MINUTES - Council - 19391120.r' t ; ~- f '- ,_ -~) - THE TWENTYTHIRD MEETING OF THE COUNCIJ!J FOR THE YEAR 1939 was held tfl the council room on "Monda;r. eve.N:ov.20th;wi"th the mayor presidmg and all. the members in attend. a.nce.The minutes of the 2lst.a.nd 22nd.meetings were considered and approved on motion of Messrs Wilson and Stuart. STB.AR1' LINTON that the clerk obtain prices for one police uniform a.nd that tunic .. ' "-~ .. ,_ -. -. -. - and trousers be supplied the police chief. Carried. The olerJ. submitted a. list of uncolleataible business tax and dog licenses as follows& ~ ·(] --~'} -_. ~~ T.CH.I\.tburn·8.55;H.Pa.ge 50e83;Mis: Sedore 4e22;ur.G.W.Williams 2.08;Gem Cafe" 117.45-;A.Hulse'"" 4ol5.i s.MOrris ill4.33; F.E.Richa.rds~n{ll.88; w .A.Winter \o.40;Mci.~ab '¥' -· ~ ~ . ~l -~'t . ·: -~w 10.40; \V.McCa.ll.um l2.e3l; Lennox est.l.OO; J:Crabtree"a.os; H.M.McKen:ie 3.44f . ~ . ·? C.Doolittle 2.08; MrsoHil.la.cy 2.08; STUART WILSON tha..t the list of uncoll.eatable taxes as submitted by the al.erk .. be strucj: off the bookao Carried. HENmmsoN LIN"TON that the attached 1ist of unpaid wa.terbills be entered in the suspense account. Carried. ~~ -+ -'\r -\i:J Mrs.Ruth Hulse 55.25;Mrs.i:le.m crook 55.00; E.G.Underhil.l 3.0o; A.Billing 3;.oo, '1: moved and billd twice;Bruce Inn §S 3.75; C.White l.o25,twiee billed through~oving; ·X1 -~ !J {} \i_ H.Stephenson 3.00;M.Duncan 5.00;H • .Tarvis 2..00;J.Wilson 22eoo·; F.Oronin 3.00;Art \,~ ~ 1''i ~:' Fl.eury 2.50paoved aftee billing;Rusk 3.00; S.Risebrough 12.0d; C.Sheard 2o50;B.W. t,~; ' 17 '~ . ·{) Webb a.oo;u-eo.Whitmore 46.50;c.A.Foster 3.00 moved away;:L.Fortier 3.00 moved away. LINTON HENDERSON that whereas the Waterworks department instructed M.Hil.born to do special. accounting in connection with the \Vaterworks accounting and that this work having now been completeal,to the entire satisfaction of the w.w.committee. tha.t the bill. dated Oct.~3th.~939 for 'il'325.00 of M.Hil.born be paid-and the s:eal of the corporation be attached hereto. <Jarriedo HENDERSON SPARKS tha.t the Auditors report for 1938 be approved and placed on file. Carried. A Bylaw was introduced.given its'three readings and passed.appointing Dr;.Walker v.s. a.s milk inspector for the tovm for the term of five months ,commencing Dec.l.st at a salary of the rate of $200.00 per annum. Council adjourned on motion of Messrs Linton Mayor. ·---.-.-.-·-,:-