MINUTES - Council - 19390206/ ' -~ I I'' I : __ TEE SECOND ]J]J)IETING OF THEl.YfCOUNCIL FOR TKE YEAR 1939 was held in the council room on llronday eve,i!'eb.6th;.with .Mayor Boulding presiding and all the members in attendance. The minutes of .the preceding meeting were adopted as printed on motion of Mr• Sparks and Mr.Renderson;. SPARKS FAR:tt that the ~ction of the mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the payment of the following sums be and the same is hereby con:firmed.and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto; Jan•l4th• J.Buker 7:0008 A.Riggins 14.40e F.C.Da.vis liceRiggins :r..ooe 21st J .Buker 7.ooe A·Higgins 14•400 28th. J.B'Wcer 7.ooe A..Higgins 14.40e Postmaster 7.ooe Febt>4thio J.Buker 7;.ooe A·Higgil]S 14.4oe Jan;.28th& H.E.P.c power :for ~-eo• 2549;.36• Carried• ·' SPARKS BEWDERSON that the following accounts be paid,that the IUa¥Or issue orders on the treasurer Corp~ · for the same and that the seal of the V.A.Rall fees re Court action J .P.A.sh E.J.Reddick Taylor and Son 1'relco Ltd. P.M.Thompson B.G.Whitelaw 0 .D.Hess fire acct .. ice paint wreaths arena w.A..Galbraith gas and oil F.R.Underhill premium adjt. F. W .Caulfield truck repairs C.A..Cook ~etecoal Dept of Health charity insulin J .c .Thomson gas in Jan;. Williamson Bros coal J~F.Willis :fire accti. Coville ':Cransport Bell Phone Ca. 1irs .Rainey trip M.Hawkes F.D.Lacey Sti.ver Bros• coal arena W.G .Trent teaming Ough and Son corporation be attached; 7o00e 2;.50e 2.ooe 75e 4.000 20 ;;ooe l•OOe 5e65El 17;.90e 16o.74e 3o4Ge 25;.008 1.798 17 ;.90e 37o50e 1;.20e 358 180.05e 3e008 lolSfl l2o.50e 3•00e 6c.95e Carried• HENDE11SON KNOV~S that the follwwing accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treas.for the same and Relief Mrs.Rutherford Styles Est;.. w.swnmers IrJrs • "ai tes Mrs .II[cCallunl Styles Est• L.Hadgins A..J .Fer en FoToole F~West Mrs.Chapman J.) Mrs •. rown Mrs Rhinehart Mrs.McLeod Ch. Williamson that the seal of the co shelter Gilpin Pa.trick ll!!aa.ten l!'a.rley. Preston Peters Codlin Haight Stephenson Collett rpebe attached hereto; 4•808 4;.80@ 4io80Ei' 4.80e 4;.80e 4;.8oee 9.60" 4 •808 4~8<b 0 4;.808 4•80"'"5 . 4•808 4.808 4.808 4;.808 r ' '"\ \ ·'-~'-'-'~"'"""-'""""""~' ~~~~~~~~;' Sterling 1'rust Co •• S•Rhu:m.or Mrs.Lloyd F.Hinds Ih-s.lrregory 11frs.starkey A.Bunn J.Preston Med.Ass'n Pattersons F.D.Lacey O.D.Hess 126 X 35 ~akery '· Dominion Stores Knowles and Sons J.F.Morning ·Yorkdale CoOp. Aurora ueneral Store G.F.Grinyer Saanlona F.Morris J.F.Willis Percy Lloyd Cousins Dairy C.A;.Cook B.F.Davis Highland Oil Williamson Bros w.watson F.Rovrland Stiver Dros Ough and :.:lon F.W.l'easdale Aurora JJairy a shelter .l!'ortier E.Ellis Belfry Swanson Smith w.starkey M.Preston food fuel clothing fuel food 4io806 4.80eB 6o80e 4e80e 4;,806 lh80E!O 2~40EB 2;.406 44.10006 21~956 2lo0le 75& 5lo44e 31.156 506 11•576 187~596 14;.146 3o97e 460.786 25a 2o.406 14.o48e · 14:.406 33o6oa 4•806 9 .60'1 906 1;.986 81.606 256 46.026 45•876 carried• LINTON FARR that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the tresurer E.L. for the same and that 1he I!ITapl§ Leaf Stationers Can. en.oElectric Can;.:ta.ao •J.amps W.F.Evans J.C;Bodflflsh T.K.Fice Bell ~one Co~pany Post Office stampa seal of the corp,be supplies attached hereto; 12;.75'' 7&< .. 35 .99> 1;.10<' 8o57" 1.7&' 2o504 16o.Oo'; Carried.o KlTOWLES LINTON that the following accounts be paid~that the mayor iissue orders on the treas.for the same and that the seal of the corpobe attached hereto; w.w. Bell Phone Co. 5.00·• Carried;. STUART KNOWLES that the council go on record,expressing their sincere regret in the. passing of two of Auroras outstanding citizens,in the presomi of ex-mayor Taylo~ and Dr.W.J.Stevenson~Medical Officer of health for many years,and we extend our sympathy to the bereaved families in their great sorrow• The mayor asked that this resolution be adopted by all atanding for one minute of silence• Adopted. Jh-.Sparks for the Finance aownittee asked all conm1ittees to cooperate ~y getting thelir estimates in at a ve_ry early date and practise rigid economy in aomputi:qg• Dr.uenderson for the Relief OoL'lmittee reported ,11 -·uring the month the com;nittee _, have met on the Friday evenings to consider any ma.tters to properly come before it. Two applicationa have been withheld and six granted•The number on relief at present ia 126,of whom three are aingle,29 heads of familiea and 94 depend,E:)J:lts., /- 3 The report was adopted on motion of Mess.rs.Stuart and Linton• Mr•Linton for the E.L.COI!llhbrought in the following recommendations;Thatb the domestic meters be read d .. uring the last week of each. month;that we extend our lines on Centre Stt> to the end of the street in order to connect with lli!r .Komar's drive;1'hat the clerk refus.e to accept payment of any account at the discounted rate that is in arrears at the timeO. KNOWLES HENDERSO'; that the report of the E.L.Committee be hereby accepted,and that the seal of the corp•be attached hereto• Carried• Mr.Wilson for the Property committee recommended,"that the offer made by St•And;.. rews College for tne use of the arena. for their hockey teams,pra.ctise,during week day afternoons at the rate of $3;.00 for the first hour and $1.00 for subseCJ.uent hours be accepted•The report was adopted on motion 66 Messrs Knowles & Farrt> Mr.;;;tuart for the Fire committee reported the followingitems as needed by the Erigadet>:!ll cannister Type D.G. If 4iV1 907;6 petch coats:;6 pro.boots;l foamote exting;.. uisher ifv4 x 1036;1 gas mask # 4M 1504;3 helniets,#4 M 2533;2 front tires for fire truck;2 ground grip heavy duty tires for rear;4 heavy duty tubes;approximate cost $283 .. 83;that the firemen be supplied with buzzers in their houses where reCJ.uired under the direction of Mr.Howe,Chief of the Erigadet> KNOWLES LINTOH that the report of the Fire Committee be hereby accepted,and tha1 the tires for the truclt be purchased by tender locally,as :per specifications,and that the balance of the report re peplacements and supplies be also adopted,and tha the seal of the corporation be attached heretot> Carried. Mr.Farr for the streets comraittee reported the following detail of work done; ,...~anast .. 4 men flooding rink;2nd•2 raen cleaning arena.,4 men night and day flooding;! 3rd•2 men 4 hrs.cleaning arena,4.men night shift,6 men cleaning snow 32 loads & cleaning sidewalks;4tht>6 men cleaning snow,4 men arena,2.night men flooding;5tho6 men cleaning snow,2 letting off water,two arena;6tho5 men cleaning snow,2 men arena little tank disposal tank :pumped out;7tho4 men 4 hours sanding sidewalk,2 men cleaning ice off sidewa1k;8 th 2 men taking water off ice at night;Stht.5 men cleanil . , ' ice and snow Yonge Sto.2 men at arena;lOth•5 men cleaning ice and snow Yonge Stt.4 men taking water off ice;lltho5 men cleaning snow and ice,2 men night flooding aren~ 12th•4 men fixing wire on bridge,3 men cleaning up brush on Temp.'='t•hill;sanding sidewalk;l3tho4 men cleaning ice fran curk Yonge Stt>;14tho2 men cleaning sidewalk, 3 men clea.ning arena;15tho4 men flooding night and day;l6thio4 men cleaning snow from Yonge Sta5 men arena,2 on night shift;17th.6 men cleaning snow Yonge Sto5 men at arena 2 night shift;18th.5 men cleaning snow Yonge Sy•5 men at arena,two night sll. t ena,2 night shifto 5 men a ar shift;19th. 4 m en sanding,cleaning up snow and la;U.-. -·· · ·· · :;i .. 4 20th. 2 men opening catch basins,4 men arena,2 night shift;2lst•2 men sanding sidewa.lk~3 men areaa a night ahift;22nd.5 men sanding sidewalk,5 at arena,2 night shift;23rdo5 men snow and sanding,5 men at rink; 24tho4 men snow and sanding,5 men at rink;25tho 5 men cleaning sidewalks,5 men at rink;26th 4 men cleaning walkst5 ·at rink;2!$th• 3 men sidevvalks,five at rink;28the 2 men sanding,5 at rink; 29th 2 men flooding night;30tho5 men cleaning snow and sanding~5 men at rink;3lsto3 men rlloving snow,2 cleaning sidew lks.5 at rink,2 men with team and grader,Pixed leak ( at Dispo..b'la.nteXhe report was adoptede ) KNOWLES WILSON tha.t this council view the tree in front of Mrs;. ergusons property -1' Kennedy St•and others against which complaints he.ve been received ,and submit a repo rt to the next regular meeting of council. Carried. Mr.C .w .Jil[ulloy asked that Centre St. in the rear of his and his neighbors prop erty be cleaned of brushe Mr•nodgkinson for the Horticultural Society asked for a generous grant,and his ppeal was referred tot he Finance Committee.Mr.Stuart asked that a copy of the last yealijs financial statement ac company all requests for grants and MroHodkinson agree· to have the Societys report tabled without delay• STUAtl.T FARR that members of council receive notice of all meetings of council three legal days in advance by poat,except in case of emergenc:y,when a quorum of council called together by phone shallbe sufficient notice. Carrmede The &roposed Highways standard agreement was considered and was referred to the solicitor and the clerk instructed to notify the Dept•that the matter w as under consideration.on motion of Messrs Wilson and Knowles• A letter from the StJohns Ambulance Association vms read and the mayor named Messrs Stuart,.winton and Sparks to go into the matter with Mr.johnson and other interested parties. The Solicitor informed council that in view of a burst main,there vms no liab- ility over the heater referred to at a previous council meeting. The Budget and request from the Libra_ry Board vms handed to the Finance co1nm• on motion of Messrs Stuart and Linton. A letter from the Bel]; Phone Co.asking for consideration of their standard < agreement for joint use of poles was referred to the solicitor and the E.L.Collllllittee on motion of Messrs Henderson and Sparks• KNOWLES STUART that M:r •• Jas.Goulding town foreman,be hereby appointed Weed Inspe~ I tor,in accordance with the Ont.Weed.Inspect.ion Act. Carried. An appeal from the Hospital for Sick Children was filed,on motion of Messrs S tuart and Henders.on. / ( 5 '' request from Port Arthur vouncil that we endorse a resolution re the l·Kunicipal Employees Pension Act.vvas referred to the solicitor~on motion of Messrs l!'arr and Sparks• A similar request from the hlaster ~akers hssociation was referred to the Bylaws committee on motion of Iv~ssrs ••nowles and lienderson for a report at the 1 '. March meeting• The thanks for the remembrances by council in their bereaveaent was read,frolli the daughters of the late Dr.Stevenson and Mr s.C.Taylor;.and ordered filed,on motion of Messrs Sparks and Stuarto. was handed to the relief Co A letter from Mrs;.Haight wasread asking for more relief,and one from the Salva:.tion Army asking a grant for their home was handed to the Finance committee on liwtion of Messrs: Stuart and Hendersono. 1'he ""rov. ept .. of ''ealth wrote regarding the danger of anthrax from certain A type so f shaving brush.referred to the Board of Health,wi th instructions to hand it at once to JI!U:-.P.M.Thompson~a member of the Boa.rd;raotion of MJ:-Stuart & Mr Vfilso! Messrs Arnoldi Parry and Campbell re arrears of :WirsoKillingsworth.on motion of llitessrs ">nowles and Wilson tllis,and similar accounts were ordered handed to the solicitor for action if deemed possible. lir•''eith ...,avis tendered his resignation as Assistant in the office~to take effect on the fifteenth or at the end of month at the pleasy:re of the counci11t ·On motion of Messrs: Sparks: and Stuart the resignation was accepted as of the 15th KNOWLES STUART that the finance committee be requested to entertain the advis:abi li ty of the· suggestion that the discount rate for the prepayment of taxes be in• creased,a.nd also that the penalty of -~-of 1% on two mlimthly dates be suspended• Carried• .i.lr.genderson introduced a Bylaw to al)J!Oint a. member of the H.S.Board to fill -n out. the unexpired portion of the term of the late Dr.Stevenson.'.l:he Bylaw was give1:1 its several readings and passed,appointing Mr.A.]JI.Kirkwood to the vacancy. ·A Bylaw to appoint a 1fediaal Offic.er of Health was introduced by MreSparks• l!r.Boulding tendered his resignation as mayor to become an applicant for the pos- ition and reviewed briefly his association with the municipal life of the town• lvi:r.l'nowles took the chair• FARH LINTON that the resignation of Dr.Eoulding as ~la.yor of the town of Aurora be a.ccepted as written<t1'"r.oStuart asked that the yeas and nays be recorded and on the completion of the poll by the clerk he announced all recorded as voting yea• The Bylaw was given its first reading;. The sec·ond reading was proceeded with in committee,Mr • .ii'arr in the chair. / ; 6 The conm1ittee rose and reported the Blanl's filled with the name of Dr C.R. Boulding and the salary e .. ttached $27u.oo. The council accepted the report of the Committee• The '"'ylaw was given its third reading and .i~l,i¢')i;.Mr.>:>tuart called for a recorded vote on the adoption.The vote as recorded was Mr.ICnowles yea,II'IJ:o•Farr nay,Dr;.H:endo. h erson yea~Mr.Linton nay.Mr.Sparks nay,Er.Stua.rt yea,MreWilaon yea;,The clerk announ ced the result and the acting mayor declared the third reading of the Dylaw carried, S'rUART LINTON that one hunclred dollars be granted to the Public Library Board being part of their grant for the year 1939~and that the seal of the corporation be atta.ched hereto. Carried• sPA.I.uw LINTOl'f that the clerk be instructed 31nd authorised to advertise and hold a nomination to fill the vacancy at the head of the council;on the fourteenth day of .!rebruary~in the Mechanics .d.all,at the hour of 7•30 P.IIi!:.and if an election is found necessary,that the same be held on the twenty first day of .i!'eb.l939,at the same hours and with the same Polling llooths and Ufficers as in the last preceding 1\iiUnicipal election. Carried;. SPARKS WILSOl\f that the Reeve be empowered and authorised to sign cheques as the head of the Council until the election and declaration of office of the next mayor and that all Banks be instructed accordingly,and the seal of the corporation att ached hereto• Carried• SPARKS STUART that three electric heaters similar to the National Electric # 1718 ,100 watt,240 volt in the clerks office,be purchased and installed in the .i!'iremens quarters,for heating the same,providing the electric equipment is suff,;. icient to carry the load,and if not a suitable system be installed if possible, and that the seal of the corporation be attached hereto. Carried• The council adjohlll'ned,at 12>30 A.M. on motion of iiiaesrs Sparks and Henderson• ~~ Mayor. ".'"C;'.""