MINUTES - Council - 19400924r·~-------~~-~----'~~L:~-'-··-~--'-"-./··:' <-;-. -:::;;:>·
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The eighteenth meeting of the Counail. wa.a held in the Counail Chambers
on Tuea:da,y :m,evening, September· 24th., with the Ma,yor in the ahB.ir and
all Members 'present eiaept Counail.lor Wilson. This was. a spec:ial
-·-· meeting c:alled to re-aonaider the _petition for paving of part of
Centre Street, and eomm:enced at 8.15. -___ )
'After considerable discussion it was decided. that no decision
aould be made, and the following resolution was presented.
SPARKS,.HENDERSON, That the petition of E.Warren and others re
Centre Str~ei ··· :Pavi~ be. laid over and be· taken up at our next meeting
of Counail. Carried
Meeting adjourned ~ 10.00 P.M.