MINUTES - Council - 19400422~:,
THE SIXTH Ji[FriiTING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1940 was held in the council.
room on Monday evening at 8U:5 with a quorum present f¥ld all the mekbers in
their chairs by 8.45.
The Auditors report was placed under consideration and he was called upon
to liXpl.ain several. of his statements and methods.
WILSOli HEliDERSOH th:ot the -~uditor's report for the year 1939 be received and
adopted. Carried•.
Mr.MCKibbon of Toronto was
cultural industry here and the
present regarding thenestabl.ishment of an agri-
Reeve with ·.
mayor and Councillors Gunton and "-enderson were
app:ointed a committee to assist himtif he can find something around aurora to
s:uppl.y his. needs: •
· .!Azo • .Linton for the .uight Committee read an agreement submitted by the Bell.
Co.particularly naming certain areas in which the general. agreement would apply
at once and the report was adopted on raotinn of Messrs Spaeks and Henders.on.
A letter from the Canadian ·ealty Oo.oe.s.king the privelege of lis.ting the r
remaining part of the ma.tch factory was read .~
DR.GUHTOH A • .T.W'ILSOH Plhereas the Boy Scouts of Aurora under the auspices. of
the service department of the l!»oard of Trade in tend to carry on social. work
in' the form of collecting used cl.othing and desire to distribute it in co-operatic!
with the relief department;ne it therefore resol.ved that the aaouts be a~lowed
the use of the market room or appropriate tow:m property for the s.torage and dis-
tribution of such//i;hNi%71 clothing subject to insurance regulations.. Carried•
A Bylaw wa.s introduced by Mr.Spn.rks ,given its several. readings with Mr.Wils.on
in the chair in c:omrai.:Ctee giving effect to the eiscounts and dates for payment
of taxes: as l.1l;id out in the report of the finance committee on that subject.
GUNTOH MALLOY that when council is unabl.e to complete the business before it
at the regular monthly meeting,that such meeting. be adjourned to the next and each
succeeding mee:&i<H~-Manday evening or evenings until the business of c.ouncil has
been completed• Carried.
A Bylaw was introduces by Dr.~·endersoj and regul.arly passed appointing
Hilborn Williams & Co. a.s Auditors for the year 1940 at a salary of $35o.oo.
The Council adjourned.at 11.45, to meet according to resolution on April 29th.
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