MINUTES - Council - 19390403., . :-~ I ~ TBJll SEVENTH J!JJEETING OF TBJll COUNCDL FOR TBJll Y.ElAR 1939 was heLd in the council room. 011 Monday eve ~April Srd.wi th. all the . Illl!llllbers in a. t tenda.nce a.nd the mayor presiding •. ~' The ml.nutes of the fifth meeting were PllruBed,e.nd a.pproved,on motion of Messrs Lint~n and Sparks~ " SPARKS LINTON that the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the pay:m.ent of the following sums be and the same is hereby confirmed,and that the seal of Mar.J.J.th. 15th. 18tho 23rd. the co;ppora.tion be attached hereto; JoBuker 4--•Higgins l;l~Hacking ~ter Insp.ection .J~Ruker A·Higgina Postmaster Yl4G.Trent arena. E.L .•. Corp. stamps 25tho Fire.Brigade St•Johns Am.b; Meter Inspect:j.on. ;E.L .• A·Higgip:a (~1, ,}:.J) 'Z ~OOe 15.~606 a~ooe llo55El 7 ~ooe J.5.0QEl rz.ooe 4..eoe J.O~ooe 18.00* 14.~00® Apro l.a~o tax bill postage etc. licences JoBuker J?oatmaater F4C.Da.via w.G.Trent H•E•P.C• power for ~ebo A4Higg:j.ns · .- J4Buker · 7.ooe 2.0~ooe 4.~ooe 7o20El 2355~56" 15.608 rz .ooe Garried.o FJ:ifOWLES LINTON"that the following accounts be pai:cd,that. the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and tha.t the seal of the corp,be attached; l85o48 '' W.Works Can•.t;ra.ss Coo t?uncl.o Products Ough and Son E.C.Mingay Bell Phone Co• Ough and S:on Can.Line ~terials 14.50. 'Z5~ 35"' 3.000. 4.057" 13.70• Carried. LINTON FARR that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the E.JI:.. E•C.Mingay seal of the corp.be attached l).ereto; 50" Northern Electric Co. Ca.n.La.co' Lamps .)jell. Phone Co. ,..oat Office . 30'' 53.004" 2.50" l6.ooo~· Carried. SPARKS FAR'" that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurElr for the same and that the seal of Corp. Aurora Hardware J.E.Buchanan Waites Service w.Ransom Mrs.Rainey ... ,,.,• Ough and Son moving Toolelf. Sta.tion sewage streets hospitalization C.A.Cook fuel MoHall Wards ~a.rage streets Toronto &: York Roads Colllllto Jlorning and Son United Steel Corporation MoHilborn ba. sal;.& extras Electrical lllia.intainance & Repairs LaFrance Engine & Foa.mite the corp.be attached hereto; 6~65e 5.o.008 4~50El 2.25e s.ooe 12~676 l2.50e 2;.ooe 9.388 16.508 4.08e 127.0519 l3;.J.3e Slo05e / \ .... j .. \. ,::.;:-:··:.:·· a County of York l!'red Rowland Bell lnlone co. Hosp•acct• streets FoDunUwn police trips B.F.Davis coal Cheney Chemicals Ltd ]))Wart P:!,nder arena 2 games 8S.l20 7.900 15.140 7 .5.00 37.503 38.000 8.ooe Carried,; HENDERSON WILSON-that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the Il.elie:f' treasurer for the same and Med.Acct 35 x 136 Mrs;.¥uther:f'ard Styles Est. w.summers Mt<JoGregory Jll[iosoA•E.Bunn C .Sh(lard. Mrs .McCallum Styles_Est• SoRhllmOJ;' L.Hodgins ll. ~J .Feren F~Toole F~West Mr ~:~ .• Cha.;pman Mrs.G.Waites Mrs .Rru,nehart Mrs •:MCLeod C.Williamson ;)'.Preston N~Hppe F~Hinds Mrs•Lloyd M.rs .Hawkes Sterlilig Trust M.rs.Starkey Cousins Dairy W.J.KnowJ.es w.J.M.eroha.nt Iiominliton Stores Marys ~0rui t F.M.orrfs Aurora ueneral Store Mornings Drug Store Pattersons Bake:J;"y G.F.Grinyer Yorkdale CoOperative G.R • .Ardill. ~ cent to $ store ugh and Son Stiver Bros B.F.Davis Williamson Bl.'os Chas.Cook F.W.Teasdale F.D.Lacey that the seal of the oorpiobe a.tta.ched here· 47.60 shelter Gilpin 1.20e Patrick 4.8Qefl 4o80EB Smith 9~60e · 4 ;a03e Sheard 4.80eP· Maaten 4o80e ]'arley 4~8Qe0 Ellis. 4.8()63 " 9.6(}~ :Preston 4.aoe '1') 4;a~e 4.8oee Peters 4o80'f 4.8oee Haight 4.806 liltephenson 4.8oe Qollett 4~806 M.Preston 4e80e Callaway 4.806 Swanson 4.806 Belfry &•80e 4.803' "'oerter 4.806 Starkey 4;.806E: food 17.166 30.056 10.756 75;.786 156 45•706 194.026 356 27.;590 25.306 13~6a6 oloth1ng 1.8413 6ol06 3Qe fuel 93~206 72 .• ooe 19.206 38•408 food 42e57~~ 20•50e Carried. :Mr.J .Buker asked for an increa.se in wages.Application received, to be dealt with later in the evening. Mr.Elton Armstrong asked for a grant on behalf of the Horse Show.Referred to the Finance cpnmdttee.Messrs Malloy and Lacey a.sked for a generous donation for the Hookey Club,to assist in honoring the Championship winners. Mr."'ilson read a statement from Mr.B.Harrison of the receipts and expenditu:!.'es for operation of the stand at the arena• Received and filed. " 3 Illfa:o.lienderson for th Relief committee read the following report;•During the month we have considered and taken on one new reJ.ief recipient with five in the. fa. famiJ.y,one family of seven,who had supported themselves in February,.after being on relief during the earJ.ier months of the winter.had to come back upon relief,.whi the one case of a singJ.e man has been Off relief for the month.That makes a total roll of 136.Fue1 was given out on the J.st.and 22md,making two issues for the month Tfie report was accepted. Mr~Linton for the E.I .. Committee submitted the following report,11 J:hat they -· have written to nine users· of. electric aurrent.outlining new arrangements for payment· of their old accounts.Tl:ia.t a list of accounts which cannot be collected by the committee be handed over to our solicitor for aollection,providing suitable a.r·angements can be made with him to reimburse him for postage eta•The list con• tains 16 a.ccounts and amounts to a total of $653.4l.That a list of small accounts be handed to the clerk asking that statements be sent and arrangements made when others are paying their current bills.The following is the standing of our arrears at present,after making the above arrangements and taking into account the amounts transferred to suspense and write off accounts.The amount shown as total arrears is taken from the financial statement as of JJec.3lst.l9380.Write off accts $123.85 Suspense $53?.72.;Solicitors list $653.4l;Clerks list ~~9•42;active arrears $1737.84 iotal ~~3062.24o.The report wa.s adopted. Mr.Farr tabled a repo.rt of work done daily during the past month;.which was received and ordered filed• Mr.Stuart submitted the prices of .tenders for tires and was instructed to get a price separately form the lower tenderers for front and rear tires• Mr.Dunham requested a new uniform and the matter was referred tofue mayor• • The :ra.o.H•submitted a report for the month of :M:arah;l case of.measles; inspeaticm of the local dairiea;sa.mples of milk forwarded to the Provincial laboratory brought satisfactory reportsand the atention of council called to the fact that there is no inspector whose duty it is to inspect the stables herds etc of those who supply milk to the local dairies,other than that one dairy has inspection by the appointee of another town as milk is sold in both p·J.aces.The report was filed on motion of Messrs ·•nowles and Wilson. ,_ . A letter from H.$loyd brought forth a motion by.Messrs Sparks and Wilson that his licence be extended one month and if the suggested arrangements be honored that it be further El:X:tend,ed as per payment. Carried• / ! 4 A letter from the Davey Tree ",a.vTas read and filed• " KNOWLES LINTON that tenders for the ail far the streets be left in the hands of the-streets cOmmittee to bring in a report. Carried. FARR WILSON that the wages of J.Buker be left as at present. Carried. SPAEiro:(ii::EiiDJmsoN tha.t a committee of three to be named by the.mayor,be app- ~." --.-.--.. ointed to act in conjunction with the Hookey Club,in sponsoring a banquet for the champions of Junior a H~ckey in the provillce of Ontario;the amount of money • at the disposal of the committee to be $l5o.oo,and that the_ seal of the corp;. be atta.ched hereto. Carried. The mayor named Messrs Sparks Henderson & Knowles • n ... - The streets committee recommended that M.Robinson be instructed to start street cleaning as :from April. l.Otheuntil furtn:er notice at the same wage as last year• The recow:1enda tion was adopted;. The clerk read the minutea of the sixth meeting,a.nd they were adopted on motion of Messrs Sparks andHendersani> FARR HENDERSON tha.t the minutes of the special meeting held last Friday night be "rescinded and that they be nat printed• Carried• SPARKS HENDERSON that Mr.Cedric Willis be appointed clerk and treasurer at a salary of $iioo.oo per.year.and that Mr.M.L.Andrews be retained as assist- ant clerk at a ~alary of $looo.,oo,Mr Willis's d~tiea to commehce as of April 10th l939,and that a committee to be appointed by the mayor be named to interview Mr. J .G .ll[oDonald,as to the transfer of the treasurership;and that the seal of the co;Pporation be a.ttached hereto• Carried. " The Mayor named Messrs Knowles Stuart and llinton to .. intervievf Mr.McDoillald• On motion of the Deputy Reeve the council adjourned. -------------·---- Ma;tor .. '''''i""-•