MINUTES - Council - 19391204.. ~ TilJl: TWENTY FOURTH MEETING OF llHE COUNCil. FOR. THE YEAR 1939 was held in the council ro~~-on "ritrondai. eve.lleo~4ih.wi th Mayor. ~~~ton presi~. and all the members attending. The minutes of the preceding meeting were perliaed and adopted on motion of Messrs Sparks al:ld Farr. SPARKS LINTON that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the. p&yment pf -the following auma be and the same is hereby aonfirmed,e.nd that the seal of the Nov•~Oth. corpora.tion be attached to this resolution; R.Sm.ith E.L~ 18i.00s 15.4QS 84.248 1o.oos 18th. 25th. .Uecr.2nd• .li,oQ.allaway Co+lector of· Ctistom.s,wa.r tax ~~Robinson _ corp• J.Euker Ji.~:ffiggina Vf~Summers M~Il,obinson J.Euker AoHi.ggins w•summera :Poatma.ater R~Sm.ith A•Qalla.~y R~Smith ilc~(Jalla:way E.L. ~-~.P.C· power for Oct• Collector of Custams war tax ~~Robinson corp. .J.B.uker AmigginB- w•summers R.~$mith A~Qalla.way ][ ol?{obinson JoEuker A~Hi.ggins w •summers "' E.L. vorpo. Municipal ~oard validation Postmaster stamps E.L. 7.oas 13.20s lS~2Q lO.OO$ 7.oas l3.20s lSo20s 7.000 1s.oos 14.003 18.00" 15.40" 2546i.60' 142i.l.05 lQ.QQS 7•oas 1Se20S l3e2<T'' lBeoos 15e4as 10e0~ 7.00'1> 13e20s 13 .2Q.o;, 5.oas 16•oos Carried. SPARKS FARR tha.t the following accotints be paid,tha.t the mayor issue orders on the treasurer Corp. for the same .and that the seal of the Jl' .R. DeLa..naye cprp.be attached hereto; 26.35'3 Eaton Co•-medals paid by J.M:.W. Veterans wreath B.G.Whitelaw Petty Cash account Remington Raind Mayors Office J.F.Willis J.A.Mitchell Pedlar People Attridge and Son Aurora .rtardware tel & poatage 32.805 1o.oo" lo200 3•o5s 1•oOS 4.7~"" · 40'' 2le65S 4l.3QS 54.79'\ 48.45"-" 22.70"' Mingays Service Station Davis· Barage 2~95"> 5.oos funera~ Sheard acct. 54.oos 45.25"' 13 .35!> Mr 8 .E.Rainey P.M. Thompson B.F.Davis Bell Phone·cro. Ough and Son Morning and Son Aurora Building Co. J.Goulding $se qt car Banner Press Can.l.i-4,., · en • ..,.J.ectrif 4.6'2'=> 9 .90S 38.35'' 5.oo'"' 290.66'-'' §!' §4·1~<.) carried / ·~"""-. '\ iOii(c. 2 HENDERSON FARR tha.t the :f:o~lowing accounts be paid, that the mayor issue orders on· --. ' . "" .. --" ''. the treasurer for thensame Re~ief L.Hodgmns and that the seal of the corp.be shelter a.ttached 9e605 4.805 3.65" 4~80"" 3.4o"' "'~ ~41il'l" Mra.Chapman F~West Andrews Eat• ¥ra•R.L~oyd J.Preston J,J?reaton C~Wil~iamson J\lis s ca1n w ~ J .Merchant J•F•Wi~~ia doual,na Dairy Peters Preston lleUry M.Preston s.Luatic Collett Elmer :rood Alirora Generu Store ~aminion Sjo*ea_ C .E • TiJ.ao:g. F.w.TeasdUe Ki:tow~es and Son YorkdUe CoOperative Med.Asan. 35 x 72 Stiver Bros· f'ue~ Aurar a. .tiardware Oug;h and Son 2~40"' 3.6ct 2.4o"' ~.74"• oo·; 6 .~4t> s~.o~s ~11.8:?." ~.45"' ~9•765 ~~.9&-?. 2.45';0 25.20"''" ~5.50"' 33$ 3~i hereto; ' ' Carried. SPARKS FARR that the following accounts be apid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto. Insurance H.A.Bowman Waterloo MU.t. Mech.Hal~ 30~80''· B.America :!:own .rJ.all contents lO.las. Glen :ll'a.lls ·. "'rena 25.~1.0'' H·Armi tage Hartford ~ •• 50.20S D.M.GUnra.ith Zuricli chev•truclt liab. 24.00;; J~:M:.w~ton L.&.r.. town hall M.O<P ~on•& Can. arena 25.1.0? Stin waterworks 36~5.8~ . . Guardian bond M.L.A. 20.00··. Chas • .ll'ry Roya1 arena 50.2CP Royal waterworks 36·6~~ F.R.Underhil~ J...G.&.A. fire brigade 148~32"· Dom.of Ca.n.Gen. P.JL.&.D. fire t 35.00? Anglo Scottish acc:.on empL.s 293.77•• Carried• LINTON STUART that the fol~owing accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the teeaaueer for the,,same and that the seal of the aorp;be atta.ched hereto; E.L. JJ'•R.DeLa1aye · o.so> Petty Ca.~ acct. 3.2~ Be~l Phone Co. interchange Metcalf St.'-"· Bell Phone Co;. # 240 2.56> Can.J,.ine Material.a. 43.44'' Can. ·elephones ,;, supplies 23.76';:, Banner Press 28.62"' t\Ta.rried• LINTON SPARKS that the fol~owing accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the teeasurer for the same and that the seal of w.w• :i!'.R.'ueLaHaye Grand an.d Toy- M.Hil.born quarter~y salary cran.:Sra.ss co. Bel~ Phone aoe. Petty Cash a.ccount Ough and Son Banner Press the c:orp.be a.ttac:hed hereto; ~.65" 5 aa3 . {:' 75.00'' 16.75"' 3i.OO:o 3i.90s 3.2<f 7e55S Carried. Mr.C.W.Mulloy attended the meeting,compl.ained of his fence being torn down on Hall owe i en night and thought that the town should make an examp~e of the vandals • .,/ \ "'"' s. M;r.;.Ba.zaley.accompanied by some members of the Board of Directors of the Dehyd- ration Processes Ltd.were present to continue discussions relative to their use of the factory premises under an existing agreement.A.n arrangement was mutually.tent- atively ag~eed upon as a. basis for the use by the company of a part of the premises under a term lease agreement.some minor deta~ls as to apace and terms are still under consideration by the council and the company. M:r.O.Jlollrid.e appeared and stated that a. heap of salt and sand had been placed on town property near Ma lot and had killed three valuable trees.The Streets eomm. was instructed to look into the matter. MriX~Bodfish asked council for hydro power to his farmeThe E.L.Cammittee were instruated to go into the matter and decide what could be done.o Dr.;.Hendersan for the relief aomm.reported;"All applications for relief must now be-passed upon by the Prov.~epteof Welfare b~fore the Prov.and Dominion governments ; will contribute • .During l~'ovember one family voluntarily went off relief ;and one family was discontinued because of increase in the family income•Two families, . I M.Preston and T.Collett hq:ve been passed upon by the .l:'rov.inspeotor and are reoeivU . . ' relief,while one family from King Tp.are similarly treated.The actual number on the relief roll is naw ~2. LINTON FARR that we· comply with the suggestion made by the auditor in his letter '[ l of J)ec.2nd.39.and transfer $8oo.oo from the Coupon account to the general account, i the balance at credit of the coupon account will take care of any outstanding coupons! l ~ Carried. .i FARR STUART in order to facilita_te the searching of tfltles that an abstract indexl . j be com:piled,and a special book be obtained far the purpose.by the Registrar of Deed17j for the l'forth ~iding of the County of York,in which all the parcels be entered.The 1 l I town limits include the West halves of Lots 78 to 83 in the township of Whitah'lirah and the east half of the same lata in the township of King.At the present time some l parcels have as high as 1400 entries which have to be searched at great expense to ·1 I ' · the parties.In order to avoid the excessive costs involved,a.nd to enable our town_ to have the same records as other towns and I!J'illagea,where plana are filed,it is in the public interest that the special book should be prepared.Instructiona and author ity are given hereby to the Registrar to obtain the necessary book and to prepare the abstract of each lot from a forty year root of title,aa required by the Regiatr~ Aat,.The cost to be $300.00 fee for the Registrar and the coat of the book is eat-J imated to be $5o.oo a.s proposed in a letter from R.L.Boa.g "'egiatrar,dated Nov.29th ~;j ,; .. '~ 1939,The payment for the registrars work to be $150.00 in 1940 and $150.00 in 1941 J 7 ,., .. :.;: -.·--:-, 4 and the cost of the book to be paid by the corporation on presentation of invoice; and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto. Carried;. A By:Law was introduced,given its three readings and passed,providing for the reg- ul.&r nomination of menbers of council. and P .s .:Board, on "'riday ,Dec .. 22nd .at 7 ;.so .in the ·" .rileah.Hal.:L,and the election,if required,on Monday Jan.lst. . . s STUART FARR that the usual grant of $soo.oo be made to the Volunteer .l!'ire Brigade and. that thel!Seal of the corpebe attached hereto. Carried•' ' d ' HENDERSON LINTON that ~~7 ;.ocl' be paid to W • .r .Know:Les for sheep killed by dogs on . . . Oat.ath.l939tand that the sea.l of the corp•be attached hereto.Ca.rried• A request from several merchants on the east side of the main street to have a light placed in a lane at the rear of their premises was referred to the E.L.Committee for consideration• a;.SPARKS FARR that the tender of Lloydes Insurance l.lo;.for the town liabi:Lity,as pres• . . . . . s anted by A.E.Wilson & Co;.Ltd.in the sum of $750;.00 be accepted. Carried. :Le STUART ·wnsmr tha.t the lowest render for the Public Liaibili ty fo·r the to~ be acc-epted,anio~nting to $737;20,and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto.Mr Stuart askek tha.t a recorded vote be taken with the resul.t that Messrs Stuart and Wilson voted for the motion and Messrs Farr Sparks Henderson and Linton opposed;.The Clerk declared the motion :Lost. s SPARKS FARR that the a.ccount of the Woodstock hospital. for 46.00 for Southwood be paid and the seal of the corporation attached. Carried. WIJLSON STUART tha.t an advertisement be inserted in the press during the week of .uece4th.calling for tenders for the rental of the arena refreshment booth for the 1939•1940 season,tenders to be in the town clerks office before Dee.l5th,highest or an;tr tender not necessari1y acc:epted. Carried. WIJLSON STUART that the clerk be authorised to purchase 36 diffuser p:Lates from the Canadian Carborundum co.for use in the disposal plant,and the sea1 of the corporation -be attached hereto. Carried. . The council. adjourned,at l.A~. to meet on .uec.15thethe statutory meeting. ---------- Mayor. "''