MINUTES - Council - 19400108' TEE FIRST MEETINGOF TEE COUNCIL FOR '.l'llX YEAR 1.940 was hel.d on Mop.daY morning January 8th.~.t ll O'Clock a~cording to statute. The Clerk read a letter from the Mayor,J~i.Walton expressing his regret at his inabil.ity to be present on this inaugural occasion,and he also announced that the Mayor had subscribed to the oath of office previous to the time for the inaugural. meeting• The following members: were then sworn in by the Clerk; Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors: Chaa.A.Malloy c.E.Sparks G ~A~C .Gun ton E~J~Henderaon RoLinton J•Stuart A~J.Wilson The Clerk declared the council properly constituted and asked Reeve Malloy to occupy the chair and proceed with the business. SPARKS HEliDERSON t~t the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the tresuj rer for the payment of the following amounts be and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of Dec.l6th• 23rd. 30th. J-a.n• 6th. the cprporation be attached hereto; R.SMith E.L. A.Calla.way M.Robinson Corpe .r.Buker WoSUllllllers A.Higgina M.Robinson .r.Buker W.SUllllllera A.Higgins R.Smi th E .L • A.Calla.way R..Smith A.Callawa.y Customs .r.Buker Corp. w.summers AoHiggins J.Bulter A-Higgins Vl?Surnmers 18.00£ 15.4QS 1o;.oo 5 7.oo5 13~205 13~ae1> 10.00~ 7 .oo" 13~20':> 13;.205 18;.oos 15.405 18.0<? 12.60S 134.725 7;.oos 14.4Qc• 13.20°; 7 .oos .; 13.205• 14.405 Carried. SPARKS HENDERSON that the following accounts be paid,that the amyor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and tha.t the seal of Corp. Election salary & rental sheet Municipal World Aurora Building Co. J .c .1'homson gas & oil Williamson Bros -ech hall County of York uoap.aocts. Waites 0 ervioe Btn the corp.be attaohed he 75.00"'· 12.92"' 1.25'!> 12.55'!.1 26.QQS 38.87'" 4.255 I I _/-· 2 wug;h and t:ion Stiver Bros. town hall Davia Garage Newmarket relief for Haight l!' .D .Laoey O.D.l:Iess B .F .Davis: town hall J. •Goulding use of oar Attridge and Son Aurora "'ardware 8.80s 26.00s 4.27" ? .40:, 2.51<:> 60<:> 26.005 _4 0 0Q"S 9 .48'; llo25S Carried. HENDERSON ViTILSON that the following accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on the Relief tresurer for the same Med.Assooiation Mrs.Chapman C.Williamson L.l:Iodgims and that 35 X 78 shelter the seal of the copr,be attached hereto; 27.40 4o80S 4.8os 4.8os. 4o80S 3.oos 3e00S 2o40S 4~80S Andrews Est, ;r .Preston " Styles Eat. IUss Cain B.F.Davis Aurora .tiardware Stiver llros Williamson Bros F.C.Davis J!'i ve to JJolla.r Aurora ~eneral Store F.Rowla.nd J.A.Mitohell Aurora General Store Knowles and Son Pattersons Bakery Dominion Stores J!' .D .Lacey W.Wil 8 on Yorkdale CoOperative J .F .Morning Cousins Dairy F.Morris W. J .Merchant Peters Collett :"odgins Preston Lustic ll!I.Freston Patrick Elmer fuel clothing food 28e75S 33" 97eOOS l4o40S 46"' 20.39\' n•65s 2?o44S ? o48S 90.02S' 13.86S 20.02S 92o78S 2o36S 6o95S 7 o21S gas 8o74S 17 .82'~ 5 .14'"' Carried. HENDERSON LINTON that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treas.for the same and that the seal of w.works Ough and Son the corp;.be attached hereto;: 4o05s 3o?5s Carried. on Factory Equipment LINTON STUART that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders the treas.for the same and that the seal of the Eo:Light Pos-ster 1 T.K.Fioe Ferranti Electric Can."'en;.Eleutrio Ough and Son E. C .Ifi.ngay oorp,be attached hereto; 19.00$ . 605 130.88$ 158o3'S so;; 1.15s Carried. LINTON WILSON that the Hookey Club be allowed tp rent the arena for their game on Jan.8th.1940 at the rate of three dollars for first hour and one dollar each follwwing hour. Carried. LINTON WILSON that the Striking Committee be composed of the mayor,reeve, "' ·' ep. ~ eeve and the senior member of Council,Dr • .ttend rson, to select the standing """'\·-,~··;:;-· • C_" 3 "ommittees for the ensuing year and report at the adjourned meeting of council • Carried. On mntion of Messrs Linton and Sparks the Council adjourned until Tuesday eve at 8 O'Clock. "'ursuant to the motion to adjourn the aounail reaumed at 8 0 1 Clook on Tuesday eve Jan.9th.with the Mayar,J".M.Walton,presiding and all the members in attendance. llfa.yor i'laltom. delivered his inaugura.l address embodYing several auggestions for improvement in the conduct of town affairs. Messrs Malloy and.Gunton made their initial bow with appropriate remarka and several of the older memb»es of council gave voice to a feu ideas. A letter was read from Clifford ""arman,again an Alderman of Oshawa,congratulating the .Mayor and members of Council on their return and the Clerk was instructed to make suitable reply. the Solicitor,Mr•L.C.Lee,congratulated the members on their return to the council table. Mr.Sparks read the report of the Striking comndttee,which after several changes had been adopted in committee was received-as fallows; Finance S:iu:eets Relief Ee][ .. ight w.warks Fire & Bylaws Property Messrs " It .. . It .. " Sparks, ••enderson and Malloy; Stuart,Sparks and llenderson; Gunton ,Wilson and Stuart; Linton , Stuart and Wilson; Hendefson , Linton and Sparks; Wilson , Malloy and Gunton; Il'l8.lloy, Gunton and Linton; MALLOY SPARKS that the report of the Striking Committee be adopted as amended. Carried. ~r Henderson gave notiae of motion that at the next meeting he will introduce a reil!.olution reoomraending· the appointment of a special committee to deal with ind- igent oases and their financial responsibility. Bylaws were given their three readings and passed to borrow money from the Bank of MOntreal to carry on the business of the town,and appointing Dr.J" .Urquhart a. member of the Pub.Library Board,A.M.Kirkwood a member of the High School Board,and ' P.M:.T.hompson a member of -~he Board of '"ealth,each being a reappointment succeeding themselves. l~LOY LINTON that an interim gran~ of $2oo.oa be made to the Library Board,and that the seal of the corporation be attached to this reslhlution. Carried • . ,,, ... ' l [~} I ' 4 STUART WILSON that the council purchase 9 copies of the Municipa.J. World for the ~ members of council and the clerks office at a cost of $9.00~and that the usual stat- ionery be supplied to members of council-and that the seal of the corporation be atta.ched heretot. Carried. Dr.Henders.on presented a list of the needs of the Waterworks department for immed- iate use.HENDERSON LINTON that the w.Works conu;Jittee be permitted to purchase materia for emergency repairs at an estimated cost of $7o.oo,and 160 feet of lumber for a tool room at a. cost of $15.00 Carried. STUART WILSON that Mr.J.Goulding be appointed weed inspector for the year 1940. Carried. A letter from the H.Sahool thanking the council for generosity in the past and asking for arrangements for skating at the· arena was referred to the "'rop. ColUlittee.- Fire Chief Rowe tendered his resignation .on motion of Messrs Stuart and Sparks the .matter was laid on the table to be dewlt with at some future date. On motion of Messrs Sparks and Henderson the council adjourned. ~_774 Mayor.