MINUTES - Council - 19400506I r: ! '\ THE EIGHTH Meeting Of the council for the year 1940 was held in the council room on lii:ondat eve,May.6th. wit..h. the mayor presiding and all the members in attendance. The minutes of the preceding meeting wrer perused,and adopted on motion· of Messrs Gunton and Henderson.· SPARKS HEl{DERSON that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the. payment of the following accounts be and the same is hereby confirmed,and that the seal Of the corporation be attached hereto; Apr.6.th. RoSmith E.L. llo20~ J.Buker Corp. ?.oos A~Hi,:;gins 14.405 w.summers 14.40 5 H.Faerter 7 o20 5 Pas tma.s ter Waterworks 4oOO'i> 11th. It Corp• 20.005 13 J .Buker ?.oos A.Higgins l3o20 5 w.summers 13.205· N.Foerter 7.20 5 R.Smith E.L. l2o805 W.R.McQ.uade Firemans coats 75o60S 20th. J,Buker Corp. 7 .oo ,, A.Higgins 13.20" w.summers 13.20" N.Faerter 7.20 :' H.E.P.C. E.L. 2458~835 R.Smith 12~60-:; 27th, R.Smith 15.6QS J.Buker Corp• ?~oos A.Higgins 13.20 5 W SunJL'lers 13~20 5 ilL Rubinson 1o•oo'· l'f.Faerter 7 ~2o:; May.4th. J .Buker 7 ~oos I\f.Robinson 1o.oo5 w.summers 13.20 5 A.Higgins 13~20 5 U.Faerter ?o205 w.Patriak 5.10 5 R.Smith E.L. 16. 455 Carriedo LiliiTOl'f STUART th2 t the fOllowing accounts be paidJJI.th_ t the ma!ll9r issue orders on Lhe treasurer fOr the same and that the seal of the co p.be attached hereto; 2QS E .L • Ough and Son Bell Phone Co • Banner Press Hydro Commission Can. en.Electrlilc Uorh~ern Electric Co. 2.505 2s.os5 21s 3o445' 61.915 Carried. HENDERSOl'f LINTOl'f thrt the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer w.worp:s for the s~ne and that Stoucts "'arage Corp. of Newmarket Bell Phone Co. Ough and Son F;eury Bissell B.F.Davis Factory Equipraent .Danner Press the seal of the welding thawing pipes corp,be attached hereto; 1.50 5 5.405 3.10 5 6.95 5 18.9QS· 5 .50~ 75S 5.13~ Carried • SPARKS HEliDERSON that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp ,be attached hereto; '-"•'•' '/ Aurora Building Ca. Can.Brass Co. Waites service Statio n County .tiospital Account M:erv.Graha.m Aurora·.tiardware F.Dunham police Davis ~arage fire E.D.Glass fence. Ough and Son J .M.Walyon renewal bond C .&.T. W.H.Spragge T.&.Y.Roads Commission calcium Newmarket Relief for Hai~t " J.M.Walton ticket Hawkes 4.351postage 4.89° Banner Press Factory Equipment Woodstock Hospital re Southwood Morton Bros J.C.Thomson gas fdxe truck Evvart. Pinder arena Tor. "_en .Hasp. pneuma thor8 .x J.Goulding police extra trips Attridge and Son Beardmore & Co. J:aJ?rance Engine & Foa.mi te Toronto, relief Fowlsto.n -Alex McCachen B.F.Davis Bell Phone cr-o. Collis Leather Ca. FrankeL Bras. 24o90S 45o67S 25.57S l4o50_S " 28,7QS 20o88S ? .oos 4o50S 25o20S &rr6 J".6 liS 20.005 1.50 5 7.505 12o92S 9.24S 91•38S 75S 73.50S 13o255 lo74S 4.oos· 12.oos 6.oos 24.05S 16o57S 4o00S llo57S l.25S 33o25S 164.37 5 48o605 2.8os Carried. GUl\ITON \li .SO N tMt the following accounts be paid, that the mayor issue orders ibn the treasueer for Relief the same and MedoAssstn ![.Collett J,I'eters S.Lustic M.I'reston Vf .Patrick E.P'reston L.Gilpin L.Hodgins A.Preston 1\f.Elmer Williamson that the seal of the corp,be 81 X 35 shelter Bros B.J!'.Davis Aurora. Building Stiver_Bros lfu.rys lirui t Cousins uairy Dolll!inion·Stores O.D.Hess Knowles & Sons F.D.Lacey Pattersans .tiakery F.Rowland c•'. W. Teasdale W. J .Merchant II Aurora General Store Yorkdale CoOperative fuel food attached hereto; 28.35, 4.sos 4.80 5 3.oos 3.00~· 3o60S 4 .so,, 4.80~. .c 4 .SOb 4.S0' 4 .sol' 24.00'' 14.405 4.sos 52.905 375 11.665 37.745 le94S 4So9S 5 5 ,59s 12.03s lo95S Cl 36 .3ss · 50S 116.50" 30.28"' Carried• Dr GUNTON for the relief committee gave the following report;Uumber of persons on relief 8l;a reduction of 6 from last month and 63 since last April;Expenditure 470.59 an increase of ;~g .56 over last month total of 441.03 and reduction of 364.81 over April of last year ~iS35.40.By a recent decision Of the Prov. Dept.of Welfar · e,all 3 a.ll persons expecting relief or who fear they llUIIy need it next winter mlll.st have a garden auffic:iently large to supply their demands with respect to potatoes and all other coarae vegetables. GUNTON VHLSOl'l Whereas the Provincial relief ··· epartment in sists that where any _, able bodied member of a family wishing relief or may require relief in the future must have a garden and produce or have produeed,during the c:oming summer,suffic:ient vegetables for their need during the c:oming winter;and whereas the Provinc:ial dept < of Welfare are willing to cooperate by supplying or assisting in paycimg for seeds for such a purpose,a.nd assist in other ways to make such a garden practic:al;Be it therefore resolved that yhe town property not at present cultiva.ted,be made availabl for such purpose,under the supervision of the prope~ and relief committees and trn the land be allotted to citizens Of Aurora.a.plying for such land,in keeping with hi! needs .Be it further resolved that the Clerlc apply to the Provincial Goverl1Iilent for such aid as the li-overl1Iilent is willing to extend to the municipalities in this res- pect for seeds and help. Carried• YJ.t\LLOY GU TON that the proper .. ty conJL'Ilittee be authorised to build a line fence south side Of Wa.terworks lot,approximate cost,~~5.o0.50f;: to be charged to the town and fifty per cent to the owners of the neighboring property. Carried. The E.L.Committee reported,'tthat the recommendation outlined in the H.E.P.C.letter of Alril 16th.1940 be adopted and the work carried out as soon as possihle;it is also recommended that secondary lines leading to trans:rormers which are to be moved by the aboue H.E.P.C. reco=enda.tion be rebuilt at time of moving transformers. It hr further recpmmended that the Eell Phone Co .be requested by the corporation for joint use of. poles ff 1 and 2 on Maple St;ff 1 to # 11 on Connaught St;# 1 to If 3 on Yonge·st.and that the mayor sign the same and attach the corporate seal; The report was adopted on motion of Messrs Linton and Sparks. GUNTON WILSOl'f whereas the school inspectors repott of the A.H.s. is so favorable and encouraging;and vrhereas the councils knowledge of the progress of the school work could be fuighly improved;and whereas the cooperation and sympathies of the ·co uncil for the difficulties of the Scihool Board and uice versa,should be realised to the mutmal benefit of both bodies;be it therefore resolved that the clerk invite the representa.tives of council upon the school Board to report to council the work of the schools and to answer any q_uewtions council may ask;that such representation be made to council at its regular meetings on .Tune 3rd.Aug.5th.Oct.7i, and J)ec.7th.l940. After discuss-cion the mlbtion was declared lost. Letters from the Hydro Electric Commission,The 'Bell Phone Co.the Fleury llisaell .. ,,,:: Co. were read and filed• 4 Mr.Spa.rks for the ]'fuance Committee reportedl'~Whereas the town requires revenue to meet its obligatiknstand whereas a considerable amount id due the town in arrears of taxes,during the years 1935 and 1936 and previous;therefore it is recommehded by this committee that all parties in arreras for the aforesaid years be notified to pay those arrears forthwith,or show cause why the properties involved be not sold for taxes•Said arrears amount to $6734.36;we further recommend that the persons mentionedin the affixed schedule be v~itten to and requested that they do their utmost to assist the corporation by paying their taxes which were due in 1937 and 19 38.The report was adopted on motion of Messrs Sparks and Linton. n.Stuart for the Roads Committee reported;"Over 1250 trucjj: loads of snow were removed from the streets of Aurora durfug the past wfuter.VIhere neo.essary the town scraper was used after each heavy snow fall to keep the roadway clear in the out- skirts of the town;this was highly appreciated by citizens who use their oars all winter•The disposal plant has been thoroughly aleaned.up,ironwork painted,and the m·eahaniaal parts have been put in first class shape.The streets are now being put in shape for oiling which should be done a.bout Middle May;.We reooi1Unend that fifty loads (a.ppuroximately).of gravel be purchased from the Aurora Builulding co.at the same price as last year~to be delivered where and when wanted•We recommend that tb.e tender of the A.E • .Tupp Co.for oil at 12.5 per gallon spread.be accepted, oil to be· delivered when and wbere wanted. The report was appnoved on motio n of Messrs Stuart and Malloy. STUAHT HENDERSON yhat a Bylavr be prepared by our solicitor regulating and con- trolling the location.erection,and use of bhildings.for gasoline service~stations . . in all parts of the town of Aurora. Carried. HENDERSOIT LINTON that 200 copies of Bylaw II 716 be procured and that the seal of the co;pporatuon be attached hereto. Carried. Dr.Henderson for the .w.w.Committee reported;"]Jroposed work drilling a new well; material on hand;rebuilding fron: hydrants $5o.oo;new hydranttl $90.00;repairing valves and boxes, supplies ~~100 .oo included in report. WILSOl\f MALLOY that the report of the 11 aterworks connnittee be adopted and the seal! of the corporation attached. ., Uarried. SPARKS HENDERSON that the clerk obtain the assent of Mr.Callaway to pay the remainder of the claim_ paid to the town by the Insurance Co.for injuries sustained by himself to his wife. Carried. The Council adjourned ..... :-;·~.,-:y:-;··