MINUTES - Council - 19391215·-v ,. __ .j The Twenty fifth meeting of the council. for the year 1.939 was hel.d in the coun• ' . ~~ ' ell poom on !!rrida.y eve • .iJec .15th.wi th the mayot presiding and Messrs l:i'arr Hendersoll -~ Sparks stuart and Wilaan present• The munutes of the 24th~eting wrer perused and adopted on motion of Messrs Sparks and Farr • . SPARKS HENDERSON that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasure for the payment of the fcilllowing sums b"e and the same is hereby confirmeb. and that the seal ot' the coproration be attached hereto; Dec.9th. E•L• Carp• RoSmith ,A.·Callaway ][;Robinson .J .Buker A~H:i.ggina W•Stl:nmters ~os:D:nas:ter 18.0QS 1.5 ~40S lO~OOS 7•oo: 13~20 13.20'1 7 .ool' Carried. SPARKS EJllNDERSON that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the trea.aurer Corp. for the same and that the seal of the Attridge a:~;~d Son County of £or~ Hoap.a.ccts. J.F.Wi; ;is . Faatory Equipment Williamslim :tlroa JJ,.w .Caul.field Bell Phone Co. Firemen out of town fires50% Dr.Boulding salary F,eRowe n Mechanic for JJ'ire truc:k oorp.be a.tta.ahed hereto; 26.74" 27.1.2s l.Siis 1•80.' 26• ·oos 2.353 16.53 s 45 .oo:> 247.00 s 50i0o"' 25•0cP Carried. EJllN.DERSON SPARKS that the following accounts be pa.id,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and tha. t the seal of the W .w • Bell Phone Co. Miingays Car~ge oorp.be attached heretoa 3•0o> 35s earried• HENDERSON Farr that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer f .cr the E.L. same and that the seal of Mingays Gartage . . H.E.P.c. power for Hov. Bell Phone Go • the oorp.be a tta.ohed heretot 1.00 3 255o.a5s 2 .50" . ea..rried. HENDERSON WILSON that the account of the Public Welfare be paid the sum of$3•75~ Carried. FARR SPARKS "t the recommendation of the E.L.Committee that two lights be installe4 at the rear of the stores on the east side of Yonge St.as per request Of business owners and that the seal of the corp•be attached here:f:oe Carried. HENDERSON WILSON that the sum Of $1.50 be granted to each member ot famil.ies on rel.ief,(not earning)in Aurora.such voucher to be used ror the purchase of el.othing o~. Carried. WILSPN STUART that Andrew Closs be appointed as arena cashier in charge of selling ticke:f:s for the season 1939_1940 t a a remuneration Of per evening. $l.•oo Oll+'ried ... c ~"-, ' I --~ 2. WILSON STU.AB); tha.t the tender of Miss F~orence Banbury for the arena refresh- ment-aonce~sion for the season of ~939-~940 at a renta~ of $35.00 be accepted. Carried. SPARKS HENDERSON that the nomination meeting be he~d in Trinity Ha.l~ instead of the-Mechanivs Hai~ as stated in the By~aw for that purpose. Carried. FABR SPARKS that the tender of w.R.McQ.uade for police uniflflrm be accepted at th~-:Pricie' of-· $35.00 and the seal Of-the. corp.be attached hereto. Cru!:ried. Mr.F.Rowe submitted the annual report of the Fire Brigade-showing fifteen calls With a total loss of $80.00;with two cal~ attended outside the municipa~ity with the total losa of a house and a barn;,.iin fire drill the Public school was cleared of 313 pupi~s in ~ ~te and 32 seconds and the High ~ahool of 200 pupils in one minute and 8 seconds• STUART FABR that the report of the Fire Brigade for the year be received and that the chief and men be complimented on their winning first honors at Whitby competition and their general proficiency and collllll.unity service rendered on public occasions and their comprehensive report.o Carried. The 'J!reasurer submitted his annual statement prepared for the printers for distribution• STUART HENDERSON that the treasurers financial statem-ent for the year 1938-~939 be vf.lt'/.litilil/lnd. receiv-ed and adop:f:ed and that the clerk be authorised to have the necessary munber of eopies pit'inilled for the use of the public. Carried• The mayor gave each member of council an opportunity to speak,on this the last statutory meeting of the year after which the council adjourned~on motion of Messrs Farr and Henderson• --------------·-~- Ma.vor. ~