MINUTES - Council - 19390703( \ THE SI:X:TJE>D'ITH /DEETING OF THJ~ COUJiJCIL FOR THE YEAR 1939 was held in the council room on-Monday eve,July :3rd.with the Jfayor :presiding and the Reeve and councillors Linton Stuart and Wilson in a ttende,nce. The minutes. of the preceding meeting were considered,and adopted on motion of the Reeve and R.Linton. LINTOU -~fiLS ON that the action of the ray;yor in issuing orders on the treasurer for 0 F 0 0 •• •o - the :payment . of the following sruas be and the sa.me is hereby confirmed, and tha. t the seal of the corporation be attached hereto; .June 17th,. H.Smi th l\:.L. 24th. 3.0th .. J .Bulcer C or:p • l;I.Robinson AoHiggins u;Hawkes B.of H.. R~Smith }I.:E:.P.Co May power J ;Buk:er r,I~Robinson A .F...ic;gins. lvi;Hawkes H.~ S.idi th J.Buker !J:;Hohinson A;Higgins U .:.Sumro.ers I;r;Hawkes IfleL. Corp. Eolle- Corpo 18.00* 7 .oo·, 10.00 15.00' 2.00 18.00,. 2532.36~ 7 .oo 10.00 15.00 2 .• 00 18.004 7.00 10.00 14.1\0 13.20 2.00 Carried. 1\J\fOVII.ES J~HrTOl'r thRt the following accounts be paid,that the mayor is"ue orders on the {;reasurer. for the same and that-the W .. Y!. Bell J?hone Co. .l:!'actory Equipment Post Office seal of the corlJobe attached hereto; 3.00' stamps Ough and Son 3.75 3.00 2.27 Carried. -. LUTTON STUAHT that the follwoing accounts be })aid~that the mayorissue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of E.L. Bell Phone Co. the cor:p.be attached hereto; 2.50· Remington Rand Line and Cable Accessories Herranti Electric Can.Line Materials Can.o-enera1 Jnectric Northern Electric Oo. Post Office 7.20 48.26 3.75 257.55 130.75 269.28 16.00 o.Brett 1.35 Carried. JoiHTO:H STUAllT that the following accounts be paicl,that the nmyor issue orders on the treasurer for the se..L"le ancl that the sea.l of the corp.be attached!: Corp. l!Irs .Rainey re l!.Ha.wwkes 5 .oo J.H.\!2,1ton & Co. nrem.bond A.C.A.U. 20.00 J.Jv!.Offorcl repairing mowerw 2.00 Dr.Boulcllilng attendance at comrention30.00 United Steel Corp. belts 14.64· s.R.Hart and Co. relief ledgers 12.71 lTa tiona1 Sewer J.'ipe Co. ll4.3l Bell Phone Co. 15.37 Can.Brass Co.J~tdo 117.11 Ough and don 6.80 l~.}Junham :police trips 9 .oo Lurora Bui.ldine; Co. \,ai tes service Dta:'Gion 2:0.95 4.50 hereto; Carried -·-.·;;. ···;--< •.· 2 IGJOWTJUS J,IJIITOH that the follawinh s.ccaunts be paid$tb..at the mayor is;me orders on . - the tres.surer far Relief the ss.me and JL.Radgins 1Irs. Waites that the ses.l of the corp.be tax acct. Ers • .rLs)i<kes Hrs .McLeacl l·i'rs • .Lloyd \'I .. Sunuuers J .Preston l'J ~Iiope Jc!i's. Chs.-om<m ltlrs .Hhiileha.r t llrs.Starlcey •J .. Y .Andrews Est. ~>tyles .8st. Med~Ass 1 n 35 x 57 1'1 e VJ' .. Tee .. Gclale l!, ~P .ftBa..cey Alirora General Store w.J~Merchant }!,.Morris W~J~Knowles llarys l!'rui t Store -orkds.le CoOp .. ll Stephenson .del fry Iil.Pres ton Callaway l'eters Haight Starkey l0reston l'atrick fOOd attached hereto; 9.60. 4.80 2.50 4.80. 6.80 3.60 2.40 3.60 3.60 4.80 3.60 3.60 2.40 19.95 20.46 16.66 . 87.62 6.79 17.63 26.77( 1:010 2.44 Carried. 'l'he application of liir.W.Jl.Taylor for tlle position of assessor ws,s react and laid over until the next raeet:ii.nc; on motion of MJ:Jssrs Stuart and Linton .. A letter from Construction Gunite Ltd.re reps.irs to water tower was referred to the Waterworks committee. llir.s.Pa.trick applied to the tavm to fill in the portion of his pro1Jerty through which the sewer passes and the matter was referred to J.Gouldine for a report. /J:WV/:L}£8 LINTON that a police uniform shirt be procured for Constable Dunhara.Carried ViiL30N dTUAHT that the ofcer of F.W.Caulfield.to overhaul the engine of the town truck and iljstalJ. nevr rings,wrist pins,l1oints.condenser,e.nd high tension wiring,ata 1 price of $28.40 be accepted and that the seal of the corporation be tattached.Ce.rrie~ 'I WILSON STUAHT that the offer of Vi .A .Galbraith to reline brs.kes s,nd replace king j ' I pins,bushings~muffler,and front bumper,and adjust the steering box of the town truck 1 at a price of ;~32.75 be accepted and the seal of the corp.be s,tts.ched heretih.Carried. Ki\TOWLES WILSON that the :".L.Dept.be authorised to purchs.se 12 poles e.s specified ·by the dept.foreraan and tbat the seal of tll.e corp 1 be atte"cheCJ. hereto. The :Be11 Telephone Co. submitted a proposed s.greeraent for the joint use of poles at a specified rental per unit 2.nd the volume was tabled in order to give the -members a.n opportunity to "'erase it. A :BylcPiv was ID.ntroduced by Ivir.Knowles ,given its severs.l rea..dings and ras sed,.giving effect to the altera.tions in water rates by meter made by resolution at the ls.st / meeting of the council. The Council CJ.d.journed,c>.t 10 O'Clock,on motion ~~ Ivra.yor