MINUTES - Council - 19390905,, ( \ \ l. THE EIGHTEENTH MEETING of the council for 1939 wa.a held in the council room o.n Tu.~r:id.a.Y. eve~Sept.5.tll.~~:Ctn. the mayor presiding a.nd au the members in a..ttend• a.nce.The minutea of the meeting of Jul.y 24th•we:ee read and adopted on motion of Messrs Staart and Fa.rr. W.Ai.TON SPARKS ·,this council places this unanimous resolution on its minutes. We pledge.our .. ioyalty10 allegia.nce and support in every possible way,to ·our count- ry and empire in this war in which we are now engaged,caused by the brutal. and unprovoked invasion of Poland by the German ar.my.We are willing and ready to lead .. and cooperate with all conununi ty efforts for red cross organizati.on,civil md mili tary preparedness ,property protection,ans soldiers we;fare./We call upon all cit- izens to promptly and cheerfully comply with all munici:pa.l,government 10 and military regulations respecting registrations,recruiting10 food supply,and all other orders necessary in the war,no matter how great the privation•We particularly request that all citizens assist in every way,and promptly comply with all orders of the special service constables in preserving law and order,whenever and wherever nee- essary. SPARKS HENDERSON that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasur• for the ·payment. of-the following suma be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the s.eU of the corporation be atta.ched hereto; July 7th S.F.Johnstone E.L. 11.10 8th• A•Callaway -14~00 R;Srilith < ll;leOO A~~iggins w.w. 5.40 W~Summers 5e40 · A~qallaway 3~00 W~Langman 2.40, Jo:Buker Corp. 7.;oo M~Robinson 10~00 1\.Higgins 12.00 w .swnraers 1o;so w•s,arkey a;40'' w.]?!trick 5o40 15th. Metropolitan Transport 8o89 J;Buker 7~00 M.Robinaon 1o.;oo A~Il:iggins 15.00 w•summers. u;so tt•sMith E.L. 1a;oo 22nd. R•smith · 1a;oo HoE.P.c. June power 2600.;79 A•Higgins w:w •. 3.30 W~SUmrilers 3.30 Postage corp. 7.;oo J~Buker 7~00 M.Rob•inson 1o.;oo A;Higgir.is 13.20 W~Summers 1o;so 29th .JOBuker 7 .oo M;Robinson 1o.;oo F;Hurst sign painting 20.00 A•Higgins 15.60 w.sununers 14.40 ... ,, ... ··-.-.. 5th. Aug,.5th. 12.tth. 19th. 26th Sept.2nd. - R.Smith A. QaJ.la.wa.y R~Smith A.aanaway ~o~tmaster JoBuker M:.Robins.on f\,o~gina WoSummers JOBuker M•R.obonson A~;Il:iggina Vl~Summera Post Office ii;Smith. ij?Jl] .P .c • A~Qa;Ll~wa.y R.Smith .A.•OaJ.lawa.y JoBuker :M;:Robinson. A•IJ:iggina w;summers .t•:I:luker MoRobinson A•ltiggilia \V •s=era R•1?mith A •callaway H;~.P.c. RoSmith 1\.•Ca.J.la:Wa.y J?oatage ;JoBuker M.Robinson A•Higgilis w;summers Postmaster 2 E.L. Corp• w.w. :E.·~· pole-: Corp. Corp. E.L. Julj power Corp. 18.00 9.80 18.00 10.85 16.00 7.00 10.00 15~00 13.20 7;.00 10.00 15.00 10~80. 4.00 18.00 5.00 12.~60 18.00 16ao 7.oo 10.00 15•30 13.20 7.;oo 10.00 15.90 14.70 18.;00 16;!0 2462•45 18.00 15.40 16.00 7.;oo 1o.;oo 15.00 13.;2.0 7.00 "' Ca.rried.O SPARKS HENDERSON that the following accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer Corp. ~ for the same ahd that the seal Gounty of York levy Gounty .ll:osp•Ace:ts. Godson Contracting Co• w.H.Spragg Bell Phone co • F.D;JJ:ecey M.ra.E.Rainey Fairbanks Morae Remington Rand Ta;y-lor & Son F.w .caulfield E.C.Fielding Davis Garage W.A.Galbraith W.G.:l:rent J.Black re "awkes Disp-.plant A.Closs arena Municipal. Wor1d · ·. · P.M.Thompson :t'unoMrs • .i:'eters Frankcom Garage J.F.Willis B.F.Davis Aurora ll.ardware Dans Cafe Attridge and Son ()Ugh and Son Dept.of Health Tor.Gen.;Hosp. insulin re Hawkes of the etc. corporation be 7615.40 119.37 14.38 .17.040 33.14 24 7.50 8.76 75 17.40 45.65 16.86 16.60 34.;50 37.;50 20e30 1•00 17.67 62.75 15.88 1.;75 20.90 10.20 1.;95 31.43 10.58 3.65 18.0Q atta.ched her4 ( I \ 3 G.R.Ardi.U F.:DtJ.J;lham ~tside trips B; <l:; Whi tela..w o;D.Hesa ~·t.oi:ig ~ora Building Co• :Pavia ~a.ra.ge _ }fationaJ. Lron Oorp. ,J.Goulding . ~ oar use Hil.born WilUa.ms & Co. ;Henry Hol.der 7.98 21.50 5•40' r.oo 4.8o ?S' 1:38 ~~ 8 2.. ,__ 7 ·46'• l81.44C 10.00 125.00 5.00 Carried. LINTQ}f FAl'll't that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on ..., . " -·~ ·"'-~---~ the treasurer E.L• tor the same and that Moloney El.ectrlil.c BelJJ?hone Oo. the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; 252.00 T .K.Fi~~re- E • C. .Mingay- J;F~Willis Oti.gJi and Son ;;>angamo Eleatrflc Can.Line.Materials ~erranti El.eatria 5.00 20 5e75 40 90 1.50' 16.38 118•98 Carried. LiliTON HENDERSON that the following accounts he paid,that the mayor issue orders on '!he b:easu;r;.e:r··:ror the sallie arid that the seal of the w.w. Bell Phone Co. W .H .. Spragg _ .T. .K.l[ice E;q;:W.ngla\V 9ugh.and tlon J ;A,e:Mi tahell corp.be attached hereto; 6~00 1.50 leOO '35 4.25. 24• Carried• HEl'IDERSOl'f WILSON.· that the following accounts be paid, that the mayor lhssue orders on the treasurer-for the same and that the seal of the Ael.ief July Med•Assooiation 59 x 35 August :Mrs.f;ltarkey shelter w.starkey Styles Eat• .. Pa;triok :MrsiYc.Leod ·Stephenson L•Hodgins 4odgina Andrews Est. Preston :Mrs.~loyd ~elfry :Mrs.Rhinehart Haight Mrs• ''aites J.Prt!!ston Mrs •Chapman F.West F,.D.Lacel .· Cousins .airy F.W.Teasdale Aurora General i::itore O.D.Ress Marys ~,rui t Patter«ons Bakery Scanlons · Dam. Stores w. J .Knowles F.Morris W .J .Merchant J.A.Mitchell Med.Ass'n. MrseStarkey Mrs•Oha.pman L.Hodgins l!i'eVIest :Mrs .Rhinehart Andrews Est• 35 X 72 M.Preston Peters West• ;food Starkey Peters Hodgins 11 est Haight l'reston _:;_.:·.:" cor:pebe 2o.em · 3o60 1.20 3~60 9o60 4o80 6.80 4o80 2.40 2.40 4.80 2~40 5.05 10.49 17.25 83•31 54 99 14•39 1.20 51.75' 9~96 5.59 4.19. 5.43 25•20 2.40 4~80 9;;60 4.80 4.80 4.80 attached hereto; ( Mrs.~~oyd Ough]and Son Williamson Bros W .J.Merciha.nt I'attersons Bakery Aurora ueneral Store 9ouains·Dairy W .J .Knowles Yorkdale CoOperative 4 .J:>elfry fue~ oil food 6.80 15 2.40 3.17 9•19 78.70 4·22 21.94 3;.11' Carried. A leteer of ap~reciation far the use of the hall from the R.M.C.Ass'n was read and ordered filed. The Auditor~.~.Rilborn attended the meeting and gave a comparative statement of receipts and disbursements for the years 1939 and 1938• SPARKS LINTON that the mayor and clerk be authorised to sign a.n agreement made between the Imperial Oil company,.and the corporation respecting the free use of the vacant area at the rear of their service station•on the west side of Yonge street for free parking space for the publie,such agreement being subjeet to can.;. cellation by either party on ten days nliltiee. Carried. ' Linton Farr that the work set out in the Bell te~ephone crompanys letter of c May 3let.39,be authorised and the neoessaryn work in connection with the report be carried out as eonvenient,by the eleotirc light department,as outlined in the agreement as to joint use of poles. Carried. LIN'l'ON STUART that the e1ectrio light oolllntittee be authorised to,purehase fifty poles 35 1 ,7 11 top,in order to make changes in 1he pole lines to acoomodate ~ the Bell Telephone Co.lines,together with electric light linea,as per work outline! in the Bell Te:IJephone co•letter of May 3lst•l939 10 a.nd tha.t the seal of the corporat; ion be atta.ohed hereto. Carrielt• WilLSON LINTON that rhe report of the Auditor on the 11 aterworks account systems ·-dated Aug.25thiobe referred for consideration to a special committee consisting of the Waterworks colllnti ttee 10~"'nowles,Linton,henderson•.l!'arr a.nd the lllayor 10 to considel the report and report baek to the council their findings. Ca:b:l:ied. -'f',l The Waterworks colllllli ttee recolllntended the purchase of 1000' -!" copper service tubing with fittings as per report of A.Langman,at an estimated cast of $225.00 tp be instal1ed where n3w cast iron mains have been laid 10 in recent years.where the serviees are sti11 on the old pipes.•~INTON HENDERSON that the report of the w.w. comrai ttee be adopted and the seal of the corporation atta.ched thereto. Carried. STUART WILSON that the fo1lowing material be purchased for the fire alarm ' system of the town owing to the deterioration of the wiring;80! t w conduit; . a 1000' #5 wire;2501 #4 ~ covered wire;4 t F.fittings at a cost of '~~'38.75 and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried. ('--',---.---·"·-··~~-'""'''~-,~~~.._;.;_,,_,___,__~·-·-~--~--'--'-•-'·~'-~-<-··-·-· ··~-"~~~--.-.~~=-..~~:--.:.--..._._.-..... ~·";-: .. --------··--"--~·.:...'-~'----·-·--·-·-...... · j 5 The Property colUlllittee submitted the following :t;eport;11 that rhe arena score . board 0 ontro~s be changed from the present location, to the penalty box, by the town electrieia.n at an estimated eoat of $65o.60tthis alteration being in a.coord- ance with arrangements made with the local hockey association and Richardson MCDonald advertising ~&Ltd• LINTON HENDERSON th~t the report of the Property committee regarding the insta.lla.' ' . tion of time cloak and change of oontrols,of score board be adppted,and that the seal of the co~poration be attached hereto. Carried• SPARKS HENDERSON that for a more thorough and efficient policing of the town under present conditions as followa;~.·lnat a police regiat~er be installed in which the offivers ob duty keep a complete record of all police work,.sanitary inspections and all speoia~ duty.2•~ba.t a police oolUlllittee be formed,composed of the mayor, c.R.Bo~ding and P.M:.Thompson.3.That ten s1Jeoial constables be listed and available for duty on call;--such men to be 25 to 45 years of age»of known eSa.racter,sound judgment,~uiok decision,courage and physical fitness;-such men to be called on in cases of fires,riots,unlawful meetinfs,traffie blockades,and other emergencies;-they to be under the charge and direction of the chief of li'o~ioe ,or the zoting chief for the time beinge4.That they are to be provided with arm banda marked,.11 special aervice.Aurora Poliee11 .Tha.t constable Jaw.Goulding be provided rith a poliee revolver,28.calibre;,and that for the use of the special foroe,l2. ba.ttans and six sets of handcuffs be procured.5.That police alarm signal be installed in the tower of the town ha.J.l,and connected to the residence of the chief oonatable,.;,All police phone calls a.t night to be signalled to the ohief of police when on night duty. Carried;, The council adjourned,on motion of the Reeve. __ .._ __ .,._ ~or•