MINUTES - Council - 19390613\ THE FOURTEENTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR TF...E YEAR ~939 was he~d in the coun- . . . . cil room on Tuesday eve.".une 13thowith Mayor Walton presiding and all the members i.n a.t tendance • ihe minutes of the twelvth and thirteenth meetings were consideit·ed and approved. Mr.C .Dodson comp~ained Of a goat kept by Mr .Harry Bird. HENDERSON SPARKS Lhat constable Dunham be instructed to inspect the yard.Carrie .. --.. -- SPARKS HEliDERSOn that the action of the mayor in issuing dlrders o.n the treasurer for the payment of the following sums be and the same is hereby confirmed,and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto; May.6j;h. A.Higgins 13.2.0• M.Robinson 10.00• J.Buker 7~00* B.Harrison w.w. 2o40• 13th. A.Higgins M.Rubinson Cgprp 15.50. 1o;oo* J.Buker 7.oo~ R.Smith E.L. 1a.oo~ W~E;tarkey w.w• 8.79· A~Callaway 12.30. Vl.Summers 12~30, L.Patriak 11.~0 .. w.J?atrick 7.2o~ W~I.angman 11.~0~ Mrs.Jaa.Elliott 100.00* 20th. L.Pa.triak 5 .40"' w.;r..angman 5~40"' R~Smith E.L. 18.00•' Ivieter Inspection 11.55• J~Buker Corp. 7.00* M.Robins.on 10.00·· A~Higgins 13.50~ 27th. J .Buker 7 .oo• M.Robinson 1o.oo• A.Higgins l5ooo~ Post Office 7 .oo• R.Smith E~. 18~00* H.E.P.C • 2355.78• W .Langman 1.20* A.Callaway w.w. 13~50~ L.Patrick 8.70• Yl .Langman 9•30. J .Peters: 8.70' w.starkey 9 .oo., W .summers 10.50* M.Pres:ton 7 .20.,· "une 3td. W • Sumue rs 9.90• W.Patrick 3.oo. w.starkey 9•90~· M.Preston 7.50~ J.Peters 7 ·50. A.Callaway 9.60" W.Langman 4.20• R.Smi th E.L. :J.a.oo~ J.Buker Corp. 7.oo• M.Robinson 10.00• A.Higgins: 15.9~ lOth. J .Buker 7 .oo~ M.Robinson 10.00* A.Higgins:· 15~00. R.Smi th E.L. 18.00• Postmaster 16.00• Carried • ... ,, . ····:- :a LINTON FARR that the fallowing accounts be paid, tha. t the mayor is sue orders on .. . the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the E.L.. Ferra.ntliL E;ectric Bell PhonE) ca • . T .K.F;i.ce R~Eveleigh corp.be attached heretof 4.56* 2.5.0~ 70<- 95• Carried. KNOVILES LINTON that the following accounts be paid~ that the mayor issue orders an ·, . the tre~surer far the same and that the seal of the W .w. ··· Fac.tory Equipment Na.tiana.I_Lran Co rparatian Francis Hankin & ca. Canadian Brass:ca. Bell Phone Ca. ·#12. :ll.F.Davis · soft coal T.K.Fice E~C~Mingay Ough and San Strathdee .. Transport J:legistry Office re Elliott deed corporation be attached hereto; 21.35.~ 1416 .• 75• 1Q..09. 6.30• 3 .• 00• 5.17· 1.75. 1.75* 9.05· 1.37• 2.55• Carried. SPARKS HENDERSON tha..t the follov;ing accounts be paidttha.t the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corp. Jupp Construction Co• Cout);ty Hospital Ac<;ounts F.W.Caulfield . trlii.ck Davis Garage fire truck Ough and son streets Attridge and Son AUrora Building ca. Aurora lia.rdwa.re 'Waites dervice Station E.Gla.ss.. fence C.A.Cook fuel 12.50•graveln66.70" Municipal World election supplies 1\r.Rilbarn salary account Election salaries and rentals A • .J.G.Wilson photo of King George pd. Mrs .Rainey re lJ.awkes Depm.of Health re insulin V/.R .Mc(~ua.de police ~rov.~reasurer licences Bell Phone Co. Ough and Son F.Dunham outside trips Banner Press corp.be attached hereto; 475.87~ 73~30· 11.50 .. 1.50~ 1.30• 17 .62 .• 99.954 21.26 .. 22.90· 10.89« 79 .20" 8.01 .. 75.00• 75.00* 6.oo~ 2.50• 2.604 12•00· 6.00• 18e70-• 12.20~ 10.00• 38 .o~ Carried. HENDEHSON KNOVILES that the following accounts be paidtthat the mayor issue orders on the teeasurer for the same and Relief Styles Est. Mrs.Starkey W .sunnners Mrs.Gregory L.Hodgins Nr s • Chapman ],frs. Waites IVfrs .Rb.in ehar t I"frs .Mc.Leod c: .Williamson N.Ro;ee Mrs.· loyd Mrs.Auburn l!Jfrs.Hawkes J.Preston Medical r~.s socia.tion Dominion-Stores u-eneral Store that the sea.l .I:' a trick ~tar key "'urn ers Smith Hodgins Peters: Waites liaight Stephenson Collett Callaway "'elfry Swanson Hawkes M.Preston 35 X 96 food of the corp. be at ta.ched 2.40•· 2.40« 2. 40•' 2.40• 9-.60-. 3.60·· 3 .60•''' 4o80• 4.800 1.20• 2.40• 6o8b• 4.80"' 4.80 4 • 3.60. 33.60 31.69• 106•22~ hereto; \\ F.W .Tea.sdale Mru:ys .IJ':r:ui t G.F~Grinyer Pattersons Bakery $caillons J? .D .La.cey Cousins Dairy Yorkdale.CoOperative F.Morris W.J.Mercml.nt Q;D.Hess j ~Jf~Viillis J ~F .l\![orning Stiver Hros 3 fuel 20.02,, .• 57· 6o48• 12.97. 3.84* 9.99> 30.26* 4•2.6• 17.444 7 .40• 78• 1.55• 1.09. 2.00* 69 •. · Da:vis ua.rage Williamson Bros 4.80* Carried.. lfie report of the Auditor for the first three months of the year was read and referred to the Finance committee for a report at the next meeting. LINTON SPARKS that whereas the Yonge st.hi:;hway from Steeles corners to Richmond Hill is atraffic haxard,an~ the traffic congestion at all times,especially week ends and holidays is a disgrace to the ~rovince of Ontario.And Vf.hereas the citizens of this municipality are very much c.ongerned about the conditions that exist. Therefore be it resolved tha.t the council of this municipality go on record as petitioning the Highvmys department of the Province of Ontarion to take imn1ediate steps to remedy this deplorable condition. Carried. .,, . FA.'l:'i. HENDERSON that the account of M.Hilborn of iif35 .oo for special work done in connection with the setting up of the E.L.Department books in 1938 be paido Carried HENDERSOl'l" FARR that the account of ~~1.76 *for Mr.Lintons phone calls in connection with the visit of the King and ,~ueen be paid,and the seal of the corporation a .. ttach hereto. Carried• Kl'l"OWLES LINTON that the account of Gray Coach Lines Ltd.amounting to :1~310 .oo~ cover; ing hire of 10 large coaches in transporting school children to and from Toronto to view the King and Q,ueen be paid and the seal of the corporation be a.ttached. .. * ~124.00 repayable by H.S.Board as their share. Carried• A letter from the Board of Health,Newmarket,regarding the appointment of a milk inspector jointly was left in the hands of Mayor Walton to report at next meeting. SPARKS HEUDERSOl'l" that the request of the Loyal True Blue Ass'n for the privelege of holding a tag day on June 24th.be granted. Ca.rried. A letter from the Bell Phone Uo.regarding construction on various streets was received and referred to the E.L.Committee. The :Property C::ommittee.Messrs Wilson Sparks and Stuart submitted the following report which was adopted; 11 T:h.at the acceptance by the Property cormnittee of Chas. Kumpf's offer to rent the town arena for the purpose of staging an amateur boxing ! 4 and viTestling tournament on June 10th.l939,at a rental of $10.00 be hereby ratified The E.Light Comrni ttee subrai tted the following re1mrt; "the committee recommend that the following accounts be written off as they are not collectable,W.Saigle ~~1.51 amount disputed;Pla.za Cafe $76.01 bankrupt. KlfOWLES· WILSON-that the report of the E.L.Committee be acJ.optede Carried. The ~Vaier.;,~rlcs voramittee submitted the following report;"'L'hat th~ 8" main from the corner of Wellington and Victorie .. Sts.be extended through Mrs.Jas.Elliott•s prop erty as per agreement hereto a.ttached,to the north side o·f Centre St.then es.sterly to Spruce.then northerly on Spruce to the north side of Catherine Ave.:l:hat one hyd- rant and three eight inch valves be installed on the said main,the hydrant to be placed on the south side of Centre St.and west of :::lpruce St.The estimated cost of the above ;vork is as follovrs;750'main 1200.00;3 eight inch valves 174•00;hydrant 90.00,labor $225.00; 1689.00. WILSON STUART that the report of the Waterworks committee dated lvlarch 6tho39 be adopted and the seal of the corporation a.ttached hereto. Carrieo .• The Waterworks committee submitted the following report;"ythat the new water survey made by the committee and the new rates set out by the committee,concurred in by the clerk and auditor,be used on the ~uly lst;,billing.'~~e fUrther recommend , that thw aterworks foreman pay particular attention to the lawn service,which is ,'7' to be used between 7 and 9 P.I\I:o only,during the summer months.The committee after long discussion and work,reoommend that a new oorrutercial rate be established as follows;lO cents per m.galsofor the first 50000 gals per.manth;and 8 cts.per M.gals. for the balarace used per month,and that a new bylaw consistent herewith be prepared. now forthvrith.-'-hat the follmvin .: ac·counts be ;ITitten off as they are not cpllectable; Plaza (;afe 24.50;W .Richards ~.oo ;H.Stooks 50 cts ;G .Walker 50 cts ;-r .Palmer 50ots; :n:..K.Farr 50 cts.;that the following accounts be transferred to suspense account Mrs.s.~atrick 24.00; A.Eirchard 57.50;W.Atkin-~on 2.~5;H.Stephebson 3.00;. f NII.'30N STUART that the report of the V/.\'l.Colllln~ttee dated June 13th.l939,1:ie adopted. Carried. Iviessrs Knowles and Linton moved that the clerk be instructed to write for prices for new plates for the disposal plant.Carried. The council adjourned,on motion of Mr.Linton,to meet shortly to consider the situation rela.tive to the Dehydration J?rocesses building. Mayor.