MINUTES - Council - 19390220(
I )
THE THIRD MEETINU of the council for the year was held in the Councilroom on
Monday eve•~ebo20thoat 8 O'Clock.
" The Clerk announced that the result of the nommnation held on Feb.l4thovms
that Mr.Geo•Baldwin was elected by acclamation as lfuyor of the town;th2 t he had
taken the oath of office duly qualified to1<t take his place as mayor of the Corp.
l\Tr .Baldwin in his opening remarks asked for the cooperation of the members of
council, the
He made the
em]?loyees and all citizens and organizations to make the y ar a success.
following recommendations;that each Chairman of a department is to be
entirely responsibi.e for the work of his department~Any person having suggestions
or complaints must co!lllllunicate direct with the chairman of the department concerned.
'!.'hat the €lhairman of the different departnents are to give the Clerk a reasonalJle
length of time to get reports or other information required.
'l'he minutes of the last meeting were considered and approved on motion of the
Reeve and "":eputy;.
the B:wlaw
A letter was read from fu.e Prov.Dept.;.of Heal th,approving the appoin"tlitBg4i ¢1 Dr.
Boulding as M.O.H. far thw town and ordered filed,on motion of MessrslSparks & Stuar
The Can.Brass Co,;quoting a price for a set of drain rods was read and tabled•
The Clerk of the County setting out the amount of the levy reqyired for the
year 1939,the sum being ~p7627.30;received on motion of the Reeve and DeputyO.
A statement of the amount to be paid by the province and Dominion governments
·.towards unemployment re~ief for the tea;v was received,on motion of Messrs ""arr and
The Financiai statement of the Aurora Ho:t:ticultura.l Society was referreQ, ... i.o: ..
te .l!'inance committee. · · ··1
Mr.Sparks read reoprt /fl of the Finance eollllllittee as fallows; "As certain chan~
es have recently taken place in the Clerks office,this connnittee recowaends as fall~
that the business hours in the clerks office be from 8.30 to 12 .• 30 and from 1.30
to 5.30 on Monday till -"riday of each week,and on Saturdays 8o30 to 1 P.M• commenc-
ing forthwi th.The report was considered in committee;>! on motion of Messrs ·linowles
and Stuart and was adopted,after amendment as printed herein,and the report acceptec
by the council.
Mr.Sparks presented report If 2 of the Finance collllllittee as follows;"In view of.
the continuous increase in the amount of money the municipality is required to borr1
ow from the Banlc from year to year,necessi tated by the non payment of arrears of
ta..'Ces,electric light and water a.ccounts,uncalled notes and preceding overdrafts as
shown in the Financial statement of Dec.l5th .• ult.which accounting shows 0 viz ;arrears!
of taxes i?29530.8.3;electric light $515l.05;water rates 4~1831•99;uncil.:t.led notes
~il5000•0o;overdraft general account $1569.06;respectively,or a total of $52982•93
appnoximately 74% of the total current tax levied for all purposes,therefore this
committee mos.t sincerely recommend as follows;that a. curtailment be made in expend
itures by all comn1ittees in order to reduce the overdraft and uncalled notes• 2
That a definite stand be taken in the collection of arrears of taxes,electric ligh~
and waterworks accounts.3.'fhat an accounting setup be instituted by this collllllittee!
to be approved by the auditor,setting forth the amounts appropriated to the variouJ
collllllittees at the beginning of the year,also define what expenditures are chargabl1
to each comittee and the set up be so kept that each comi ttee will know at the i
) end of each month~exactly the percentage of its appropriation it has expended•4
That no cornrnittee be allowed to exceed its appropriation except in an emergency• ,
The report was considered in comittee and ' . J as· amemded was adopted by council in th1
listed and considered as to the advisability of havinga tax sale and disposing of
same the ovmers and mortgagees of which will receive due notice.Adopted on motion
of Messrs Knowles and Linton.
1fr.Johnson of the Fleury Bissell ,Co.addressed council re the StJohns ambulance
Dr • .noulding· submitted an agreement re the Hockey club from Richardson MacDonal
Advertising service Ltd.to install a sport timer in the arena,
IJ:r.Sparks submitted report # 4 of the Finance co!lllnittee;"Whereas it has been 1
the practice of the treasurer to present to the council each month a statemen.t of I
the finances ,for adoption,wi thout sufficient time to carefully peruse, th,, t in futuJ .. '
re the trellj.surer neet with the Finance com:rni ttee and other melllbers of council if t!
they so desire.,prior to the regul.ar meeting of the coLmcil. to consider and go over!
the statement.2.That in order to gi.ve the treesurer time to get this statement~uJ
where the monthly·meeting might be on the lst.2nd.or 3rd.day of the month.that th~
regular meeting be postponed to the 2nd.Monday on the order of the MayD:n·i.1kt :
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the ·committee recommend the following changes in our existing tax bill; that the ra'
te for :payment of the tax.e'a-on or beforeA:pril 15th•remain as at :present. Tha.t
instead of charging a :penalty in June.and "ug•as at :present,we allow {'discount ..
on the June :payment of l-}%,and on the August :payment of J.%.That the Oct•:payment
be without penalty,on or before the due date and after that date the penalty remai:
as at present.The report was consodered in cornnlittee,amended to its present form,
and adopted by council,on nwtion of IJI:es.srs.stuart and Henderson•
lvTr.Knowles for the w.w.cammittee submitted the following report;"1'hat we have
interviewed approximately fifteen of tl1e :people in arrears ,and they have made
arrangements to pay their current accounts and certain amounts from arrears,and
others have been contacted by letter.A full report will be made at the March .. meet~
ing as to arrangements made.'fue committee would like it ! definitely understood tha~
after the March billing,the bylaw re the cutting off of those not paying current !
billing will be strictly adhered to,and those in arrears cut off' unless arrangeme1
nts have heen made with the committee;,In regard to the keeping of the accounts in
the office it was dec.ided vmth the auditor that1Jwe revert to the old system of
balancing the accounts and that he would set it upo.•'eport adopted on motion of
Mes,srs. Wilson and Sparks;.
The s.gree:,1ent re the arena clock was reviewed and it was decided that the
solicitor should communicate with the company through Dr.Boulding to ensure that
it was not intended that advertising should appear on the outside of the arena,•
on motion of Ji1Iessrs Sparks and Henderson.
STUART SPARKS that Lloyds Pool lioom be instructed that thelllarrears of licence
must be paid forthwith,and application then made for a renewal. Carried•
IUifOWLES SPARKS that the StJohns A:L1bulo.nce association be granted the use of th
room upstairs,one night a week for seven weeks. Carried•
sPARr~ STUART that the town pay two dollars each as part payment for each
volunteer fireman who takes the course in the St•Johns Ambulance corps.~tovm
employees eM:cepted,and that the seal of the corp.be attache(). hereto.; Carried•
STUART PARR whereas a building has been erected on the •uest side of Yonge St.-
G.outh of J3anburys livery,stable,and whereas this building of wooden construction
has been erected without a permit within the fire restricted area;amd whereas thil
building is within four feet of a livery stable on the north side ,and within
about 30 1 of a gasoline station on the south;and whereas this. building is' a fire
menace within the re,Jtricted area, it is recomc:1ended by the fire chief that,,satd·
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building be removed at once.Therefore be it resolved t..h.a.t our solicitor be
req_uest,ed to take the necessary steps to have said building removed as soon as
possible. Carried.
Mr.Linton produced a. letter from l!Irs.-;'ird giving notice of a fall oh the
sidewaL'!c on l!'eb.lOth•a t 7 .45 A.Ivl.and on motion of Messrs Linton and Henderson it
was ordered fil:ed with the insurance company.
STUART lffiliDERSOl'f tr..at the M.O ·R • be requested to inspect a certain house fun
town,as to its suitability for habitation. Carried•
The council adjo uned,on motion of II!Lessrs;,:Viilson and Henderson•
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