MINUTES - Council - 19400520THE NINTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAll 1940 was held in the council room om Monda~ eve.May.20th.l940 ~rith the mayor presiding and all the members in attendance. The minutes of the eighth meeting wereazdopted on motion of Messrs Spa.rks and Henderson. lliir.Mcnv:der of the Godson Construction Co.; gave an estimate of cost of a small sec.tuon of pavenebt on Centre St~ The .riia.yor fileda telegram ror an industry where much water is required and the nexessary facts are being found out. · lliir.Asa Cook made a pro;posal regarding the pur bhase or rental of a. section of tl match factory. Mr.Robt Smith q --peared and asked for an increase in wages. WILSOlf K8NDERSON that the Property a.jd Finance NonMittees go into the ~tter of Mr.Cook and his offer and report back to next council meeeting• Carried •. THE J£LECTll.IC C01ruiTTEE su·omitted a report advising that RLSJV!ith be paid a reg- ular sum of eighteen dollars per week during the months of .rune,J"uly,August and September ,reverting to the old amount of thirty cents per hour if his services arE • requiree after tht date.Approved on motion of Messrs Linton and Sparks. 1'he Fire Committee reported t:tl.qt the fire signal system requires peplacement of pr6.sent iron wire on Spruce and Map,e Sts.and installation of bells in the homes two new members of the brigade.20008 Style B,Wire;39.60;lOOOtH.6.V/lJl.B.W. 24.55,tubes and knobs 55 cents,.total 64.70. The Relief ConMittee reported that correspondence has been receiged from them gros~ Welfare Board of-the prov.Govt.advising Aurora that theynw ill approve of of a expenditure of ~~87.50;for this minucpality for the period ending next fall forgar- den purposes as follows ;ploughing 25.00;potatoes 25 bags at $l.OO;seeds and pla:nts. 37.50;we plan to make a thdlrough inspection of each gardes and see tht each person is pnoperly attending to his;.In jhe fall we shall see that the crop is properly harvested nd stored for the winter to ensure safe keeping. Appnoved on motion of Messrs Gunton and Vlilsli:n. Carried. GUNTON WILSON that relief for the coming winter be gra.nted' only on condition th~ the applicant has on hand for winter consumption vegetables as fiollows ; 2 bags of · potatoes per person and 2 bus.of four kinds of coarse vegetables per person. lliir.Sparks fO r the Finance Committee reported,.11we have made a very close sc.ruii:i~, of the outstanding taxes prior to the ~ear 1937 and to those who ahve responded by I to the summons by phone or letter ,to make s.ome arrangement with our clerk by which ·--., r ) ' 2 their ob~igations are assured by caah kr promissmry notes,we are indeed very grate fu~tas this cornmiteee has no desire that any taxpayer should be garassed unduly,and recommend that they be given a chance to carry out their agreements,and to those who have paid no heed whatsoever to our entreatiea,we would suggest that the tax sale be instituted forthwith~and we feel that in the best interests of this town that we are simply doing our best in this respect.'iie further beg to state that the aforementioned arrears as per schedule atta.ID:l.ed,th t have been paid ot arranged forJ»amount to '~P2200. 58 ;leaving a balance as per schedule attached,of ~r4533.75 ;th be collected by institut a tax sale of the properties concerned. 1'e further recommend that we authorise the solicitor to prepare the Byla;v accordingly.After discussion the following motion was introduced by Messrs Sparps and Henderson that as our clerk reports that tax payers are stil~ corning in regarding thier arrears that thisreport be tabled until our next meeting on the first Monday in J"une and £.sparks gave notice that he will at the next meeting move the adoption of the Finance Coramitteets report re arrears. Dr.Devins made certain proposals for and on behalf of the Safety League Committee cch were left over for discussion at the next meeting. Dr•Devins appeared before council and asked for leave of absence for MrM.L.And- rewa due to his continued illnesss. SPARKS HENDERSOl'l" that in view of the report given by Dr.Devihs,re~tive to the physical condition of our assistant clerk,.I\[r.M.L.Andrews,this council grant him two or three months leave of absecc7jfor }he first month and one half pay for the succ eeding months • ~/lti'V1 fll1il4~""J ..... Carried. MALLOY Lil'rTON that May 25th'O~e set om which the Mayor & Council a~so Cle:rrk :make an inspection of the town to meet at the town Hall at ~.30 P.P. Carried. Jilfii.LLOY GUlifTOn tha.t a ·union Jack be purch sed for the Tovm Hall from B.G.Whitelaw C:vst $12.00 and the seal of the corp.attachedo Carried• " The CounG;il a.djourned, at llol5 P.M. ~7:_:.7::f~d-lliiayor'o