MINUTES - Council - 19390417! / '- THJlJ EIGHTH MEETDTGNF THJlJ COUNCIL FOR THJlJ YEAR 1939 was hllhd in the council roo~ on Monday eve~April 17thlw:ith Mayor Baldwin presiding and all the members in attendance. I The minutes of the preceding meeting were considered and approved on motion of Messrs Linton and Henderson• .. SPARKS KNO\VLES that the resolution passed at the last meeting of council re the appointment of a clerk and treasurer be rescinded. In speaking to his motion Mr.Sparks read aletter he had received frrua the auditor of last year .The motion was voted upon and declared lost. LINTOl\f HENDERSON that the sol.icitor be instructed to bring in the Bylaw confirm ' -· .. , .. _, ------- ing the appointment made at the last meeting. Carried• The ~r,MriBaldwin tendered his resigna..tion as mayor of the town of Aurora and retired fro~ the Uouncil room• WILSON STUART thatthe resignation of the Mayor be no accepted. s-b.tart J±;mde;;,son that this couneU do adjourn for a period of ten minutes•Ua.rriE The couneil reassembl.ed at l.O.oSO. Mr.Sparks asked for a reeorded vote on the motion.Mr.Wilson asked that the moti~ be withdrawn.having obtained the consent of his seconder,and on a division the council agreed to the wi thdra.wel. SPARKS HEl!IDERSDN sincere regret• that the resignation of Mayor Ba.ldwin be acaepted with Carried• FARR STUART that Heeve knowles be authorised to sign eheques as the head of council. ~til the election and declaration of the next Mayor,that the banks be hereby notified,and the seal of the corp.attached. Carried. STUART FARR that MroM.J. .. Andrews be instructed and authorised to advertise and hold a nomination to fill the vacancy at the head of the council,on Tuesday April 25th•at 7.30 P.M:. in the Mechanics Halljand if found necessary that the election be l!tel.d on Tuesday M8y 2nd•l939,with the sallie polling booths and officers as in tht last preceding election,and thrt ghe seal of the corp.be attached hereto.Carried• LINTON HENDERSON that the coanail of the town of Aurora do hereby apologise to Mr•.T .G .M:etDonal.d,for their failure to notify him of their intention to appoint a new treasurer and the reasons therefore,this aatioj being taken solely for the purpose of consolidating the towns offices and not for any personal. reasons.Oarriel liJT•Mc:Donald was asked and agreed to co.ntinue the duties of trear:urer pro tem;. Mr.Wilson moved adjournment and the motion was l@st. aetting The mayor named a committee of Messrs Sparks ~intan and Stuart to meet the / ~ --~~-"--~-----~--------~-------------~-~ 2 school boards relative to the transportation and arrangements of the children on the ocecasion of the visit of Their Majesties the ~ing and Q,ueen to Toronto• --and set Wednesday a. t 7 .::~o for the conference. Mr.v(iJ.aon moved adjournment until Wedneaday eve a.t 8 O'C-lock a.nd the motion •. 1, carried. // ~ ---~~-t~- Acting Mayor. ,._-;