MINUTES - Council - 19390419J
THE Nll'!TH l<iiEETING OF THE COUiiCIL FOR THE YEAR 1.939 wa..s held in the aouncil ro'
room on Eednesday. eve~Apr.191:.h;.with acting Mayor Knowles presiding and all the meJ
members in attendance•
IliiX•l.inton read a letter he had received from the auditor of last year,relative
to his letter to the Finance .committee having been brought into the discussion.
STUART Yal.SON that the minutes of the eighth meeting be adopted as printed•
--· ..
Mr.Farr took exception to a stateJJ~.emt made in the Aurora Er,a.ir.Henderson
also made compl.iant ef statement or inference made•
STUART HENDERSON ,reasons for the demotion of Mr.Andrews by the Aurora Town
councll~i~Fai.l.W:.e to. do business with the general. Public lin a civil. and effieient
manner;.2..I~efficient bookkeeping methGds, (a) changing audited figures in three
differen.t .years•(b) tax roll ledgers and Waterworks ledgers not balanced.(c) num.•
erous errors and·n~glect to carry through-changes in original figures;.(d)·c~upon
account not written up and therefore not balanced• (e) inability to write up
general ledger;.(f) failure to procure new insurance·p~licies when found missing•
(g( antiq_uated ~ffice routine.,(hl) insubordination to counc:b..several resolutions
not a.ttended to when ordered by council~efusal to cooperate with the auditor
and refusal to carry out auditors recoimnendationso.Ji'ail.ure to give proper receipts
for monies paid into the office•
IliiX.Sparks moved council into committee of the wholeeThe mayor designated Mr.
Wilson as chairman of the committee~~.Wilson asked to be excused and Mr.Stuart
wa.s appointedeThe committee rose and reported the adoption of the report•
The council. adopted the report of the committee.
Mr.I.inton_explained that at a meeting of the committee appointed with the
school. boards,a small committee ha.d been appointed to consider the matter of
getting school children to Exhibition Park on the occasion of the Royal Visit•
FARR STUART that IliiX_.J .G.M.cDoanld be and he is hereby appointed acting treasuri
er and that he be empowered and he is hereby El!lPowered to sign cheq_ues and other
negotiable instruments and papers pertaining to the duties of the treasurer;in ·
thh pl.ace of the treasurer and that he ha'le all the powers of the treasurer until
such time tha.t the treasurer is in a position to perform the duties of the treas~
urer and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried.
The Salvation Army.n'asked for permission to hol.d. a. tag day-on May 6th.
HEl'fDERSON l.INTON tb.Eit the local Salvation Army be granted the request for a
tag day on ~at.M . -ay 6th.~939. Carried.
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An agreement presented by 'tlL Can.Bank of Commerce was :eeferred to the Fibance
colllllli ttee•
Letters regarding the extra. hal.f mill subsidy were read and referred to the
Finance committee•
The ass.essment notice from King ~ownship for the Watervvorks lot was ordered
Dr.Henderson asked ;eave to introduce a Bylaw appointing a Clerk and ~reasurer
The Nylaw was given its first reading.
STUART WILSON that the Bylaw now before the council be read a second and third
time tllia day and that rule 33 of Bylaw # 10 be suspended for that purpose.,.Carried.
Mr.Stuart moved that the council go into committee of the whole•The Committee
rose and reported the Bylaw with the blanks filled.
T.ne council adppted the report of the Committee.
The Bylaw was read a third time•
On the question of its ado:ption,Mr • .L>nowles asked for a recorded vote.
The vote was.Acting Mayor nay;Dep.~eeve Farr yea;Mr.Sparks nay,Mr.Henderson
yea;Mr.JLinton iea.;l\iTr.Wilson yea;l\iTr.Stua.rt ye~.
Assistan~ ..
The Clerk announced the result of the vote and the Acting lfJayor declared the
Bylaw carried on its third reading.
~.Farr moved adjournment at 12.15•
" ,a.-/Mayor•
............ •' ~··:•''''. •' .