ a/-c:(//t; ,. secong reading • Mr. Wilson. Certais QloaB§Eiiil we1•e..~'*'"~ns L) -. ' .h-..-' -) /'' - ' -.d.-·-~-----'7 a-~-~~~~~. ctt.,.f··t-·'1-"J···-LL~~·:-e... ..... _.,/<-';11-~-:)~;::. C)-;-v roj~_.;:_,.....,-:""'~..... ~~ ..... ·· _ .,.-• -·· " ,-J<-.• ' .:=::t-d ... ~"_,fi.~:CA_;:,.--'V r-...::> /t..-4--?:-.-~ /L..,..L .~x:..rlt?t....c ..... , /()·-0...-'""-/24!.--"'-·· .. ··1'/.r>.-"'"' <;:t_,ft .,,~<._ ... f!/\.,.0~/ ("'...?:.l~""~".;J~-0 /.·'tt--"1-"""" 41 ~ ' ~ 6 Meeting adjourned at 10.50 P.M. /~~.~yor. ,-......---~-~-------....,._ __ __,_ __ ~--·_-~,. ----~/1/·i~';·-.,-,.-~ .. -~-·----~'-.·-- .~ l I, ~