MINUTES - Council - 194003041 THE 'l'HIRD lffiETING OF THE COUNCIL J!'OR THE year 1940 was held on Monday eve.WJ.arch 4th.wi th the mayer presiding and the Reeve,neputy "'eeve,and Councillors Gunton, -'-'inton Stuart and Wilson. the minutes of the second meeting were considered and approged,on motion of Messrs -'-'inton e.nd Sparks. SPARKS STUAR:.; that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer ~- for the payment of the following sums be e.nd the sam is hereby confi:rmed,e,nd that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto; J!'eb .3rd. J .:Buker lVla,r. A.Higgins "\/.Summers lOth. J .Buker A.Higgins w.surm:ners· N.Foerter 17th. J .Buker lT. :H'o er ter A.Higgins ·J .SurillJ1ers R.Smith E.L. A. Ca.lla.wa.y 24th. J .Buker Corp .. 29th. 2nd. ;\.Higgins W .Summers H.Foerter Customs ~us toms R.Smith .!:'ostmaster J.Buker licence ·war tax 0orp .. E.L. E.L. l'T .:B'oerter !\~Higgins W .srunmers R.Smith H.E.P.C. power for "an. 7 .ocs 13.80~ 14.40S 7 .oo; 13.205 14.40:1 7.205 7.00~ 7 .2(); 13o80S 14.40"' 7 .oos 5 .6os 7.oos 13 e20S l4o40S 7 .20s 2.oos 134.07'$. 8.40S 7.oos 7.00~ 7.2QS 13.80" 14.40'\ 5.60'1 2655o61S Carried. SPP~S SftJART that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the sa~e and that the seal of the corp.be 31.99"< 5.oos 8.40'1; 7~885 attached hereto; 0orp. Can.La.co.La.mps Wtrs •"'ainey l:!erv. '· raham E.C.Vance & Co. County of York Prov.~ept.of ··ealth F .R. Underhill" Aurora. "'ardwa.re Dunlop Rub1jer Co • Bell Phone vo. Geddes uervice Stn Fleury Bissell Co. J.Goulding Williamson Bros B.F.Da.vis Stiver Bros G.F.Grinyer F.D.Lacey Ough and Son B.G.Whitelaw l!'. C .Davis areaa re ·osp.trlilps teaining tags Hos·p .ac c ts • .cnsulin :Lns.a.djustment repairs gas etc • JJisp.pla.nt police fuel sup}Jlies battery 29 .55"- 3.693 59.655 8.17'> r.oos 14o58S 17 .3'7'.> 12.965 5 .oos 27 .oo<:; 47e25S 42.985 595 3e78S 11.385 1.15'.\ 15 o25S Carried .. GU1TTON STUART that the following accounts be paid, tho.t the mayor is sue orders on the Relief 2 treasurer for the same and s.Runwhr Mrs."ray· .J.Preston c.vrilliamson A~.J.Feren Ilfis a 1:iradfield Mrs • Cha:pman L.Hodgins Styles Est. Andrews Est. Miss Cain Williamson .Oros Aurors, "ardware Stiver ilros: B.F.Davis F.Rowland Aurora ueneral Store Cousins j)airy Yorkds.le . Co Operative :r?.D.Laoey ];, • W. Teas dale "'nowles & Son w.Wilson \1 • .J .merchant Dominion Stores ];'.}[orris Aurora JJairy that the seal of shelter Gilpin Rose " ""reston Collett Preston Ellis Peters self ~arley Preston Elmer fuel clothing food the corp.be attached -2.405 3.60S & Lustic6.oos 4e80S "-· 4.805 4.80s 4.80\1 4.805 le20S 4o80S• 4 .. 80"· 24.00"- 100· 122.00\l'o 38,.40'5 3e20S 12lol0'· 11.13" 13.28'' 7e33S 60.07~' 30 o20" 13.75"' 2 .24o· 73.41"' 8o3lS 21.02\\ hereto; IJarried. LINTON STUAR£ that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on ~ the treasurerfor the same and that the seal of the corp.be E .L. .l:'os tmas ter Bell Phone 0o. Ough and Son T.F.Fice attached hereto; 16.00~ 2.50''" 18S 3.15s IJarried. LINTON MA:LLOY that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same w.Works Sunclo Products .J .A .I\Ii tchell nell Phone Co. . E.C .Mfngay Attridge and Son Ough and Son and that the seal of the wipers corp.be attached 14.505 2o05S 3 .37"• 35S 27 e42S . 10 .32•:, hereto. Carried • Dr,uunton for the B.elief committee re:Ported;"Little change has occured with res- peat to relief recipients during the last month,.Advertising in the local papers brough no results from employers to date.Only two persons s.:pplied for employment.A number of letters weJee sent to out of tovm manufacturers in the hope that employment could be obtained for some of our skilled labour that are not employed.Although some replies were promising for the ruture,nothing definite resulted from the correspondence.The chairman visited several of the local manufactlilrers without definite results as far as employment is concerned,but he did find that one ~!pression is not correct with respect to one concern,and that is that they are only employing single men under 30 yea;vs of' age.1'hey do not discr-iminate against married men. Jl' 'J:he report was adopted on motion of' Messrs Linton and Sparks. Mr • .li<l.aUoy for the porperty committee reported;"1'h t th .. a e Aurora c club be " :'{q.JJ .. ~,~ ., \ .,-.--~-_,.,,,, .. s,, .. , ,-,;'"·) 3 be required to pay $5 .oo frr the use of the arena on .l:!'e11r.~3th.2 •'l'hat the J:ladminton club be granted the use of the t'll:earueHall on Monday of each week at a rental of $2.00 per engagement for the balance of the season provided the hall is not otherwise engg§dlie3o'rhat forty additional chairs be purchased for use in the Mech.liall at an approximate cost of fifty dollars .4.l'epairs r.a.ve been made to approximately 100 chail and to doors,windows,locks etc.at the Mech • .tiall and also benches,chairs in the court room,council chamber and library.5.'l'hat the library ceiling be insulated in order to conserve heat;alJproximate cost of material $75 .oo " Adopted,motion Mr.Sparks. and lltfr. Wilson. llili'.Sps.rks for the .l:!'inance committee repor'ted;"In order that the council may have full information with respect to the matters contained in the budget we present the following observations;Statement of revenue and eA~enditure by depar~aents for the year 1939 together with our reconuuenda tions respecting the 1940 budget by departm.en t Expenditure of police and legal expenses for the year 1939 together with our rec- orDJnendations for 1940.Statement showing a breakdown of the approximate division of 1939 expenditures by percentages .statement showing the net deb.enture debt of the town of Aurora a.t +'ec.3lst.l939 and a surmnary of each debenture as to the date of retirem.ent.lhe amount of the appropriation allowed each departmemt is suggested as follows;Police ~pl900.00;i:iire ~~875.00;Relief iill500.00;Indigent care :Wl2oo.oo; Street lighting $3600.00;streets $30oo.oo;materials ~plOOO.OO;Insurance $1600.00; garbage ~Pl225.oO;gr~:,.nts as follows are alJproved,Library :;?1050.00;Horse Show ~plOO.OO J:iorticultural,Society >P25.00;and the amount to the Hockey Club left indefinite at :present."e reconnnend that the general rate for the year 1940 be 6.1840 mills ,a red~ uction of 0.1606 mills from the previuus years rate of 6.34/1,6 mills. '''e reconunend that provision be raade in the 1940 budget for the payn1ent of the grants as just recited above.'l'hat the Bylaws c01mni ttee be instructed to bring in as soon as possib the necessary Bylaws vri th respect to authorising payments or any other recommend- ations contained in the 1Pinance committees re:port.In order to maintain the genera~ rate at 40 mills for 1940 vre recommend the following;that no action be taken on any other requests for grants;that the utmost rigid economy be exercised by each conunittee so as not to exceed its a:ppropriation.tl1..at a definite plan be instituted by the various committees in charge for the collection of arrears of taxes,wa.ter and light accounts;tha.t the following rate of discount apply to our ts~ bill for 1940; On payments made on or before l!i!8.y 15th.a. discount cdr 2J; be allowed;on payments made after may.J_5tlhs.nd on or before Aug.l5th.a discount of ~;; be allowed;that arrears of taxes carry the statutory penalty of 41" f ~ ter Dec 1' d -• ~th.an interest ~-~•••~~~~<o==~.,~-<'"""'""'',c"-""''""""'X"""""""'""''~~-~~·~__,-_~-·-~·--'•--'~·~~..._,v<-~~~-~. ~. ·=~"""«"·""• Q>, '""''""'. , ~'>"-<=•=~·~~--~·-"-'...t.-h'-'-"'-'----'-·--'-'---'--•--'·'---·,____;...._~"'-""-~~·"""-~""''~~=->-~=<"-"-'-"<'•"'"""""-·~·-··-•----~-·---,1, -"'; 4 at the rate oft of 1% per month or ~D~~tmnn thereof after van.lst.in the next yj ~ year as provided by provincial statute and that we close the year with a balanced budget ... Of the dollar the taxps.yer remits the following division is made according to the 1939 expenditures;Bank interest and miscellaneous. payments l.36!3;County council ' ' levy 8o289;garbage collection lo346;Insurance lo768;0alarie" 2o903; :.pkeep of property lo022;0ffice supplies printing and stationery 1.67l;grants Oe635;protection and legal expenditures lo635;public health Oo418;nisp.plant operation o.305;police 2.293;fire prevention o.970;Social service 7.683;street lightingn2.524;education 32o226;library upkeep 0.934;debenture reduction and interest 26.895;highways 5ol00;.1'he following table shows the debenture situation at the end of the ye 8 .r 1939; Description r1 Arena ·sewage Disp.Plant • High ,School Yonge St.Paving Wellington St.E. Berczy St;. General .l:'aving Yonge St.-·esurfacing Centre of··Yonge Sto Sewerage System Waterworks St.Andrews .l!iiain · Waterworks Extension ~ate of final payraent ~ec.30th.l945 Aug.15th.l952 Jan.lst.l955 May.lst.l94l Jan.lst.1943 .Jec ol4th.l942 July 2ndol944 July 2nd.1944 Gept .15th.1943 April 15thol863 lifov.lst ol945 ec .14th.1.951 r1 cmnual amount 1445.l3 4141.27 7293.33 2264.36 1665.25 1005.19 7802.94 1862.28 310.12 4504.23 722.18 360.89 bal.ance 7335.06 36661.31 73207.8l 4IIl.80.73 5836.84 2737.38 34254.72 8175.35 1074.60 56529.74 ----------229993.54 3665.59 3290.88 __ _, . ., ______ _ 6956.47 -------------236950e01 1'he comments on the rate for education were laid over until the Finance committee could hold another meeting with the finance committees of the boards .. The report was adopted on motion of Messrs .Malloy and Gunton .. A Bylaw was introduced by :rtt.Sparks to appoint a JJeputy .. reasurer.The Bylaw was ,_ given its first reading • Mr.Linton for the :m.L.Coramittee reported;"That the E.L.Conmittee be s.uthorised to instruct the Hydro Engineer to consult with the co1nmittee on his regular trip through '"···· Aurora providing they require his services .The cost of this service would be the time of the engineer and a portion of his travelling expenses,probably not more than 4~6.00 or ~~7.00 a call.Adopted on motion of IVIessrs Sparks and Gunton. !}eport #2.of E.L.Conun. That we purchase wire,instruments eta.in order to build a new meter testing board.The board to be built to Hydro specifications from a blue print supplied by them.1'he estillle.ted cost of materials is $3oo.oo.A,;proved en motion of Messrs.Linton and Wilson. "'eport # 3.E.J,.Cormn. "hat the wages of our forema.n Mr.ro:eo.IJalker be increased from ,,,..,.,,. .-.-;-;-,-;·'~'·'~ :· .. .....,_ '· Ji. ' 5 "24.00 ]Jer week to '1!'27 .50 ,same to take effect :March lst.l940;in recommending the above increase we present a few of his duties and scale of wages since he was emp- J.oyed.Olluties are to assume complete charge of all lines on the streets ,all meters installed,rea(lin~ and testing of meters ,and general maintainance of equipmentolillro Walker was engaged in Oct.l920 at :;?22.00 per week;increased in 1924 to 24.00;in 1925 to $25.00;in 1929 to $27.00;reduced in 1933 to ~i24.3l;a.nd has remained at that figure since.We believe that a man of his ability and experience is deserving of an increase at this time..:LINTON WILSON th8.t the existing Bylaw re the salary of '"'eo.Walker be amended to read ~~27 .50 per week in place of $24.31 e.s it now stands, and that the seal of the copporation be attached hereto; Carried. WILSON STUART that the report of the E.L.Committee be accepted,and that they be authorised and empoW!1.l:e!l1d to purchase all necessary materials, to set up an electric meter testing board,said materials not to exceed in cost the sum of $300.,00 and that the seal of the cprporation be attached hereto. Carried. 'lhe Electric Light Uonunittee report re suburban service where transformers are required individually was read but owing to the late hour was withheld until the next meeting. A l'roposed a.greement with the H.E.P .C • re use of poles on Yonge St.was submitted and referred to the :rr:.I .• Committee. Uo;py of a letter senjl; by the Hydro Inspection ept.to the contractor who wired.· ·' the tim•c• clock in the arena for the British Consuls was readand the clerk instructed to commuriicate.further with the HacDonald Richardson Advertising Agency. The a.cknowledgment from Government House ,Ottawa,of the resolution of condolence passed on the day of the Memorial service was read and filed., The thanks of the J!'leury Bissell Uo.for the manner in which the streets h<?-ct been kept clear of snow during the severe winter was read and filed. A letter from Mr.J .c .Bodfish relative to his applica.tion for f8.rm service VJB.s :c ead and held over until the repo rt of the Uommittee on Suburban se~'vices has been considered • 'L'he ept.of Municipal Affairs re the subsidy of one mill e-nd the need for <Wk- rl .nowledgment of such on 'the tax bills was read and filed. The notice of the county levy amounting to ~~7517 .14 was read and filed. The l!'ire ana. :Bylaws cm:nnittee reported;"That the tender of J.C.Thomson for a 17 }!1Hte Exide ~attery for the ]'ire truck at a. }Jrlitce of (il5 .50 be ace e:rted .. 2 •'~hat the tender of w.R.JiiicQ.uade for 7 netch coats,48",(4 siz:e Llf a.nd 3 size 42)e.t 2. price of' :iflO.SO each be accepted.3.'ihat the tender of F A • ··Rovrle,nd for 12 pairs of woollined. ,. f ' ----' 6 horsehide mitts at a :price of 85 cents :per :pair be acce:ptedo4o'l'hat 200 feet of Dunlop Samson fire hose be purohased at a :price J"ones be reimbursed ~~5.00,the :pruice of a brass of e-·15 :per foot.5.That JIJir.Harry gate valve purchased from the York Township .!!'ire Dept.for the Aurora l!'ire -e:pt.6oThat Jt;fr.tiarry j-ones be appointed ""ire Chief on the recommendation of the l•'ire llrigade,and that a Bylaw be prepared covering the ap:pointment.6 .'.l.lJ.a t the telephone service be discontinued in lilr •"'owe f s home and ins tal led in rw:r." ones • home. if;:P:Proved .. STUART GUl~'rON that the re1Jort of the }!'.and Bylaws committee be accepted for the purchase of materials for the :f!'ire -'-'epartment at s,n estimated cost of ~~350.00 and that the seal of the corlJOration be attached hereto. Carried. STUART GUNTOl~ that the recommendation· o.f the .l!'ire and Bylavrs cornmi ttee re the appointment of Harry .Jones as l•'ire rief be a.cce:ptedo Garriedo The budget odr the Horticultural dociety as tendered the l!'inance cornmi ttee was read and fa,vorable comment was made. ihe Council adjourned until Monday eve.-"'G.rch llth.at 8 O.ClGok when it is hoped all details will be in readiness to consider the levy .0ylaw. i\Jiay~