MINUTES - Council - 19400214.l!'ollowing the Memorial service in the United Church on Wednesday
afternoon,~ebruary 14th.l940,in memory of the late Lord 1weedsmuir,Governor
. General of Canada,which was attended by the scholars. of the .Public and
High llichools,st Andrews College ,the council and various boards and bodies
of the town and conducted by the resident clergymen assisted by Principal
Ketchum of St-;}Andrews., the council met for a few moments. and having a quorum
present,passed the following resolution;
11 Whereas -'-'ea.th has. removed from this life Lord Tweedsmuir,Governor
General of Canada,during his. term of office;
~herefore be it resolved that the municipal council of the town
of Aurora place on record this expression of respect sympathy and condolence
to Laey Tweedsmuitr,her sons and daughter,and all kindred and friends bereaved
by this sad dispensation of Providence.
'l'he l~ation has. lost a high and worthy servant in the person of the
worthy representative of His 1\l:ajesty,the King,the bond that binds the ties
of Empire.
Our Citizens and all Canada mourn his loss.
Dated at Aurora this fourteenth day of .i!'ebruary 1940.
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