MINUTES - Council - 19400312'f' THE FOURTH ME}~TING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YAER 1940 was held on Tuesday eve., March i2ih-.with all the members present e..""Ccept Mr.Wi.lson. The minutes of the preceding meeting were aonaidered and approved,on motion of Mesara.Sparks and Linton. :ru<Heg Sheppard appeared before council and asked counail to head an appeal ~tt!~- to every candidate in the j)ominion election for a clean aampaign and a better farm of government,if elected. The annual report of the poliae chief wae considered and tabled. MALLOY GUNTON that the Bell felephone co.be notified to disaontinue the telephone serviae at the arena at the close of the ice season and nit la.ter than Apl:il lat. until notified when the service is again required• Carried. Mr.iieo-.Walker hq,d been asked to be present and gave a summary of the work dana by the Eieatria Light ~apartment in 1939. ' Dr.:Soulding,M .. O.H•,presented his annua.l report and discussed possible measures of health for the community. ~ LINTON STU.t~Rf that the Hydro Eleatric agreement re joiunt use of poles #885 to );969 o~ Yo~ge st.be. accepted ,and the agreements in duplicate be signed by the Mayor and the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried. The question of suburban serviae for eleatriaal energy for those requiring indiv- idual transformers was now prought up,and considerable argument resulted• Mr.Stuart the reeve and deputy · made a remark wo ~hich two members Gf counail took exaeptiQ# and both asked for its wi thdrawel.On the suggestion of the mayor M;c.Stuart stated he withdrew the allegation but still thought it. The Electric Light committee reported;ttthat no eleatria service or power shall be supplied until a. written contract has been entered into between the con::~umer and the corporation or until the consumer has applied to the corporation tor such supply.The form of contract shall be the form used by the Hydro Electric Power Commission as the sample attached,such forms being procurable from the Bommission at a very nominal sum.The term of such contract shall be for one year for services within the town proper,and for five years for services to farms,garages,and other suburban services where·a separate transformer is required.A deposit of two dollars llii:lst be paid by Domestic and Suburban consumers for a two wire service and a dep- osit of four dollars for a three wire service,before power will be turned on,such deposit will be held at credit of consumer until power ha.s been disaontinued,at which time all outstanding accounts will be charged to the deposit and ba.la.nce,if any,returned to consumer ... ~--· ..,.~--• '""""'"'=,==~"·-"-"""')_.-..._.,?~~•="'"'"., -~·-~-~----~--~~~ ... •~........._.,~~'-"~"-~""'e"""-""""'"""'-"''""'""~'\C-<--.-.==~.,_...,.,._ •='"""=•,.--,.-.,_..~" -•'-'--'~----" • --~-· .~-• ~ ~~"""-~ '"'"""''u'~ ·~~·=-"'--N~ ~~ .---~·-~ -~, I 2 SPARKS MALLOY that the report be tabled until the next meeting. Carried• The mayor repQrted tha.t the Aud itora report f.'or the year 1939 ,due not later than March lat.ha.s not yet bee~ received. LINTON MALLOY tha.t the form of: petition presented by Mr.Heg.Sheppard be passed around to the various members of council for their signatures.The motion was declaretl loat. The council adjourned.at midnigb.t.to meet at the call of: the chair. ,,.,.., :M'a\ver• i I I