MINUTES - Council - 19390620T1lJl1 FIFTEENTH lVIEETIHG OF THE COUUCIJL FOR THE YEAR 1939 was held in the
Oounclill room on ·ruesday eve.".une 20th.with the mayor presiding and all the
members in attendance.
The mmnutes of the precedfng meeting,June 3rd.weee considered and app-
roved on motion of laessrs Knowles and Wilson.
Constable Dunham repoeted on the complaint re a goat,that while the yard
was· somewhat littered,he could find no oo.or in the yard or buildings.
At the request of council Mr.Bazelejl;,and Mr.Cle.rke,representing the Dehyd
ration l'rocesses Ltdoappeared.before the council to give information as .to
the companys operat:i.un and producttand explaining the reason that the company
have not operated since liebruary last.The gentlemen explained that their
product has not yet been passed by the necessary Government Boards to permit
its sale,
HEH.DERSON STUART that the solicitor prepare a Bylaw citing the tax to be
paid by alJ: ·persons starting any business within the Municipality after the
Assessor has made his assessment. Carried.
SP·'u{l(d .I!'AHit that the ac aunt rendered by "'ep. Walsh for 'if 77 • 40" for
• special examinations and for ~~soo.oo solicitors fees,in the case of 'Whitmore
vs.the Town of Aurora,be paid and an order given for the payment,and that
the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. llarrieo .•
The Streets CorMtittee brought in the following recommendations in the
form of a report,"that the following storm sewer catch basins be rebuilt;
2 on Machell and Irwin Aves.;2 on Centre St.;2 on Wells St.;l at Mosley and
Larmont.'rhat Mr.S~uners be employed temporarily toassist Mr.Goulding on the
same basis of remuneration as last year.
LINTON WILSON that the report of the Streets CorMli ttee be adopted end the
seal of the Corporation attached hereto. Carried.
oJPAlnG:l l{l])NDllH.SOU the.t the Mayor and Reeve arl'ange some relief service
for F.Dunham c.C.in traffic direction so that he will not be oj duty full
ileven clays a week. Carried.
:BYLaw# 830 was introduced,given its several readings,passed and signed,
giving effect to the appoinj!lllent of I,!r.F.Rowe as -"ire Chief.
The Council adjourned,on motion of the Reeve.