MINUTES - Council - 19391113,._ r -\____ THE. ~ FIRST MEETING OF THE COUNCIL for the year 1939 was held in the ao~cil.roo~ on Mon~ e~e•Nov.l3th.wLth.the ~or presiding and all ·the members in a.tt.enda.nae. The minutes of the twentieth meeting WI!Ett adopted on motion of Mea srs Stuart and Sparks. Dr.G.A.Q.Gunton served notice that he has lodged an appeal against the decision of the ·eaurt-of Revision on the a.ssessment on his property on Metcalf st. Messrs Bazeley and Bruce of the ~ehydra.tion ~rocesses Ltd.appeared before Council a.t its requeat,.to discuss future plans of their company. The Members of the Prope~y committee recommended to council that the ~chanica Hall be rented to 1he fire brigade on Thursday eve of each week at a. rental. of one dollar and fifty cents per evening. HENDERSON LINTON tha..t the report of the PropertynCommittee be adopted. Carried. -~ -< ' • LINTON STUART that the sum of three hundred dcilla.Jr:s be transferred from the Electric ki~t account in payment of the Electric ~t departments share of office " salaries for the yea-r 1.939 and tha.t the seal Qf the corporation be a.ttaahed hereto. C'a.rried;. FARR HENDERSON that the treasurer be authorised hereby,.to transfer to the General account the sum of three thousand dollars from the Waterworks department and that the seal Of ths corporation be a..ttaahed hereto. Carried. LrNTON WILSON that councillors Farr Sparks ~tuart and Henderson be a committee to meet with a. representation of the Dehydration '"'rocesses Ltd.on the 27th. Carried. The ccuncil adjourned ,.on motion of Messrs Linton and Sparks. ~r.