MINUTES - Council - 19390327( THE FIFTH MEETING OD THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1939 wa..s held in the Council. room. ozl" MOndaY eve.Marah 27tli.wi th all the members in a..t tendance and the mayor pres~ding. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and a.pproved.on motion of Messrs !!'arr and Linton. A-letter was read from VV .p .MuiJLoak M.P • s ta.ti.ng tha..t it ha.d been decided ._ ---.. -- that the Royal trains wouJ.d be routed west ·by C .P.Rj and on return would come down through Beaverton,Mount Albert and Gormley and thus would not touch Aurora .• An invitation from the Horticultural Society to attend the lect•re on Tuesday eve in the High School was read. - On motion of Messrs Sparks and arr these communications were ordered ~ filed.o The counai. resolved into committee of the w#ole to consider the report of the Auditor• The committee rose and reported that they l!la.d studied the report in de:f}a.U.o The report of the aommittee wa.a adoptedio The aounail adjourned.on motion of Dr Henderson and the Reeve• ~~ ------------------~