MINUTES - Council - 19390501I •• • ~~ THE TEl\fTli 'ful)<TF:Tll'fG OF THE COUNCIL FOR THEV YEAR ~939 was held in the Council roam on Monday ewe.I\!fa.y ~at.with all the members in attendance and the acting Mayor preaiding. The minutes o~ the preceding meeting were read and confirmed.om motion of Messrs Wilson and Linton• SPARKS FARR that the a.ction of the mayor in issuing orders on the treas• urur for the payment of the ~allowing stli!lS be and the same is hereby confirmed.and tha.t the seal of the corporation be attached hereto; Apr• 8th• ~5th. 22nd. 29th. A·Higgins Jolluker A~Higgins J.Buker S~F.Jo~stone E.L.Inap. A~Higgins Jolluker l\iL~obinson Postmaster $~Harrison w.w • Petty Cash · 1• J;I;E.P.Q. power-for March E.L .• A~Hisgina M.Robinson ;j';Buker B~Harriaon W.Works 13-~20• 7. .oo. 13~20• 7 .OO<· 10.50. 13.2.0* 7 .oo~ 13.00· 7 ~00• 13.50" 4.63. 2312.85• 13~20• ~o.oo. 7.00• 14.7.0• Carried• SPARKS HENDERSON that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue ' . . ... ~ ... orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal o~ the corp.be attached; 16.26• Corp. Bell Phone Co• Davia Garage F."'ruak 95.66 town tr.l.50 United Steei Corp~ Waites Service Station ire truck Morpon Bros gas and oif B.G.\Thitelwa office supplies J •A ·Mitchell street supplies Fleury Bissell fire dept. County of York, Hosp.accounts Mrs .:E.Rainey re M.Hawkes: w.Ransom saw ~iling Aurora Hardware Tor.Gen.Hospita.l re M.Hawkes B.F.Davis and Son Stiver Bros Williamson Bros Banner Press C.A.Cook teaming.48.30. coal 6.25, F.Dunham outside trips Tor~Star.Advertising 97.16· 20 4 78.72• 15.54• '82· 5 .50• 3.oao 103.25• 5.50• 75* 11.80• 21.00• 12.50· 12.50~ 12 .. 50. 120.65•· 54.55• 6.00• 1•83. Carried• HENDEHSOU WILSOU that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on ihe treasurer for the same and that the seal Helie~ Med.Ass'n 126 x 35 Styles Est. shelter PaDrick Mrs.Starkey W.Starkey \i. Sumr.1ers Mrs.Gregory R~Smith A.Bunn C.Sheard AeSheard Styles Est. l!'arley o~ the corp•be atta.ched heret 44.10 4~80 .. 4.80·• 4.80·<'' 9.60• 2,;40« 4e80•c 4o80o '• I "---~ L.Hod.gina A.J .Feren Jf~West R;}ta.nkin 1/fi s. Chapman M.±s .. Wa~tea I•Tra.Em.neha.rt I>J[rs •McLeod c .Williamson J.Pr~ston :&~~ope MrsoMcCanum Mrs •L.:1()Yd F.Hinds Mrso.lia.wkea Dom.Stores General Store Ba.tteraons Bakery :E' .D .Lac.ey Vf .J ·¥ercha.nt :E'.~MO.:ris 2 vr; J ;Knowles S.c;anJ.ons Hakery \'fuitc:hurch re Egan J .A .Mitchell n.;w.Davis Stiver Bi:os C ~A~Cook J\.w:o :r;a Dairy Yorkdale Co.Op. 1fa.rys "'ru:j.. t _ F. W. Teasdale A.Preston .i!'oerter Peters HUght Stephenson Gollett ]JI.Preston J,.Qallaway Maaten Belfry Swanson food fuel food 9.60·. 4.ao. 4.ao •• 4~80 • 4.80·· 4.8Q,., 4.8o .. 4.80• 4.80• 4.80. 4.80 .. :?..40~ s;80•· 4.80"' 4.80·· 89;.394 200.90 .. 33.564 :?.].~66• 15.5:?. .. 37 ~80" 25.09<· 2.48-> 2l7 .49. 4 .87 .. ' 43.;.20~ 66.40,, 4.80* 56.28" 13.88• 30~ 24.38·· Carried• LINTON FAR.I:l. tha..t the folowing accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the E·L• Can.Laco Lamps o.Brett. filing J .A .Mitchell E;C.Mingay Bell.Phone Co.,; T.K.Fice Banner Press ~ostmaster stamps oorp.be attached hereto; 23.99• 1 ~5.0• 4.00• 35• 2~50• 1;.10+ 64.019* 16.,;00* Carried. LINTON HENDERSON that the following accounts be paid, that the JllallOr issue orde:t:s on the w.vv. ·· · · -treasurer for the Bell Phone Co. Fleury Bissell E.CJ!ngay Can.Brass Co. Banner Press Morning and Son same and that ihe seal of the gas. corp;.bE attached hereto; 3.oo~ 40• 35• 95-•os• 40.23• SolO• Carried. WILSON Kl'fOWJLES that the following account be paid,that the mayor issue o:t:ders on the tresurer for the same and that the .seal of the corpobe attached hereto; Andrew Closs 4 evenings areaa March• 4 .• 00 Carried. Mr .Farr for the Streets Uom mi ttee reported •tThat the tender of the Jupp Coostr• notion ca.for oiling the atreets be accepted;as per their quota.tion of Apr.,;3rd.,; Same to cover the same quantity of oil and to be applied as in 1938.That we pur- chase for the use o:f the town foreman a set of drain rods about 200' ,and that prices be obtained and submitted to the committee before purchase is madeo'l'ha.t the offer of the Bell Phone C'o to remove tree on •JlEllllpest.south of :f!eury Bissell ., .. ,~ s .);'~ant an pa.ymen;ji a:r $25.00 be accepted. ·' SPARKS STUART that the report o:E the Streets Committee be adapted and that the sea.i-or-t:fi.~--corparation be attached hereto. Carried;. The ::>treets Committee a~ao tab~ed a. detai.~ed atatement a:E the work done daily and it;was p~aed on file far reference. STUART WILSON tha.t the :rallowing report of the Fire Chief be engrossed in the minutes; iion· A.:i;iri~ 27th. I-conducted a. Fire drill at· the Ptml:i.c Schoo~ with the :Eol~owing "res~ta;the upatairs roams vvere c~eared a:r ~48 pupi~s in i m.&nute a..nd 32. secondstdownataira.~65 pupils in 50 seconda•On May lat.I conducted a. fire drill at the Hith Schoo~,the building was cleared of 2.00 pupils,;l70 upstairs and 30 down stairs in ~ minute and 8 aeconda.I consider the time of both drills very good aa they were conducted without any warning.I have great pleasure in infarmin~ you tha..t the five members of the Fire Brigade who took the st • .Johna First Aid Courae .. - have al~ passed their examinations and will receive their awards in a short time••t FARR HEINDEH.SON that the report of the Fire Committee be adopted as read and that the Fire Chief be coDI!llende d upon the efficiency a:E the .brigade. Carried. A report of the w.w.CaDilllittee was read but was withdrawn without being included in.the minutes until the next meeting of counci~. The Finance coDilllittee reported verbally upon the matters ~eft to their attention at the last meeting and after same discussion the matter was referred back to them for further information. Messrs Morton and .Johnston representing the Aurora.. Soft Ba~l Club asked for poli~ to be present at home games,far the grounds diamonds and wire backstop tp be put in goad condition and for seats for each opposing tea.m.The matter was referred to the Property Committee;. STUART FARR that a Public Holiday be proclaimed for May· 22nd.to allow the citize1 of Aurora. to visit Toronto far the purpose of seeing our King and Q.ueen• Lost• SPARKS HENDERSON that the Mayor proclaim the afternoon of Mayo22nd;.a Public Holiday for the purpose of allowing the school children and residents of the muni- cipality to view the King and Q.ueen in the c~ty of Toronto. Carriedo. Mr•Linton reported tha..t the €h-rangements have been made wi.th the Grey Coa.ch Lines to convey the school children to E2ilii.bition Park on May 22.ndoleaving>.the High ASchool at 2.45 P.M.and that the School Boards were taking care of the finan- cial arrangements• SPARKS HENDERSON that the Aurora Horse Shaw and Agricultural Society be granted / ----~/ 4 the sum of Fifty dollars and that the seal of the eo;pporation be atta.ched hereto; Carried.;. An application from. M;r.Sparks for sewer connection was read and. a.ccepted• A letter from the Library Board asking a. definite sta.tement of their grant in order that they co~d adjust their budget was read.• FARR SPARKS that the Library Board grant of $850.00 be authorised,and a possiblj fUrther.fifti't dollars if finances are available towards the end of the year,and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto• Carried• :rhe resignation of lilrr•J ~G.McDoaaJ.d as acting :.;reas.urer was rea.d. ··'· Farr SPARKS that the reaigna.tion of Mr.J.G.McDoaald be accepted as of~ 8th• .... ", ... and that the seal of the corporation be attached h.ereto. Carrliled;. HENDERSON LINTON that the hill on Centre St. be d.rained with weeping tile,and that r.rr~P:b.illips and Mr. Warren be asked to t8.ke care of their respective responsi .. bilities in the matter. Carried.• It was decided that the police chief be retluired to check up on all signs over hanging the street line and make certain that the owners have signed the agree- ment of responsibility for any res.ulting da.magee A Bylaw was intro.duoed by Dr•lienderaon given ita three readings and passed, appointing M.L.And.rewa as a.ssiatant Clerk.dating from Ma.t lOth. HENDEHSON.WILSON that the Finance-committee be instructed to attend to the matter Of bondini.the new clerk •reaaurer,Mr•Ced.ric Williaa Carried. L the Council adjourned,on motion of Mr.Sparksa ·~~~-~ ' ---,~ -- ~Mayor• -·-'-',•'•'