MINUTES - Council - 19390306Til]] FOURTH ldl:EJETING OF TEE COUNCIL l~OR THE YEAR 1939 was held in the council room· on Monday eve,hlarah 6tho't'.rith the mayor preaidin@, and the Heeve;'-:'eputy,and Councillors . Henderson,Linton,Sparks and Wilson attending;. .. / The minutes of the preceding meeting were reviewed:;tand adppted on motion of Messrs Lintonand Sparks. SPARKS Lil'ITOn that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the tre8 .surer for the payment of the following accounts be and the same is hereby aonfirmell,and thatthe seal of the 1'eb .11th. 15th. 18th. 22nd;. 25th. Mar., 4th. corporation K.Davis J.Buker A·Higgins K.Davis J .Buker A·Higgins Postmaster be attached hereto; Corp• Meter Insp.~ept. E.Light II 11 H.E.P.C. A-Higgins J.Buker A·Higgins J.Buker \l.G.Trent power for.Jan. Co rp. 12.00"~ 7 .ooe 14.406 6.008 7.ooe l6.20e 10.ooe 13.80"' 1.35'' 2441.20•· 15 o60e 7.008 15•008 7.008 10.208 Carried• SP.i\.RKS FARR that the following accounts be paid.that the mayor issue orders· on the treasurer for the srune and that the seal of the~corp,be attached hereto; Corp. ~eddes Service Stn. streets 19.008 Aurora Building Ca. F.C.Davis streets 2.00 fire 1>75 'if .Hansom " can. U eh .Jn eo tria JT.Rowland Northern Electric LaFrance fire T.K.Fice Dispeplant Can.s.K.F. Co James Proctor & Williamson Bros c.cook J3 .F .Davis "'edfern prop. Tor.stamp & Stencil Co. County :J.'reasurer,Hosp.accts. Mrs.Hainey re M.Hawkes Judge Barton re Assessment appeal O.D.Hess prop.acct. J,F.Willis office Bell Phone Co • F.D.Lacey Aurora ""dwe. prop • 23.008 3.758 758 79.298 92.708 40.o998 45.908 5.008 28.808 100.008 56.258 25;.008 25 o.008 5.838 25;378 6.008 10.008 2.608 758 16.14fl 1.678 2ol.3e Carriedo I{B]l\fllEl'iSOlr KlifOWLES that the following ace aunts be paid, that the llll!!ilyor issue orders on the Treas.for the 1'telief. lJ:rs .Hu therford Styles Est• w.summers lc'lrs .lxregory Mrs.A.E.Bunn 1:lrs .McCallum Styles Est. S.l\humor L.Hodgins A .J.J.i'eren srune and that the seal shelter Gilpin Patrick Smith "'aaten .!!arley Ellis Preston of the corp•be attached hereto 4 .81J"B 4 .8Qef; . 4o80fltl 9.606 4e80fc;(o 4.808 4.8088 4.8oee 9.6086 4e80e . ·.· ' .... ( \ j F.Toole J?.W'est Sterligg Trust U.Ro:pe liii's. Chapman lifrs .Rav'lkes :Mrs .Brown C.Sheard lirs .Rhinehart Hrs • .Lloyd Mrs .NcLeod C .:iiilliamson J.Preston F.}{inc1s Hed.Ass'n 35 x 126 Williamson Jjros Higr..land Oil Stiver Bros Il.F.Davis .F.Rowland F~D~Lacey Cousins Dairy Pattersons Bakery F.lviorris J .}!'.Willis J~F.Morning G .Ji' .Grinyer \1. J ;Mercha.n t Vl•J ~Knowles Aurora lieneral Store Dominion Stores. Yorkdale CoOperative F.w.Teasdale Aurora Dairy Scanlons ""akery J .A.IVritchell ,2 :&'oerter Callaway Peters "odlin A.Sheard Haight Belfry Stephenson T.Collett U.Preston Swanson fuel food clothing 4. 80r+ 4.80ee 4.8oe 2.40e 4•80'0 2.4083 1.2oe 3. 60l~' 4.8oe 6.806 4o8GB 4o80C 4o80e 4.806 4".-loce 19.20e 706 127.2.06 48;.ooe 2.706 16.156 33.3.46 24o556 35.756 606 656 22.246 30.896 23e918 170.368 69.056 28;.666 . 43.46$ 26.598 2,868 3.238 Carried. LIN'rON FARR that the following accounts be pa.id,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that-i!>the E.Light o.Brett saw filing l!'erranti Elec trio Can.Line llaterials Mr.Sparks paymeny by tenant BelJ. Phone Co. 240 Postmaster stamps seal of the cor:p.be at~~~hed 150.55<· 6o50c· li88~ 2 .50> l6oOa~· hereto; Carried;, l\l'JOWLES LINTON that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same W.VIorks Bell Phone Co Can.Brass Co. .iJavis liarage and that the seal of ths 1( 12 cor:p.be attached hereto; 3.37~ 61 .62"" 2•oo, Carried• WIJ~~~Ol~ KHOWLE"' that the fol owing ac ount be paid,that. the mayor issue an order on the tre~surer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; A·Closs ticket seller at arena 29.00• Carried• llr!r.Sparks tab::t.ed a schedule designed to keep each conunittee infprmed of the standing of their account. Mr.Henderson for the .c\elief Committee reported;11 during the month we .have consid ered fol!llrl new applications;accepted three of whom one will be chargable to another municipality.Ten members of new families taken on,and ten of those who have gone off relief,the total remains the same 126oThe application refused belongs to another 3 municipality in which the applicant has his home. Report adopted• Mr .Linton for the Ji:.L.Gommi ttee reported as follows "" e reconunend that the town oi Aurora :pay to the i~~L.Jlept.the sum of ;i200.oo"per month,beginning Jan.l939,in payment of street lightlilng,;7a.ter :pumping~a.rena~a.nd s-ewage disposa.l :power and lights and lighting etc•of the other to\m buildings.The above mentioned sum of ~~200•00 :per month represents only 2/3 of the actual :power bill for sa<Ul. buildings, and lim order that the light conuuittee may do some very necessary work,in the early spring. we reconnnend that this sum be tra.nsferred to the E.L.account at once. "1'he report w~;~,s adopted on motion of lVfessrs Sparks and Vilson. 'l'he Finance comrni ttee submitted the follmring reportwhich was ado:pted"l'ha t each head committee review his accounts befo e the council meeting,and see that the invoices or statements under his list are for his committee and that same h s een o.K.ed as to goods received.That each invoice be charged to its correct account,and so do away with a number of journal entries at the end of the financial :period,it being the desire of the counclill to have each department charged for their own expenditures,and therefore give a true ac ounting of each department at the end of our year•" lviX.li..nowles for the w.w.oornmittee submitted the following report which was ailJopted ' "l•That a 6 11 connection from Sisrnans l!'ire service to 8 11 main on 13erczy ut•be ijstalled 2;.l'hat a 150' extension of the :present main on the easterly section of Centre st. be installed at an estimated cost of $75.00.3.oThat a new shaft be placed in the pump at the Nesbitt wells at an estimated cost octr ~i50.00.4.'J'hat the foundation under the standpipe at the w.w.Pro11erty be gunnitted." Mr. ilson for the P111o:perty conunittee submitted the following report which was w ,., adopted,"That the council appoint h'vvart Pinder of the •'•urora Hockey club to take care of the distribution and sale of the reserved seat ticlcets,incllJding the sale of such tickets at the ga.te,for eac!J: of the remaining games of the 1938-1939 season to be played by the Junior team in the arena.;compensatioj for these services to be fixed at. the sum of $4.00 for each game,such compensation to include transportation to outside :points where tickets are :placed on sale.O" Mrssrs Lacey and Grinyer appeared before council and :presented a petition headed by themsel ves,c..sking that the relief recipients be controlled as to the source of purchases as to groceries and fuel,so that an equal distribution among the merchants could be secured.Later in the evening the pemition was considered and the mayor ap:poil nted Msssrs Henderson Sparks and Farr to study the matter. A letter from Mr.Hilborn stating that illness had delayed him in getting out the statement wasread and filed.o 4 J\iir.Farr passed around a deta.iled statement of the work done each day during the month and it was then placed on file. A letter from the Railway Association re daylight !l.aving tilll.e brought out a motion by iviessrs Linton and Sparks that Aurore, adopt the change of tilll.e for the sa period and at the same tilll.e as suggested by the Association,from the last Sunday in April to the last Sunday in i:leptember,end the motion was adopted. The agreement re a the arena clock was again introduced ,lvir. ~ee explaining that " the wishes of the advertising firm agreed with those of the council•J;;Ies srs :'novrles and Wilson moved that the agreement be signed by the mayor,and be accompanied with a covering letter from the Clerks office. Carried. The County ""alice commission re the agreement with 1'oronto and municipalities of York for free excaange of summons service was read and tabled• A letter cram w.Jlll.Johnston expressing thanks for the use of the room in the Town Hall for the St.Johns Ambulance course wasread and fa:H!eaa..on motion of M:essrs Knowles and Vfilson.o One sent to Mr.iValton by the t:lun Insurance Co.was laid over for future consider ation.on motion of Messrs ]'arr and Sparks. HEJITDERSON LIJITTOH that we endorse the resolution sent on by Port Arthur asking the Prov. overnment to proclaim the Mu.nicipal Employees .i:'ension Act•Carried. ~ 1Vfr.Lee explained in detail the effect UlJon the co;pporation of the proposed agreement with the Dept;i.of Highways r'l) UlJkecp og Yonge St.and the/¢'i;i;iif/agreement. was filed,on motion of Messrs Henderson and Farr. The .bell Telephone letter was left with the solicitor for further information. ImOWLES LIJ:TTOlT that the E.L.Connnitte'c be rec1uested to draft a plan of their proposed work to guide the solicitor in the matter. Carried. A verbal report from the M.O.H• re the house he was asked to inspect state~ that he saw no reasdm to condemn the house as unfit for habitation;.On motion of Messrs 1Cnowles and Sparks the report was adopted• ImOWLES HEJ:IDERSOn that the matter of the removal of the building adjacent to the Livery on west side of Yonge St.be refer::ed to the solicitor.Carried. 1~.A.E.Bunn asked for a fUel voucher in advance and after discussion no action was taken on the matter• KlifOVf.LES LINTOJIT tha.t this council go on record as appreciating the move of .. the Aurora H:iigh School Board in moving to have night classes established for boys and girls with regard to vocational clo,sses being started in the .Aurora High dchooJ.. Carried. i . .--' 5 The Property committee recommended thtat a fee of five dollars be charged :Mr. "eo.~ngstaff of the Binger Sewing Machine Co$for the use of the upper room in the ']own Hall for a public course of instruction in sewing,during the week of Feb. i 27th. in a.ccordance with the :previous arrangement with hiru•"'e:port adoptede liEliDERSON LilifTOl'! that p'tl.rsuant to a conference with some members of the United Church Boa.rd,the town :proceed to procure and plant a tree ten on twelve feet high un the church park lawn,near the northerly line~so that it can be used for many years for decorative purposes at the :xmas season;, Carried. :rvrr~Sparks introduced the levy Bylaw,which vvas given its several rea.dings in regular form and passed and signed,providing for a rate of forty mills in the dollal the srune rate as for some previous ye~• liiri: nowles suge;ested that each member should rise when wishing to address the ,, council in order to maintaina dignified method of procedure at all times and that all discussions should be completed in the council room and end there;. The council adjourned,on motion of Messrs Henderson and Linton• ~~ ------------------- Mayor;.