MINUTES - Council - 19390331THE SIXTH MEETING OF THIS COUNCIL WAS HELD IN THE COUNCIL ROOM ON: Friday eve.March. 3:latewi.th all the members in attendance and the mayer presiding SPARKS FARR that under the new arrangements to make for efficiency in the Town Clerks~ofi'ice,it has been unanimously agreed that we engage a clerk at a. salary of $23•00 per week and that Mr.M.L.Andrews be reengaged as assistant clerk at a salary of $l6.00 per week the latter to take.effect as of May late l939 and tha.t the s.ea.l of the cprporatitm be attached hereto• Carried• STUART LII'{TON,that the Finance commi.ttee is hereby instructed to advertise for a clerk·i;'t:he local paper and one or more Toronto papers and that they bring in to the council.a short leet of names with their recommendation thereto as soon as possible. Carried• T.he Council a.djourned,on motion of the Reeve• ------------------------- Mayor. ,., .... ,. . ... ;;>.-}_', . _,_,,_ ...