MINUTES - Council - 19390515( '\ The TWELVTH lOOiTING OF TilE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1939 was held in the council ro ~Ill on Mbnday eve ~Itfl:ay 15 th.wi th th e Acting Ma;)ror ,lie eve knowles :predi.ding and all the members in a.ttendance. t.ep,i;h The minutes of the pfit~~meeting we2e considered and ap:proved,on motion of - Messrs Wilson ana Linton~ The minutes of the special meeting held on May.l2.th.were read by the clerk and confirmed on motion of Messrs Sparks and Linton. FARJ1 STUART thqt the agreement as submitted by the Bell Phone Co•be accepted a.nd signed by the acting Mayor and the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carriei;l. THE FIRE COlliiU.TTEEi submitted the following recommendation;"Whereas our :present Fire Chief owing to illness has been unable to :perform his duties as chief of the Au:i:ora Fire Brigade for over two years•And Whereas Frank Rowe has been acting Fire Chief for the same :period;Be it resolved that Frank Rowe be now appointed Fire Chief with full :powers and that a Bylaw be :prepared to confirm his appointment. That Mr.Fred Browning be appointed honorary Ji'ire chief ,in recognition of his long services to the Aurora Fire Brigade. WILSOU LINTON that the report of the ]'ire Committee be received and adopted. Carried. THE E.L.Committee submi:Cted the following re:port;11 that Metcalf St.be rewired from Berczy to Victoria St;.using if' possible the Bell Telephone Co.poles on the south side of the street.We would therefore do away with one row of poles on this street and the street lights wpuld be over the sidewalk,as there is no walk on the north side of the street.Due to the fact that there are only four or five services. on the north side of the street,we would make a saving of approximately 45 1 of connection on each service,by moving to the south side of the street•In order to give better service to this section,we suggest that a new 15 K.V.A.Transformer be purchased to handle the increasing load in this section of the towneThe approx- imate cost of the above undertaking would be material $700.00,labor $200•00. llEWDERSON WILSON that the report of the E.L.Committee be received and adopted and that the seal of the copporation be attached hereto. Carried;. SPARKS HENDERSON that the resolution passed at the last meeting pertaining to the half' holiday being proclaimed on J~ 22nd.be amended by proclaiming the whole day instead of' the half day on representations being nmde by various industries and organizations. Carried,. /,.----'\ a The mayor was instructed to confer with Mr.~ regarding the decorations to be pl 0.ced on the town hall.or other buildings or locations. lt was decided that the acting Mayor,the assistant clerk,and Councillor Wilson be a committee to procure pictmres of former mayors to be hung in the council room 11le clerk was asked to notify the Chief of Police that there is a considerable amount of stealing from milk bottles both of tickets and money. HEl'IDERSON LINTON that the clerk IJUrchase a picture of the lling at a cost of '~ ''. $6.00,and that the seal o:f. the corporation be attached hereto. Carriede A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Linton,given its several readings and passed, appointing I~.M.Hilborn as auditor for the town for the year 1939 at a salary of $350eOO;the same amount as for the previous year. Mr•Lee was asked to checlc over the Bylaws and report on all who should be charged a licence fee. HENDERSmr LINTON that the act of theW.W.Committee in obtaining an easement over the easterly strip of the lands of 1~s.E.M.Elliott for the laying of a water pipe from Wellington St•to Centre st.be and the same is hereby approved,and that the sum of ·one hundred dollazs be paid to MXs.Elliott as compensation therefore, and that the seal of the copporation be attached hereto. /l!rifii~#IJI Mr.stuart asked for a recorded yote and upon the call of the roil by the clerk,theActing Mayor,JJeputy Reeve,Cauncillors Henderson Linton Sparks and Wilson ~te recorded as voting yea and Councillor Stuart nay. The motion was carried• SPARKS HEl'IDERSON that the clerk be instructed and authorised to advertise and hold a nomination to fill the vacancy at the head of the council on the 26tho> day of May in the Mechanics Hall at the hour of 7.30 P.M. and if an election is found necessary,that the same be held on the second day of June l939,at the same hours and with the same polling booths and officers as in the last preceding electiot for this municipality. Carried• After some discussion regarding parking near corners and in front of bus stops and the reference of the matter to the traffic officers-the council adjourned, on motion of Messrs Wilson and Henderson at 10.30• Mayor. ·::11, ~~ ....... I f~;.__ ~ r·,~, ............. __ ... /' 5 llir .I.ee voiced a compla.int that information relative to discussions in council rega.rding the tenders for the lvLechanics Hall contracts were wrongfullg given ou:t and that charges of manipulation of the figures and gross favoritism shown had been me.de,.and ths.t an explanation was expected .. The mayor e.dded that his name had ·oeen coupled with the matter and added his opinion that if any member of council was guilty he should make explane.tion.M:r • ..:ituart informed council the.t he had not coup-. led the hlo.yor's name with it but that he had informed lilr.Ough that the figures ·been manipulated. The fact was clearly defined by members that there was no manip~ ulation but merely a SUlllllling up of itemised tenders when the items had been agreed upon by counc.il and no tender had been recommended by the committee but a presentation of figures given had been presented.Mr.;;;tuart explained that no evil in the word "manipulation" ,and offered to wi thdre.w the word "manipulate"; ;.;:r.Lee stated emphatically that all he did was calculate the tenders submitted an he wished that fact clearly defined.and that Mr.Stuart should go tll l.Ir.Ough and state the.t he had no intention to cast any reflection on or do any injustice rnember.The mayor explained that the whole action was the considered decision majority of counoil.lVIr .Lee asked for a dec is ion of council as to whether his oulation in any unfair way influenced the members in their decision ance of any tender for the toilets and basins,. as Mr.Ough certiO.inly ression tho.t wrong and unfa.ir action had been taken.'I'he 1iayor asked it was correct that whatever he had said to Mr.Ough he imputed no dishonest to Mr.Lee?i\lll: • ..:ituart answered that such was the oase .. The i>iayor a.sked further Stuart would admit that in the subsequent action llir.Ough had taken that of dishonest motilii'B2Mr.;;;tua.rt did not know what imputation had been ta.keri.The oil again agreed that no change of figured had been made.Ivir.Lee stated that wished was a statement from li!lr.Stuart that in the light of wha.t he had that there had oeen no change me.de in the figures.liilr.Stuart maintained that ures had to be changed to arrive at the decision.lW:r.Bunn asked leave to wi thdrew.iiir.Stuart a.greed to see Mr.Ough an·d find out what impression he The ii.ayor suggested that he explain to Mr.Ough that the whole matter had oughly discussed and that the majority of council had decided accordingly.1W:rJ s.sked if he had the permission of council to explain to Mr.Ough just,.what had ured this evening and was assured that such was the vrish of the m.embers .whereu1J he agreed to make a clear explanation. On motion of 1:.:-.•i ul:Je and JJ:r,.i.ialloy the council adjourned until next evening~ . '~ .. -. mayor~ J .. BY .1;:A.\f 'NtJ1i!:BER . --~--.-. -. -.-~-..,-.------ By-law of the Town of Aurora to license and govern Hawkers, Pedlers and Petty Chapmen within the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to pass a By,.law governing Hawkers, Pedlers and Petty Chapmen within the Town of Aurora. AND WHEREAS power is conferred on the Towns to pass such a By-law under "Municipal Act" Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 233, Section 422. THEREFORE TEE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TEE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS!- (1) No person shall act as Hawker, Pedler or Petty or go from place to place, or to other person's houses, on foot or with any animal or vehicle, bearing or drawing or conveying any goods, wares or merchandise, in or with any vehicle or otherwise carry goods, wares or merchandise for sale in the of Aurora, without having first obtained a License from the Town of Aurora for so doing. Provided always that no such License shall be required for hawking, sel1ing or peddling from any vehicle or conveyance, any goods, wares or merchandise to any Retail Dealer; or for hawking or peddling any goods, wares or merchandise, the growth, produce or manufacture of this Province, not being liquor within as defined by "The Liquor Control Act"; if the same are being hawked or peddled by the manufacturer or producer of the good:ca, wares, or merchandise, or by his bona fide servants or employees having written authority on his behalf • l \ i I I _i __ d'"-,·---·· \ ~ .--.,,, l \_ ' -2~ ~he word Hawker in this clause shall include all. persons who sell or offer for sale, Tea, Coffee, Spicas, Baking Powaer, Coal Oil, Tinware, Dry Goods, Watches,.Plated. Ware, Silverware, Carpet Sweepers, Furniture, Carpets, Upholstery, MilHnery, Electrical. Appliances, Jewel.ler,v, Spectacles or Eye Glasses, or carry and expose Samples or Patternsof any such Goods to be delivered afterwards, within the Town to any person not being a Wholesale· or Retail Dealer in such Goods, Wares or Merchandise. \ (2) Licenses shall be issued and sold by The.Town Treasurer to such persons mentioned in Section One of this By-law Wh() shall have obtained a satisfactory Certificate of Character, and shall have deposited the same with the Treasurer, with the Address of the person obtaining the Certificate, and who shall pay to The Treasurer for a License required under this By-law the sum of ~-. :for a person carrying his goods or wares in a basket; the sum of#,:.··. for a person carrying his goods or wares in a pack·; the sum of If , j for a person carrying his goods or wares in a pushcart; the sum o:f ,t'.. •'-'0 for a person having his goods or wares in a one horse vehicle; the sum of£ , .' for a person having his goods or wares in a Motor Car, Motor Truck or Vehicle dra~m by two horses, and eve:cy such License granted under this By--l.aw shall be and remain in force until the thirty-first dey of December next thereafter. .A:r:J.y person having obtained a License under this By-law who, 1 I ..1 1 by reason of accident or sickness is unable to continue his I calling, I I I upon presenting a Certificate to that effect from any licensed I 11 ,-I Medical Practitioner, may employ some other person for the balance of the time _the License may have to run; provided the person so --~"> required ll :;-l ···;l ._i_~ )· employed shall furnish a Certificate of moral. character as ' ( -~~-·-, t .•. ~;._. . k '-,!~-'"L -3- under Section two of this By-law, and upon payment of One Pollar ($1.00), the Treasurer shall endorse such transfer on the back of the License. (3) Any person from whom a License or Certificate to sell is required by this By-law who refuses or neglects to produce such License or Certificate, upon demand being made upon him or I her by any Magistrate, Police Officer, Municipal or Peace Officer, or any other person to whom he or she offers wares for sale, for which a Certificate to sell or license is required. shall be liable to a fine of not less than One Dollar ( $1.00) and not more than Five Dollars ($5.00), together with the costs, recoverable before a Magistrate in the manner prescribed by the Summary Convictions Act. In case a Constable or other Officer demands the production of a License, and such demand is not complied with by any. person to whom this By-law applies, it shall ·be the duty of such Constable or Police Officer, and he Shall have power so to do, to arrest such person without a Warrant,and upon the failure of such person to produce a License, to take him before a Magistrate, there to be dealt with according to this By-law. Any person offending against the Provisions of Clauses One or Three of this By-law shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate a penalty equal to the cost of such license required to have been purchased by such offender, together with the Costs of the Trial, for each offence, and ~n default of pcyment of the said penalty and costs, forthwith, the said penalty and costs may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the Offender, and in case of there being no dis- tress found upon which such payment can be levied the Magistrate may commit the Offender to the Common Jail of the County' of the "'1'-<"-\ '--~ ~- -4- County of York, with or without hard labor,for any period not exceeding twenty-one days. All By-laws or portions of By-laws inconsistent with this By-law are hereby repealed. DATED at the Town of Aurora, ~his 23rd day of April, 193~ PASSED at the Town of Aurora, this 23rd day of April, ~3~ cmRX. REEVE. 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